Story of a Petite Virgin – Part 2 [mf][bd]

Part 1 is here

A low moan brought Anna out of her deep thoughts. Even her gentle stroking could get him off given enough time and she didn't want that yet, not till he satisfied her burning need. Abruptly, she let go of him and pulled his boxers down to where his legs were tied to the chair.

Jay looked down at her plaintively. "Please, baby, I can't take much more of this."

"It's your turn."

"What?" he said confusedly.

"Truth or dare, remember?"

"Oh yeah, truth or dare, and please, please, please say dare," he begged.

"Well…" she teased. "Okay. Dare."

"I want you to get me off!" he exclaimed impatiently. Anna gave him a sly sideways look.

"Okay, but I get to do it my way."

"Fine, I don't care which way you choose – they're all good – I just need you to get me off!"

"Alright then, I'll even give you a blow job – that's what you were hoping for, right? – but you have to get me off first."

What he really wanted was for her to sit on his cock, which was standing painfully erect from his crotch. "Okay, just untie me and I'll lick you," he said anxiously.

"Hmm, I don't think so – not yet," she said coolly, now standing imperiously before him. "Promise me you will give me three orgasms before I suck your cock."

"Three?" He thought about it for a second. Usually the second and third were pretty easy anyway. "Okay, I'll give you three. Now untie me!"

"I'm not sure you mean it. I'm not sure you're properly motivated."

"Not motivated…" he said. There were hints of both anger and desperation in his voice.

"Sshhh," she said, putting her finger to his lips. "I'll keep my promise, but you have to be quiet." Jay strained at his bonds, but remained silent. Anna placed both hands on his broad shoulders then lowered herself onto his knees. The soft skin of her thighs on his legs was enticing, he wished he could grab her by the waist and pull her virgin pussy onto his hard shaft. Just thinking about it made him unconsciously test the ropes on his arms.

Anna slowly brought her hands down over his muscular chest to his erect little nipples. "Please no, I can't take any more," he pleaded when realized her plan.

"Sshhh," Anna replied impatiently. Her warm fingertips lightly rubbed his nipples, sending Jay into the stratosphere. The chair creaked as he arched his back in response to her touch. No matter how much he bucked underneath her, Anna just kept teasing him until he was moaning incoherently. His penis was so hard it hurt.

Finally, Anna stood up abruptly. Jay looked at her expectantly, hoping she would finally let him go. Instead, Anna ran her hands over her nubile body, displaying her breasts for him, teasing her nipples into hard peaks.

"God I need you so bad! I'll do anything you ask!" he pleaded. His words were music to her ears, but she ignored him – she was having too much fun. In a few minutes she would handcuff his arms behind him then let him loose to please her, but she wasn't nearly done yet.

Anna turned around, letting Jay get a good view or her perfect, round ass – toned from her daily runs. She got down on all fours, facing away from him and waved her ass enticingly towards him. When she arched her back down, Jay had a perfect view of her lips from between her legs. The animal part of his brain made him strain against the ropes, trying to get free to mate with this wanton bitch in heat.

Anna heard the chair creak. She looked back at him, tied helplessly to the chair, desperately wanting to escape. She knew she shouldn't tease him so cruelly, but it was so erotic making him delirious with desire. The more desperate he became, the more aroused and wetter she became. Anna spread her knees to give him a better look at her sex, knowing full well what it would do to him.

Jay could see and smell her wetness and it was driving him mad. Anna reached back and rubbed her lips until her finger was wet, then slid it inside her in full view of Jay. He watched as Anna's finger dove inside her pussy over and over. It should be his penis doing that, getting covered in her juice, plunging into her hot body. A boiling rage grew in him, fueled by his lust and his frustration. He didn't care about the chair or the ropes, only his goal mattered. Summoning all his strength, he tightened his muscles until the ropes started to give way.

With a loud crack, Jay's chair splintered as his muscled 6'3" frame pulled it apart. Before Anna could react, he had freed his arms and legs from the remains of the chair and ropes and had turned his lustful fury to her small, defenseless body. She was suddenly acutely aware that she didn't have a shred of clothing to hide her body. In her quest to control Jay she had stripped herself nude and was now splayed out on the ground, wide open to Jay – her lust-crazed boyfriend who was now coming toward her with a massive erection.

"Oh my god…" she exclaimed as she quickly rolled onto her back. In an instant, Jay was on top of her. She didn't have a chance of resisting him physically. Her mind was racing as Jay pinned her beneath him. "I changed my mind," she said quickly. "I'll give you that blow job now."

Jay didn't even say a word, he simply attacked her mouth with his, forcing his tongue inside her mouth. Jay was an excellent kisser – Anna quickly felt herself giving in to his will. He held her arms above her head with one hand and slowly brought the other down to her breasts.

Anna moaned as he roughly pinched and rubbed her nipples until they were stiff peaks. He could be so tender with his hands when he wanted to, but right now he was in no mood to be gentle. She knew there would be hell to pay for her merciless teasing, but she had hoped to appease him with a mind blowing blowjob. He was now giving her the full force of his pent up lust.

