Looking for some feedback

I've been working on a choose-your-own-adventure game, and I'd like some feedback if anyone has the time to give some.

I posted about this a really long time ago here, like 10 months ago. Back then some friends had helped me with some content, since I was too busy actually doing the programming the write much, andddd it just wasn't good. So I stripped all that out and wrote the rest myself.

http://www.playlewd.com and click "play" to see, and start reading.

There's parts I'm particular proud of, when I really enjoyed writing. Then there's other parts that are rather dry and mundane, because I was just making myself write. I don't really have a good work ethic with writing, I guess.

If anything is particularly convoluted, boring, or doesn't read/flow well, let me know if you would.

I know some parts are particularly short, but that's often on purpose. Not everyone wants to read something that's really long, so I avoid needlessly describing too much at times where the story needs to move along.

edit: Er, I made that title too short. I should have put that it's a game in there. Ah well~

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/20dm7h/looking_for_some_feedback