Industrial relations- Part 3 [MF, HUML, ANAL]

Helen was shocked at how much could be accomplished in a few hours. In the few hours before the factory floor staff finished work, Peter went from work station to work station making an appraisal of both the machinery and the person operating with it. Occasionally he spoke to the machine operator, though Helen found that was only when the operator looked competent at what he was doing. She noted sadly that usually he just ignored whoever was at the machine, as if he wasn’t worth conversing with.

He made some initial changes to machine settings, and checked what each machine was manufacturing with a small micrometer he had with him. He made hurried notes in a pad and while ignoring Helen. She didn’t ask any questions just simply followed and watched.

The factory finished production at 5 O’ clock, the workers shuffled off the floor wishing Helen a good evening as they passed her. A few minutes past 5 and Helen and Peter were alone on the floor.

“What do you think?” she asked finally.

Peter couldn’t help but notice that there was more emotion in her voice now, than when he’d been sodomizing her a few hours earlier. “The machinery is still functional for now” he said looking around “it won’t be for long, as well as not being calibrated, much of it hasn’t been serviced correctly. He saw her face tighten “that can be fixed” he said “I’ll calibrate the machinery” he said somewhat reluctantly “I’ll also write procedures for the servicing and supervise it getting done at least once” he shook his head frustrated “there’s a few of the staff I can work with, but not many”

Over the next twenty minutes he outlined the changes that needed to happen. Occasionally she asked a question or raised an issue, but generally he saw she was accepting everything he said. In a way he found it gratifying. The management culture in his own company didn’t particularly welcome suggestions; any suggestion of change was often seen as a criticism of the person who was overseeing the existing system. That Helen obviously trusted his professional ability pleased him.

He didn’t however forget the circumstances of their arrangement. He wondered whether she was having second thoughts. He gave her a few minutes to take in what he’d said to her, and then moved in close to her. He considered for a minute kissing her, he didn’t know how he’d feel about that. It was odd that he was more comfortable sodomizing her than kissing her. He reached down and started to hike up her skirt. She stood there passive. Even though he had her knickers in his pocket it still slightly surprised him to find her bare arsed under the skirt.

He maneuvered her back a few steps and then bent her over a machine. He considered fucking her from the front this time, but then decided he’d feel more comfortable if he took her from behind again. He was hard as he took his cock out. He had worried for a moment that he might not manage it again so soon.

He rubbed his hands down between her legs and into her cunt. It was dry again, and then he remembered about the lubricant she’d put on early. “Do you want to put on the lubricant again” he asked.

She stood up and looked around for her purse, he skirt fell to the ground and Peter felt slightly uncomfortable standing there with his cock in his hand. She found her purse and pulled the small bottle of lubricant out. She hiked her skirt up and peter watched as she bent down and worked some into her asshole.

“I’m going to fuck your cunt” this time Peter said. Thinking she’d prefer it to having to take it in her ass again.

“You can if you want” she said looking back at him “but I’d prefer if you used my ass again”

Peter was surprised but then she continued, “your cocks already been up my ass today, it’s not really a great idea to take something out of a person ass and put it in her cunt”

Peter looked down at his cock, her statement of fact threatened to affect his hard on. The he watched her pull her cheeks apart and at the reappearance of her asshole, blood surged back to his cock.

Fucking her this second time was much easier than before, whether it was his cock or her asshole that had made the adjustment. He thought he might have misjudged and thrust too hard initially, as he heard her gasp, when he shoved the entire length of his cock into her. He slowed his thrusts after that, which he found improved the pleasure for him and he hoped reduced the discomfort for her. It felt as good the second time if not better, which again surprised him, perhaps this was something he could get too used to.

He fucked her in long slow thrusts, pulling his cock out as far as the head then thrusting forward until his entire length was inside her and his balls rubbed against her. ‘Balls deep’ he thought, like in a porn movie but not something that he’d ever expected to experience for himself.

He felt her internally push against his cock, as if she was trying to force it out. She had done it the first time and it had indirectly caused him to cum, this time however he was able to enjoy the experience. He tried to hold back his approaching orgasm, but then he looked down and could hear from her breathing and see from the way her knuckles were going white from gripping the machine, that at best she was uncomfortable and at worse she was in pain.

He felt it was unfair to prolong it for her, the next time he felt his orgasm start to arrive, he let it flow over him. He ejaculated while his cock was at its deepest point. He held himself in her for a few moments after he emptied himself, and then pulled out.

As before he kept her in place and watched her asshole as it retook its shape, although this time there was no sign of any of his cum working out of her. He put his cock away and then motioned that she could get up.

“I’m not heading back today” he said. She nodded and then he continued “I’ll book myself into a hotel, I’ll make a few notes and we can talk tomorrow. Will there be anyone here tomorrow?”He asked

“I’ll make sure there won’t be” she said “ the staff won’t be back till Monday” she paused a moment before she spoke again “if you’re going to train the staff you’ll need to come back after this weekend to do it” she said it as a statement.

“I’ll do my part” he said “so long as you continue to do yours”



  1. This is the third part and I think at this stage I need to reassess where the story is going, so future installments may take a little longer. As I mentioned in the comments to the previous parts I want to start to introduce more characters. Also I want to start explaining more about Helen’s motivations and just why she’s making the decisions she is. It is important for that the plot makes sense and that the characters act in a consistent and logical way. As always I welcome any comments and questions people might have. As before I welcome any comments

  2. One of my favorite stories here so far. I have been looking forward to the next part for a while now. In common parlance, Moar!!

  3. I haven’t written anything in a while. like I mentioned below the addition of the new characters is taxing my writing ability. Plus I need to advance the plot beyond Helen constantly getting fucked in the arse.

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