Anna was scared by the change that had come over him, but it seemed the rougher he was the more her body responded to his urgent need. Her back arched upwards with every touch from his hands. Jay moved his mouth to her neck, sucking and nibbling on the soft skin. At the same time, his hand moved down over her ribs to her abdomen.

Jay squeezed her hip roughly. He was getting close to his goal now. His hand went down the outside of her thigh, then back up between. Anna knew he was about to take her virginity and she desperately wanted to resist, but her body responded to his touch of its own accord. She felt like she was falling irresistibly towards her fate just as his hand was moving irresistibly towards her waiting sex.

Jay pried her legs apart and she offered no resistance, bringing her knees up on either side of him. Shifting position slightly, Jay brought the head of his penis to rest on Anna's wet outer lips. The feeling of his hot, throbbing member pressing against her made her head swim. She couldn't believe this was happening. She wanted him so badly and yet she wanted to wait. She couldn't think clearly – her body was betraying her to her lover, but what rational thought remained told her ‘no'.

"Jay," Anna pleaded weakly. "Wait." Jay wasn't listening. The animal part of his brain had taken over. Seeing her strip, then display her wet cunt for him, he had seen all he needed to see to know what she wanted.

Jay gently rocked his hips up and down so his head moved along her slit until it was covered in her lubrication. Anna moaned as his head passed over her clit again and again. Anna was so hot for him. She could no longer deny the truth – she needed him inside as much as he needed to be inside her. Her body ached for him to be inside her, to make her a woman. Unconsciously, she started thrusting her hips against him, willing him to come inside. "Please," she moaned, "Please, I need you."

Jay expertly parted her outer lips without using his hands. Slowly, he started pushing against her inner lips. Harder and harder he pushed until finally her body yielded to the intruder. He felt her lips stretch around him as his cock was engulfed by her body's heat.

He felt so good inside her, Anna hardly even noticed the pain of her hymen being popped by his hard cock. Anna wrapped her legs around him, pulling him all the way inside him. He was even bigger than she imagined, he filled her completely. Why had she waited so long to let him do this?

Anna barely had time to revel in the feeling of his cock buried deep inside her. Jay pulled himself almost all the way out then hesitated for a split second. Anna was frantic, she had to have him back inside her – she felt so empty without his thick, hard cock inside her.

Anna thrust her hips against him and pulled him back in with her legs until he was again buried completely in her pussy. "Oh god, you feel so good," she moaned. Jay let her savor the feeling this time. After a few seconds, Anna was the one who started thrusting against him. That was all the sign he needed.

Jay pulled back and then thrust against her. Then he did it again, and again, and again, building up speed until he was quickly pumping in and out of her wet pussy. Anna matched his rhythm, thrusting her hips against him. She had to have more of him!

Their bodies slapped against each other loudly as they passionately, frantically made love. Anna's petite, nubile body responded quickly to being fucked by Jay's big hard cock. Soon, her moans grew louder and louder as her body fell helplessly into orgasm.

"Oh god, Jay. Fuck me hard! I'm cumming! Oh god, don't you dare stop!" she screamed. Jay frantically thrust himself inside her, not giving her a moment's rest as the orgasm rocked her body. He had never brought a woman to climax that quickly.

Anna just kept screaming and moaning as he relentlessly pounded her sensitive pussy with his hard cock. Normally he would have let her recover gently, but his own need drove him on. Instead of quieting down, Anna's screams grew louder and louder until she came a second time, less than a minute after the first.

Jay couldn't believe it. Anna was writhing beneath him, in the throws of her orgasm. Her eyes were shut tightly as she screamed his name. He couldn't take much more of this. His own orgasm was starting to grow faster and faster with each thrust. Her pussy felt so good, he wanted to fuck her to the end of time. Mercilessly, he pulled himself all the way back and slammed down into her again and again, rocking her whole body back and forth on the carpet.

"Oh Jay, fuck me! Yes yes yes! I'm gonna cum again! Oh god, yes!!!" she screamed as orgasm number three took her.

"Yeah, baby. I'm gonna cum, too!" Jay growled as he pushed himself to completion. "Aaargh!!!!" he screamed as they both came together. Over and over, he erupted into her tight little pussy with his hot seed until it ran down her crack onto the carpet.

Finally, he collapsed on top of her sweat-slickened body, panting from exertion. He kissed his lover deeply and lovingly, then rolled onto his side next to her. Anna rested her head on his heaving chest and he wrapped his arm around her.

"Well, my darling, you're a woman now."

"No, I'm your woman," she said dreamily. "Thank you."

"It was my pleasure."

"Mine, too." Anna giggled. "Will you always make me come three times?"

"I'll try."

"Good." They were both silent a moment, then Anna lifted her head to look him in the eye. "Jay, I have one question for you."

"As long as it's not truth or dare…" he said tiredly.

"No, not that, silly." Jay felt her hand gliding down his side to his crotch.

"Then what?"

Anna squeezed his semi-hard penis, still covered in his cum. "When can we do that again?"



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