All she needed from them was their bodies. [mF]

It was surprisingly easy to screen those guys. It only took one question, right after the "I won't fuck without condoms and dams, not up to negotiation"… A very simple "Are you willing to be tied up?".

And it didn't take overly complicated kinbaku, either, just a simple tie around the wrists, or a pair of handcuffs. Of course, if the mood struck, kinbaku was also an option. But mainly, once a man replied affirmatively to her little question, she knew she could start talking seriously.

They were always down for it. She could always talk them into the drill. Every bit of it. That simple reply, that "yes" made her smile, inhale and bite her lip.

The procedure was always the same; explain her style of domination, her requirements, lay down how the guy would only be an object. A toy. That always excited them. Some just wanted to experiment, so "toy" sounded harmless enough, and some were so deeply into submission, the word "toy" sounded deep enough.

She then got into detail about the kind of things she'd say, both because she wanted to be very clear and allow no doubt about the kind of things she'd call the guy, and because she got preemptively wet by repeating those words. It was not always the same sequence of actions and positions, though there were patterns. There's always a pattern. She'd come up with the sequence for the scene and lay it down. She said she liked to keep full control and she meant it.

She knew the swinger hotel to go to, she always went there whenever her friends, a lovingly nasty couple, went there too for some regular swinger fun.

She'd meet the subject (she referred to them simply as "cock"), command him in front of the couple and whichever other guest was around, and then have the cock crawl up to the room, followed by her strutting and giggling self, happy to feel that exhilaration starting.

Up in the room, she'd tie the cock's wrists up before closing the door, then start the fire with some body worshipping, most likely legs, thighs, hips.

Once she was as wet as she wanted, she'd lay the man down on the bed. That's when the fun really begun; she was free to dance, strip, sing, tease, giggle, yell, whisper, grab, rub, pull, yank, slap herself and the cock while going over her speech, which she never memorized. It just came to her. It was always about how that cock was just an object, a mere toy, nothing but a thing, nothing but a game, and never up to His level.

Yes, she capitalized it in her mind.

Everything about Him was superior to the lowly (but lucky) cock. She was just fucking his body. This made a couple of them cum very hard, too soon. After all, she had posted her request filed under "men looknig for action with a married woman". All of them were into cheating. "After all, it is cheating, technically" she thought. She loved to cum riding the cock cowgirl style, to watch his face as she came digging her nails on his skin, yelling His nickname, at least twice in a row until the poor cock was drained of his all his sweat and cum. Every time, she'd leave him tied up to get one last little bit of dominance. There was a clerk tasked with freeing the poor sap some time after she had left the hotel.

She went straight home every time, greeted Him with a sweet, tinkering voice, hugged him, kissed him and rode his leg. He then asked how it went. She giggled every time with authentic glee and started describing the scene, rubbing her sex all over His thigh, playing with His nipples, moaning, kissing His jaw, His earlobe, adoring Him, offering Him the details of her affair. He didn't like to be present, for it made it all the more exciting if they were hers and hers alone, not even images for Him. She squeezed her thighs together and rode faster and faster as she approched the description of her climax, using the cock and thinking of Him. She came the hardest then, and only once. And she only needed that one. She'd shower Him in kisses then, fill His ears with loving words, lay Him down in bed and curl up next to him, drifting into sleep in a peaceful and quiet happiness.

Years before, cancer struck Him, and He had to give up His manhood -all of it, prostate included- for a chance of survival. His nipples were His only erogenous zone left, outside of His brain (His brain was what conquered her, in the first place). They soon came up with an arrangement that satisfied them both. It wasn't the cocks, or the teasing, or the adventure which meant the most to her, it was His consent. The one thing He could still give her over and over.


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