Free Shirts and Frustration

Despite the things he did to irritate her, Lizzie's attraction for John was growing. At the moment, however, she was just simply pissed off. They came to the store for one thing, and here he was, running around, adding all kinds of junk food to the cart.

Half the time she considered him the worst roommate ever, and the other half of the time he'd bring her fresh baked goods and make the apartment smell of fresh chocolate chip cookies and innocence, or do her all manner of favors. They'd grown quite close, despite his impulsiveness. Lizzie even let her guard down and told him her most embarrassing fantasies.

Little did she know, John had chosen approximately 3 minutes from then to bring one of her fantasies to life.

They had navigated to the back of the store to get the only item they came for initially: milk. John surveyed her blouse to make sure his plan would work. Lizzie was wearing a plain grey tshirt, and a pair of tight, gift from god blue jeans. Everything should go off without a hitch, he thought to himself.

"Lizzie-" said James, in an urgent tone.

"Yeah? Ahhhh!" Lizzie's response melted into one comically bipolar exclamation. John had reached out, and swiftly grasped the top of her v neck T with both hands and ripped the shirt from neck to navel. Before she could find the words to be indignant out loud, John spun her a tad and yanked the jacketed remains of the shirt from her limber arms. She was suddenly quite exposed and naked among all these strangers. John tossed the torn shirt to an older, pudgy gentleman who had been admiring the exquisite slope of Lizzie's breast.


1 comment

  1. Well, almost petrified by the magnificent view suddenly revealed to him, it took a second to consider with the torn shirt, so he threw it up to the top of a ladder. Well, you would have expected Lizzie to climb up the ladder, to reveal her topless nakedness and bouncy breast to everyone, but instead she considered the half full basket – found the cream and covered herself effectively – "Well, now come and lick it off so everyone can see what you are good for!" – she shouted.

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