The Itch Part 2 (FM)

Erica woke up early as always, leaving enough time for her to attempt to satisfy herself before work.

After a half hour of working her fingers she decided to shower and get dressed. She decided on a longer skirt, not wanting the events of the day before to repeat.

Once she entered she immediately saw her boss and star of her fantasies waiting by the front desk.

"Erica!" He said, sounding relieved. "I'm glad you came in early. I know I asked that you stay later, but I need you to focus on some paperwork for a new business deal, I'll ask Janice to take over your current work. You can use the secretary office in front of mine if you need."

The thought of John "needing" Erica was nearly enough to make her squeal by itself, not to mention the closer position even if temporary.

"Yes sir." She said dutifully, hiding her excitement.

She spent the next hour setting up the small office space, getting to work on the important yet trivial paperwork assigned to her.

Time passed as she worked, constantly her mind wandered to the man only a few yards behind her, she tried to ignore it but her panties continued to grow wet as time moved on.

Unable to resist she decided to excuse herself to the supply closet nearby. Quickly locking the door, she pulled down her panties and began rubbing herself, thinking of being caught by her boss and being taken on the floor of the cluttered closet.

She bit her lip as she felt an orgasm approach, and just as she was ready to let it flow out she was startled by a loud pounding on the door.

She pulled her panties back up to her quivering lips as she unlocked and opened the door.

Behind it was another employee, whom she never bothered to know. After apologizing she reluctantly returned to her borrowed office.

As she entered she noticed the door to John's office was opened behind her desk. Not sure what she may see, she decided to peek.

She covered her mouth to avoid gasping. Inside the office John sat in front of his desk, eyes closed as he held his hard member, stroking it as if no one could possibly see. Fortunately for Erica, the layout of the office allowed her a very clear view.

The edged orgasm from before was given a new chance, and quickly and suddenly erupted inside her. Without a chance of stopping it a loud moan escaped her lips, causing John to jump in his seat.

Their eyes met, instantly realizing the situation. Erica could feel her juices flow down her legs, and at the same time she could see that in another moment John would have a mess of his own.

(A bit of a cliff hanger sorry, but im still thinking of how I want to write the following scene.)
