Movie & Friend [MF][Oral][Vaginal][Vanilla]

Movie & Friend Tags: Vanilla, Childhood friend, Blowjob

" Jason! Wanna come with me home and watch a movie?" "Sure!" I replied. Amy wore our school uniform, but with a twist. The one she was wearing was a black button-up shirt and a red skirt, of course being the usual Amy she decided to go with black Thigh High stockings and a pony-tail.
"Damn, she looks great today!" I thought to my self.

Being the good childhood friend (8 years and still going strong in our friendship.) I am, you can guess the outcome. Of course I said yes.

Although I have romantic feelings for her I still don't want to let her go as my friend., I'm pretty sure she only sees me as a friend and nothing else but a friend. "Great, I'll see you at six. My place" Amy said with a smile on her face went to her seat. I don't recall that we talked for the rest of the day, but hey. She looked nervous when she said that.

Finally home, I stripped down and prepared for a hot and steamy shower. While in the shower I thought of all possible erotic scenarios that could happen while at Amy's. Trust me. Thoughts from catching her naked, showering or seeing a glimpse of body to actually having sex with her. I got out of the shower and chose to wear a casual outfit, grey sweatpants and a blue T-Shirt.

A hour after preparing myself I got to her place. Amy greeted me at her door and gave me a gesture to come in. She still wore her school uniform and her Thigh High stockings. But she let her hair down. "So much for a ponytail" I thought.

I had taken a seat on the couch, she popped in a random movie and sat herself next to me, she smelled of raspberries. Must be another brand of shampoo.

The movie began with a sunset confession scene followed by a re-wind to an earlier moment.

At first I thought it was a action movie because that is what friends usually watch together, right? No, I was wrong. It was a romance movie.

A…very arousing scene began, the girl kissed the boy and they went and had sex. Every second of it I felt more and more awkward to be around her so I tried to think of other things to get my mind of it.

For some reason I focused on the erotic stuff on-screen instead of thinking of other things. She noticed the rising lump in my pants and said.

"What's this?!"

I was so damned embarrassed, but I didn't want to lie.

"I have a boner"

Her face became tomato red out of embarrassment. Her hands moved closer towards my pants and I …didn't react at all. Amy continued to undo my pants and only my underpants remained. Plus a huge tent inside my underpants. I couldn't feel anything touching my body, then I opened up my eyes and saw her lying there….staring at the tent in my underpants.

She continued to stare for ten seconds, said something I didn't hear over my heart beating and my brain saying "Oh my god, this is totally not happening" and the continued to undo the rest of the fabric on my body.

My penis was free and "active", Amy looked at it, gave a deep stare and licked her lips. The ten seconds after that moment was a blur.

I felt something wet on the tip and opened my eyes. I still couldn't believe what happened earlier, no way I could believe what happened now. Amy put more than the tip in her mouth. Amy looks up at me, our eyes meet. She laughs and lifts some hanging hair behind her ear.

Yes, I do love it when people do that in porno's. Never guessed that would happen in real life, Amy being the one doing it. Amy's tongue went up and down my shaft and much more. She swirled her tongue around the tip of my dick and continued down my dick and continue She inserted my fully erect cock inside her mouth.
Amy worked her way down it, she went back up again to lick the tip after each centimeter inserted in her mouth. As far as I know she's the hottest girl at school, well endowed but she's never been with another guy. Yet, how can she blow me with a perfect technique? Her technique is awesome, enough of everything to make it right. Enough tongue, enough teeth and enough throat.

I was at my limit, about to shoot all my semen into her mouth. Amy noticed that I was about to burst and began a hand-job to finish the deed. She opened her mouth, ready to receive my load. I closed my eyes. I felt a sensational reaction between my legs. When I opened my eyes Amy was covered in thick, fresh cum. I wanted more, more than a amazing blowjob. She used her finger as a spoon to scoop up all cum into her mouth. Her eyes said "Let's go for a round two", my mind and body said "Fuck yea!"

Amy and sat on my lap, positioning her front in front of me.

"Her chest… close". True to my desires I mashed my face into her breasts. The only thing between my face and her body was her clothes. Amy knew what I wanted and guided my hands towards her button-up shirt, begging me to discover the treasures behind it. When I came down to the third button I noticed something so I put my hand on her back and slowly, slowly moved my hand up to confirm my….thoughts. I couldn't feel anything there, I couldn't believe it. She didn't wear a bra! "Quick, this is my chance to see her well endowed body" said my brain. Once again I went back to unbutton her shirt. Touching her tits had to wait, I had to remove her shirt first.

Amy's breast were now fully exposed. My left hand moved on it's own, now touching Amy's left tit and teasing it. This is the moment all porn has prepared me for.

I kissed her neck and kissed all the way up to her face, grabbed it with my hands and slowly pushed my head towards hers. Her mouth opened, ready for pleasure. Our lips touched, and so did our tongues. While kissing her I put my hand up her skirt and began to undo the skirt, as soon as they were down I stopped playing with Amy's breast and let my hand enter her panties. I toyed around with the outside of her wet, wet pussy for a while, this went on for a few moments and then I entered with my finger. Messing around with my finger inside of her. I put in another finger and continued.

After stimulating her clit for a while I lightly pushed her body on top of the couch, kissed her again and removed her panties. Her pussy might have been the most wonderful pussy I've ever seen. Even if you compare it with the hot-as-fuck porn-stars. Amy's back was against the couch, fully exposing everything on her front to me. I couldn't resist the temptation to insert my dick in her vagina. "Amy, I'm putting it in" I said to her and put it in.

She moaned a bit. Wow, is this how a pussy feels like? I started thrusting my dick inside of her, her wall slammed against my dick. Amy has never had sex before, nor have I. Yet I didn't expect it to be a snug and perfect fit. Both of us moaned and fucked like crazy animals, the missionary position felt great. However, I fuck her in a cowgirl position. I pulled it out, laid down and told her to sit on it facing me. She did and wow, did it look awesome! Amy did quite some work in this position, her hips went up and down. To occupy myself I played with her tits, rubbing them in all directions.

This sensation got me at my limit again. I heard Amy's moan grew increasingly intense. "Jason, I'm about too……" Amy gave off a pleasured shout. Amy came, I was just half finished with her pussy. Ignoring her orgasm I moved back and forth faster and harder. She moaned and moaned, each moan growing more fierce. "Cmon, give it to me baby. Give me that hot motherfucking cum again"

This was the first time I've ever heard her say something like that which turned me on more than ever.

"Amy, Amy! I'm gonna bur…"

"Oh my god, Jason, fuck yes. Jason!" Shouted Amy. Now getting her second orgasm.

I also got my second orgasm today, I shot my cum inside her incredibly wet pussy. Way too much actually, it even spilled out.

We were both incredibly tired from having sex, shut off the movie and fell asleep on the couch.


1 comment

  1. I’m sorry if I fucked up the formatting a bit, I wrote it in open office. I can do a part two if you like it. – Dan Cox

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