Ivy (batman/poison ivy, MF) Open to ideas

Wrote this one overnight on my iphone while laying in bed, so it is subpar. I am open to constructive criticism, ideas of things to lose or add.


She's sitting pretty on the giant flower petal, Ivy, twisting and wriggling, waiting. She knows she's done something bad… On purpose.. All for one reason. The chase, the thrill, the capture. Her trophy, a petite little miss, dangling a story above her head in a bird cage like box, swinging just so slightly. The bait, the trophy, has given up calling for help, given up bargaining and pleading. She just stands and waits, and swings now.

Ivy can't help but look up, sneak little peeks up the trophy's skirt. Waiting to be punished, becoming impatient, Ivy's luscious red locks float over her engorged breasts, rising and falling as she breathes heavily. She considers lowering the cage, seducing this little woman, but it is so unlikely she will cooperate. Instead, she lays back, spreads her legs and rubs her pussy firmly through her green leggings, hoping the tiny woman sees… Watches. She can feel wetness slowly making it's way through the fabric. She wants to cum so terribly, but not alone, not this time. She slows her rubbing to a light tease and stares up at her trophy, waiting to make eye contact.

….. This is the last time that little green bitch makes a fool of him. Taking people from their homes, poisoning, he has more important shit to deal with than her shenanigans. He is already suited up, furious, driving deep into the city. He pulls up in front of the decrepit building she is hiding in, disgusted. Furious, he makes his entrance. He slides open an empty elevator shaft and peers down. Spotting a faint golden glow, he grabs hold of a wire and jumps, his cape flapping behind him.

Down another dim, damp hall, he can hear her squeals. She is giggling, taunting, yelling at times. He begins to visualize her as he approaches. Her crimson locks would be so pleasant to have wrapped around his fist. Her long legs, wide hips, tiny waist, so easy to handle. And those breasts, always perky and lusciously round. His mouth began to water, his rage slowly transforming into sexual frustration. He approached the vacant pit she had made her home, he inhaled deeply through his nose… could smell her. He was having trouble deciding if he was aroused or disgusted.

And there he was. Around the corner. She could hear his footsteps as they approached. When they stopped, her ears perked up, her spine on edge. She could feel the air against her dewey skin. Her breath became short, she knew he was watching. She stood, her back to him, and ran her hands over her body, feeling her curves, stretching her neck side to side, bending and sliding her fingers all the way down her legs until she was bent over, hands around her ankles. She peeked through her thighs and there he was, lingering in the shadows. She let out a gasp and stared at him, standing there, like that.

She thought he would approach, commence battle, but as she waited she realized that wasn’t the first thing on his mind. She let out a shallow laugh, and began to test his will.

“I didn’t think you would ever get here, You”… she said with a sultry smile.

“You knew I’d come, you’re supposed to be gone.” He replied. He had been under the impression he had run her out of town weeks ago, until today. Scanning her with his piercing eyes carefully, looking for traps, poison, he stepped into the vast emptiness overgrown with vines that appeared to be her lair.

“Oh… but you knew I’d miss you,” she moaned, stepping backwards until her bottom bumped against a lush pile of leaves, nibbling her fingertip, eyeing him up and down.

“Enough talking. You should leave.”

“But I have a friend” she eyed upward, “A dear, dear friend I need to take care of” she whined, mocking the helpless suspended girl.

“Lower her, let me take her home, and you will go. Never come back.”

“And what makes you think I would be willing to do that? I need her” she squealed a little, excitement building. She had been running her hands over her curves, becoming powerfully aroused. She leaned further back on the bed of leaves, spread her legs directly in his direction and looked down her body and up to him.

His temper was getting the best of him. Impatience was taking over. This young woman, hovering above, continued to teeter and swing in her suspended cage, silent, waiting. He glared powerfully at Ivy, demanding to release the caged girl. There was nothing to gain. She was kidnapping for fun. Terrorizing for enjoyment.

“Oh, but there was a benefit.” She said slyly, twirling her finger around a perky nipple from beneath her skin-tight top. “I had no other way to get you down here, myself” she pouted at him, waiting for him to step forward again.

“Enough of your shit,” he growled harshly, approaching her angrily. He couldn’t help but eye her finger swirling, he could feel the desire to have his hands against her growing. “Release her”.

“Oh, I will. Once I get what I need…” She smirked, licked her lips and stood up, got up close to his face with hers and ran a couple fingers over his hard shell of armor. He grabbed her fingers firmly, leaned in close to her ear and whispered, “shut up”.

She gasped, bit her lip and grinned. She wanted so terribly to be taken, to feel his brute force against her. She wrapped her free hand around his neck and led him back to the soft leafy patch, “I've been so bad… make me a good girl” she mouthed softly against his ear.

That was it. He was switched on. There was no turning back from this situation now. He had been craving this for so long, despite her obvious disregard for justice, he wanted to have her. He wanted to see what was under those skin tight, green layers. He had to. He dove in.

She lay backward against the greens, pulling his neck to keep him with her. She brought the hand of his, which was gripping her fingers, up to her mouth. She pouted her lips against his finger and bit it, pulling off his glove with her teeth. She pressed his naked hand against her waist and left it to wander, occupying it with removing is pants.

He slid his hand upward, cupping her tit and thumbing her nipple, pinching lightly, hovering his lips above hers to feel her breathe harder in reaction. He could feel himself getting hard, throbbing, needing to feel her around his shaft. He leaned up and began to toss the pieces of his suit aside. He loved the sensations of Ivy’s hands sliding up and down his hardened abs, pecks, and shoulders. She dug her nails in and dragged down, leaving bright red barks along his skin. The sting ignited a flame within him, a powerful passion. Nearly naked, he gripped her hips firmly and pulled them toward his own, seething and grinding against her. He would have her tonight.

