Story of a Petite Virgin – Part1 [mf][bd]

What follows is one of the earliest stories I ever wrote. I was a virgin when I wrote it and it's based on a fantasy I had in my early teens. The bondage is pretty light, bordering on vanilla, but I hope you enjoy it anyway. -anony

Part 2

Jay and Anna are drunk. Not sloppy, can't stand up drunk, but the "finished a bottle of Merlot instead of corking it" kind of drunk. Jay had fixed a sumptuous meal of chicken parmesan which they ate in Jay's apartment by candle light. It was their six-month anniversary and they wanted to celebrate.

"You know what I haven't done in years?" Anna asked rhetorically.


"Play truth or dare."

"Uh huh," Jay said guardedly. "And it will be a while longer before you play it again."

"Aww, come on, it'll be fun."

"Nothing good will come of it. I know couples who have broken up because of that game."

"Oh please, that won't happen to us. Besides," she said seductively, "just think about what you could make me do if I chose ‘dare'." A few thoughts did occur to him, but he still wasn't sure. "I'll even go first, if you want."

"Okay, but I reserve the right to refuse any really outrageous requests."

"Naturally. Same here."

"Okay then, truth or dare?"

"Dare," she said with a grin.

"Have sex with me."

"Jay, we've been over this – I'm waiting until I'm married. Pick something else."

"Fine then, take off your shirt," he said lasciviously.

"That's more like it," Anna said. She pulled her baby doll t-shirt over her head and tossed it into the living room. She was wearing a black lace bra over her pert b-cup breasts. They were not large by Jay's standards, but they seemed to fit her petite frame. "Now it's your turn," she said. "Truth or dare?"


"How many girls have you slept with?"

"Are you sure you want to know that?" he said defensively. "Ask me something else," he suggested.

"No, I do want to know. I'm not going to be mad at you. It's just that you've always avoided the question in the past."

"There's a good reason for that – I made a rule with myself not to talk about ex-girlfriends."

"I know that. I'm not asking for details, just a number – that's all."

"I don't know, Anna. You're sure you're not going to be mad? This was before I met you."

"I know, I know. I promise not to get mad."

"Okay," he said reluctantly, "Four – two in high school, one my freshman year of college, and one my sophomore year."

"Okay, thanks for telling me." That was easier than he expected.

"Your turn again: truth or dare?"

"This time I'll go with ‘truth' – I'd like to keep the rest of my clothes on for now."

"Suit yourself." Jay had to think for a minute to come up with a good one. "Okay, do you ever masturbate?" Anna's face turned bright red. She didn't even have to say anything – he already knew the answer. "I'll take that as a yes," he said with a chuckle. "Do you think of me when you do it?"

"If you want to know, you'll have to wait for your next turn," she said defiantly. "Truth or dare?"


"Okay, let me think about this one… How shall I get back at you?" she said. After a few seconds she had a good one. "Alright, you have to strip down to your underwear and let me tie you up."

Jay laughed. "Why do you want to do that?"

"Because, silly, you can't get out unless I choose ‘dare'."

"I don't know, that kind of sounds like a two-parter to me." He had to admit that the thought of being tied up was pretty kinky, too. "But I guess I'll do it. I'll go get some rope." After a minute he returned with some soft rope that would hold him fairly well without digging into his skin. A few minutes later and he was sitting in his chair naked except for his boxers with his hands tied behind his back and his legs tied to the chair.

"Okay, now it's my turn. Truth or dare?"


"So do you think about me when you pleasure yourself?"

"Yes, I do," she said calmly. She was starting to think about him now. Maybe it was the wine, but she couldn't stop thinking about his hard cock.

"What do you think about?"

"Your cock. Inside me. Making me a woman." She was momentarily lost in her fantasy: he was taking her on their wedding night, fucking her with his big hard penis, making her cum again and again. Her cheeks were flushed and she was breathing just a little heavier. She was visibly getting aroused by their little game. Finally she snapped out of it and saw him leering at her. "Anyway… It's your turn again. Truth or dare?"


"Okay mister smarty-pants," she said, feeling a bit defensive, "do you think of me when you are jacking off?"

"Shouldn't you ask IF I jack off first?"

"I don't have to ask," she said with a sly grin.

"Fair enough. Yes, I do think about you and I'll save you the trouble of asking your next question. I think about picking you up in my arms then laying you down on the bed. I pull all of you clothes off then I get on top of you, dominating you. I slowly ease my big cock inside you, filling you up and stretching you out. You wrap your legs around me, begging me to fuck you harder until we both cum." His words are making her wet as she imagines herself in his fantasy. He lets her revel in the imagery for a few moments before disturbing her.

"Anna, it's your turn again. Truth or dare?"


He already knew what he would choose. He could ask her to untie him, but he'd rather have fun with the situation first. "I want you to sit on my lap and play with my nipples."

Anna stood up and walked over to him then sat on his lap, wearing only her jeans and bra. Anna's body was so small, he easily held her weight with his legs. Anna may have been a virgin, but Jay had trained her how to touch him with her small delicate hands.

Anna gently rubbed his nipples until they were hard points on his sculpted chest. His boxers were bulging tightly from his erection now. Carefully balancing herself, Anna leaned down and licked and sucked on his nipple. Jay could smell the peaches-and-cream shampoo she used on her short black hair.

After a few minutes, he couldn't take it any longer. It felt so good, but he had to have more or he would go insane. "Okay, that's enough." Anna just shook her head, his nipple still in her mouth (which felt incredible). "You can stop now," he said desperately. "It's your turn to ask me truth or dare." Instead of stopping, she reached over and rubbed his other nipple while she continued to suck the other one.

