“My Fantasy” [MF,petite, oral, straight sex, sleeping wife]

Unsettling dreams wake me, my wife asleep still, oblivious to my re positioning to the other side of the bed. A slight creak i hear in the hallway. Slowly and stealthy in the dark, a shadow moves into our bedroom. I can hear the gentle snores of my wife as this shade comes closer to me. I can feel its presence, the heat pressing against my side of the bed. A hand, soft and sensuously presses fingers against my lips. I recognize these fingers, you are a bold one aren't you. Your fingers trail down my neck to my chest, quietly and sneaky, moving the blanket down my body. I move closer to the edge of the bed as your fingers caress farther down my skin. A pair of soft lips press against mine, your desire unquestioned. i can feel your hand grasp my now erect shaft, as your tongue enters my mouth. Your mouth then moves down my neck, sweet kisses and licks caress my skin. I feel your breath on my cock as you pause to quietly celebrate your victory over me. Those precious lips then kiss along the length of my cock. I try and reach for your small breasts but you playfully swat my hands away. Your distract me by opening you mouth and swallowing my length. Silently you suck and lick me, I push my hips out over the edge of the bed. As much as I enjoy the sensations you give, i desire you more. with great reluctance i pull back from you, move your luscious mouth to mine for a well deserved kiss. Slipping out of bed, i guide you to the bathroom, lights still off until i shut the bathroom door. I am greeted by your beautiful body, wearing a tiny teddy and matching pink g string. Your amazing nipples jut proudly through the sheerness of this micro teddy. You have always taken my breath away, but now the words seem inadequate to describe your beauty.
I press my lips to yours, hoping to convey the desire and love I hold for you. i gently kiss down to your neck and then spin you around to kiss down between your shoulder blades all along your spine. My firm hands grasping you butt cheeks, then down to your ankles. I motion you to put you hands on the floor, then grabbing one ankle i move you leg to one side of my head. You catch on quickly by moving your other leg to my opposite shoulder. Hands grabbing your thighs as i hoist you up, your sweet crotch now an inch from my hungry mouth. I love the way you smell, drunk with your scent i move my mouth onto your barely clad pussy and lovingly lick you through the thin fabric. My tongue sliding the string out of the way i can focus on swirling your clit. your juices flow and I am lost in the heaven of your pussy. You bring me back to reality by engulfing my cock in you mouth again. The race is on as you seek to throat my cock and I long to make you gush. our moths a a whirlwind of lust as each of us seeks to distract the other with our oral gymnastics. I lap at your nectar as i pours from you, i fight your masterful assault on my cock, not wanting to waste this opportunity you have given me.
I lower you gently to the floor, you look up at my with wounded eyes until i grin and hold your hand to bring you standing before me. I pull the g string down and wrap my arms around you. You leap into my arms and our embrace is joined with our lips meeting, my desire for you unparalleled in this universe. I look deep into your hazel brown eyes and smile. you then slowly impale yourself on my cock, your 5' frame nestled tightly against me at 6'3. I relish this sensation, this first time your sweet pussy accepts my hard cock. i kiss you mouth and nibble at your neck, you teddy discarded on the floor as nothing stops me from hungrily suckling at your nipples. you lift my head back up for a passionate kiss and begin pumping yourself along the length of my cock, bottoming out and then pulling away. our pace quickens as the night grows shorter. you eyes locked onto mine, my soul bared to you as we give into our animal passions. As one we explode in our embrace. In this moment we are oblivious to the universe, all that is, is right here between you and I.

I wake up, realizing this was a dream. One that would never come real, but my love for you requires not the passion in my soul. It simply needs to be acknowledged. A friend I shall forever be, but know if you seek love, i am right here.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1zw9jo/my_fantasy_mfpetite_oral_straight_sex_sleeping


  1. Nicely written, though perhaps breaking up the text into more paragraphs would serve better along with refraining from using the same words too often in a short time; lips, mouth, etc. I like the descriptiveness of the actions, the atmosphere you build is quite nice. Overall it’s pretty good, just a little on the ‘wall of text’ side. I love the ending too.

  2. i did try, the formatting got dropped when i saved it, thanks for the feedback. sometimes I do get fixated on those words, i may write more. thanks again

  3. All good. I find it helps to flush out at least a couple words to describe the same thing before I start. Would love to read more.

  4. It’s up to my muse. Her critique has not yet been rendered. Wish me luck.

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