She flexed as hard as she could, pressing her wet pussy against her tights and his hardened cock, teasing him with her heat. She reached beneath her, unzipped her leggings and her top. Shimmying free, her breasts were revealed, smooth, creamy and taught. She reached up around his neck, grabbed a fistful of his hair and tugged hard, digging her other hand’s nails into his shoulder. She wanted it to hurt, sting.

The burn of her nails piercing his skin and the ache of his hair being pulled tormented his need. He gripped her hard, shoved her down, grabbed the edge of her leggings and pulled swift and firm, removing them in one harsh motion. He was seething through his teeth again. He removed his boxers, leaned forward, placed both his hands over her hips and slid them up and down, teasing her breasts. She squirmed under his powerful grip. He grabbed her sides firmly, teased her nipples and pinched and flicked them roughly. He began to kiss her just above the navel, leaving a trail of licks down, down, and teased with his tongue right where her leg met her hip, breathing hotly against her wet pussy lips. He placed his hands on her hips and held her down firmly; she slid her hands through his hair and began to press downward eagerly. Quickly and firmly he grabbed her wrists, pinned them down hard against her ass, and poked his tongue just inside her slit. Her squirming pleased him. He would torture her with pleasure… make her cry out.

She wanted to feel more, so badly, immediately. She wriggled her pinned wrists, struggled against his strength. His grip was too strong, but harder she tried, panting and moaning to get free. She strained against his hands and raised her hips up high, meeting her pussy against his lips, begging for more. Finally he gave in and gave one slow, long lick. She spread her legs further, yearning for another. He flicked her clit with his tongue a few times before giving another long lick. She let out another moan and sigh, raised her head to take a peek, and fell back down. She caught sight of the Trophy in the cage and noticed that she, too, was enjoying this. The tiny Trophy woman was watching, silently, her eyes wide.

He was struggling to keep his composure. He couldn’t resist and finally dove in, taking her lips, her wetness, into his mouth, suckling at her clit, taking great pride in the moans and oohs she emitted. Her back arched, her neck stretched, her knees shook a little. He lapped up her wetness and released one hand. She was so enthralled she hadn’t noticed. He, with his newly freed hand, slid his fingers up and down her slit, teasing her. Her hips bucked again, she wanted those fingers inside her. He continued to massage her clit with his tongue, feeling his cock twitch with an ache to be inside her. Still though, he teased her. His fingertips were slick and wet. He took her clit between his lips and sucked while he began to push his fingers in. Just an inch at first, drawing a circle within her, stirring her up, massaging her entrance.

She shuddered, straining to press her pussy further onto his fingers. His lips and tongue felt so nice, so wet, and so warm. She gasped every time he wiggled his fingertips inside her. She opened her eyes once again, watching the young woman in the cage… watching her watch. The idea of being seen aroused her even further. She realized one of her hands was free and slid it over her trim belly, slowly downwards until it was waiting just above where his lips met her. The minute he came up for a breath, she slid her fingers down and massaged her clit, eyes watching upward. Being watched was adding to her thrill. She circled her clit swiftly, the combination of his fingers and hers was bliss. She was starting to climax, building up quicker than he had anticipated. He dug in deeply with his fingers, flicking back and forth firmly, watching her shudder and shake and gasp. Her walls became tight around his hand, pulsing as she shook.

He pulled out his fingers and slid her juices over her terribly sensitive clit. She shook and pulled her own hand out of the way, bringing it up to bite and lick her wet fingers. He circled it and watched her shake and gasp more, and when it seemed she might cum again, he thrust his cock inside her wet crevice as hard as he could.

She gasped loudly, bit down on her finger hard and began to breathe audibly as he thrust inward deep and hard, pulled out painfully slowly, and thrust back in, the impact of their bodies bouncing her tits up and down. He placed a thumb over her wet pussy and massaged the lips up and down as he pushed into and pulled out of her. He watched her pinch and tug at her nipples, moaning and grinning.

He was enjoying her body so much, the bouncing, and the creaminess of her skin, her taste and smell all over his face and in his mouth. Every time he slammed into her was pure ecstasy. He began to grunt, she felt too good. He leaned forward over her and cupped her ass, grabbed and tugged at it. He slid his hand over her luscious tit and up her neck and gripped firmly, tugging at her hair with his fingertips. His power made her quiver; she was going to climax around him. She could feel every sensation he gave her clearly, she began to tighten, moan louder. Becoming high on pleasure, she flustered. She had to bite him, dig her nails into him, pull at him. She wrapped her legs around him and pushed her heels into his ass, she needed him to be as deep as possible.

He bit is lip, her biting and scratching was sending him over the edge. Her pussy was so tight around him, so wet and slippery, her body was beginning to convulse beneath him. Just as he thought he might blow, she whimpered beneath him “Cum on me. Don’t make me beg.”

This ended him. He pulled out and watched himself blow on her flexing stomach, some spurting as far as the bottom of her lolling tits. She squeezed her tits together and moaned joyfully. He gasped and leaned forward, held himself above her on all fours, panting. She wiped the sticky strips from her skin and rubbed her sore, bitten lips. She motioned for him to clamber up her body and kissed his sweaty forehead. He began to feel dizzy.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1ykvmn/ivy_batmanpoison_ivy_mf_open_to_ideas


  1. I can have a part 1 of 2 of the second part up for you to read tonight if you are interested

  2. Sorry to disappoint, got late here and I didn’t finish what I wanted to, to post. Should have the whole thing done tomorrow :)

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