"Oh, that's good," he moaned. His body was as aroused as it had ever been. Rational, civilized thought was impossible and all that was left was his overwhelming need for Anna's body. The part of his brain that respected Anna's wish to remain a virgin was silent, drowned in the flood of sensations and hormones flowing through his body.

Finally, Anna stopped her assault. She stood up in front of him. Without a word, she unbuttoned her tight jeans and pushed them down to her ankles. Anna had amazing runner's legs – long and lean, tanned from her regular runs.

She was now standing in just her black lace bra and a black thong. It was then that she started to dance, slowly swaying her hips and running her hands over her body. In her mind, she was dancing to Goldfrapp's "Oh la la" and its driving bass line.

She looked right at him as she pulled the straps of her bra off her shoulders. Turning away from him, she reached behind her back and un-clipped her bra. She let the bra slip of her arms then tossed it back towards him. Covering her nipples with one arm, she turned back towards him and continued to dance.

Jay willed her to take her arm away so he could see her nipples, but she just kept teasing him. Anna ran her hand down her body to her hips, then forward over her tummy to her crotch. Anna let out a low moan as she rubbed her clit through her thong. Anna couldn't remember the last time she was this turned on – she was already on the verge of coming.

Anna turned away from Jay and reluctantly stopped pleasuring herself. She moved both hands to her breasts and turned around yet again. Getting right in his face, she squeezed her breasts, mashing them together and rubbing her sensitive nipples. Very slowly, she pulled her hands aside, revealing her dark little nipples, tantalizingly just out of reach.

Anna raised both hands over her head, crossing them at the wrists, so her pert little breasts stood out from her chest. Jay watched as his petite virgin girlfriend danced for him, showing off her amazing body. Her striptease was the sexiest thing he had ever seen and she now wore only her tiny thong as she danced mere inches from him.

Jay's eyes followed her hands as they gracefully fell to her hips. As Anna continued to dance, her hands began slowly pushing the sides of her panties down. Anna bent at the waist, letting her breasts hang free as she pushed the panties down to her knees. Finally, she let them fall to the floor and stepped out of them.

Jay had seen her naked before, but the sight of her standing confidently before him took his breath away. "You are so beautiful," he whispered reverently as he took her in: her small, sexy feet; her sculpted calves and thighs; her neatly trimmed bush; her flat, toned abs; her pert breasts; her lovely neck; her short dark hair; her seductive smile; her bright blue eyes. She was perfect. He had never wanted a woman so much in his life.

She leaned forward to let Jay kiss each nipple in turn. Jay sneakily let her get well within reach then leaned forward and sucked her nipple inside his mouth. The sudden, pleasurable sensation of his mouth on the sensitive tip of her nipple turned her legs to jello. She had to grab his shoulders to keep from falling on top of him. Jay used the opportunity to take her entire nipple and areole into his mouth.

"Oh," Anna moaned. Jay's tongue traced smaller and smaller circles around her nipple until he was licking and sucking the sensitive tip. He sent lightning bolts of pleasure through her when he oh-so-gently nibbled on her flesh. Anna could feel herself getting wetter and wetter. He was making her dangerously horny, but she couldn't – wouldn't – make him stop. Her hands reflexively kneaded his muscular shoulders as he sucked on her breast.

At long last, but too soon, Jay gave her nipple one last kiss and was done. After a few seconds, Anna recovered and stood up. "Promise me you will do that again later," she pleaded.

"That and more," he said with a wolfish grin.

Anna thought about what "more" could mean. She craved having his cock inside her, but she was conflicted by her desire to stay a virgin. Maybe she would have him lick her – he had introduced her to that pleasure a few weeks ago and she couldn't get enough. She didn't have anyone else to compare him to, but by the way he made her feel, she knew he was very, very good.

"I believe it's your turn again. Truth or dare?" she asked.

"Dare." He didn't know where this was going, but "dare" seemed to be the quickest route.

"I want you to get naked, too." Her words sent a thrill through him. He hadn't been completely naked with another naked woman in a long time. Anna had always insisted that one of them stay partially clothed so they wouldn't be tempted in a moment of passion to go too far. There was just one problem with her dare.

"Uh, that's going to be hard with me all tied up."

"That's okay, I'll help you." Carefully keeping her legs together, Anna kneeled before him and started pulling his boxers down. Jay lifted his butt off the seat as best he could to help her. After some gentle tugging, she got the elastic in back out from under him. The elastic on top came much easier. When she pulled the boxers down, Jay's erection sprung up from under the waistband.

It was cruel to tease him this way, but she couldn't help but reach out and grab his swollen member. Her touch made him gasp. His skin was hot to the touch and she could feel him throbbing with each rapid beat of his heart. Ever so gently, she stroked her hand up and down his shaft.

There was still a part of her that thought "This is wrong. You shouldn't be touching a boy this way," but instead of stopping her, it only aroused her more. Soon after she started dating Jay, Anna had realized she enjoyed being adventurous, trying new experiences, pushing the limits. About the only limit she retained from her strict upbringing was her desire to remain a virgin until marriage. Although, tonight she was being tempted to break even this prohibition.

Jay's powerful body kept tensing and relaxing as she stroked his penis. Anna loved how much fun it was for her, a petite little brunette, to have sexual powers over her big, strong Jay. She could control him through the pleasure she gave, or didn't give, her lover. She knew that the ability to take or give at will was a powerful means of control, she just hadn't decided how to use it yet.

Part 2

Edit: Added links to part 2



  1. Part 2 may take a little bit. Reddit is being a whiny bitch about this new user trying to post multiple times from a cell phone and as a result has blocked me from posting for a while. I’ll edit with a link to the second part once it’s posted.

  2. That’s a nice start! Sweet friendly sex activity….I look forward to part 2, as and when….thank you for posting…

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