Lola [m/sm]

Hey Reddit <3 Nikki Crescent here! I have another story here for you. I hope you like it, it's from my book, Lola. Let me know what you think!! :3

The elevator doors opened and Frankie led Lola down the hall towards his presidential suite. He unlocked, opened and held the door for the tall, dark beauty. She walked in and looked around impressed.

The warm, soft vibrant city lights danced their way into the expensive room, gracefully lighting the expensive furniture and Lola’s beautiful face.

“It’s beautiful,” Lola said as her eyes twinkled, reflecting the vibrant metropolis.

“It’s home—At least for the night.”

“Where’s your actual home?”

“New York City. I haven’t been home in almost a year though. Even when we’re recording, we’re in San Francisco.”

“Do you miss New York?”

“Yeah. It’ll be nice when the next big band comes along and we can go back to back to playing bars and colleges in New York. Those were good times,” Frankie said, walking into the room. “Have a seat. Can I get you something to drink?”

Lola elegantly walked through the large open room to a big expensive leather couch. She sat down, crossing her long sexy legs.

“Maybe wine, if you have any?”

“I’m sure there’s wine here somewhere.”

Frankie looked around the room’s kitchenette. “If you were a bottle of wine, where would you be—Ah ha.”

Frankie pulled a bottle of wine out from one of the cupboards. “Red okay?”

“Red’s perfect.”

Frankie grabbed two glasses and walked over to his gorgeous date. He held the bottle out.

“It’s a 2008 Malbec from the South of France,” Frankie said in a cheesy cockney accent.

Lola giggled.

“Would the lady like a taste?” Frankie continued.

“Most certainly,” Lola joined in, greatly outdoing Frankie’s poor accent.

Frankie made quick work of the cork and proceeded to pour a small taster into one of the glasses.

“My lady,” he said, handing her the glass.

Lola swirled the wine, smelled it and then tasted it. She smiled.

“It’s a bit astringent for my taste,” Lola said in her nearly flawless English accent.

“Unacceptable! I will have the butlers fired at once!”

The two began to laugh, breaking character. Sitting down, Frankie proceeded to fill both glasses. He placed the bottle down on the table.

“Tomorrow morning we ship out for Texas, and then we go down and play a show in Mexico City on Friday…”

Cutting Frankie off, Lola suddenly leaned over and kissed him. Frankie immediately forgot what he was talking about and wrapped his lips around the dark bombshell’s soft lips. He pulled his hand around her and placed it softly upon her face and then placed his other hand on her thigh, just below the base of her skirt.

The two continued to kiss passionately against the beautiful city backdrop. Frankie began to lower Lola down onto the couch.

“Wait,” Lola said, pushing Frankie back. “Maybe this isn’t the best time…”

“Are you okay?” Frankie asked, shocked.

“Yeah. It’s just—We just met. I like you a lot and—I don’t want to ruin anything. Maybe we should wait for another time.”

“Ruin anything? I leave tomorrow morning. I’m not sure when I’ll be back.”

Lola couldn’t look Frankie in the eyes.


“Maybe I should just go. It was nice meeting you.”

Lola stood up and began walking towards the door. Frankie sprung up from his seat and ran to cut off the tall beauty.

“Wait,” he said. “Don’t go. Please.”

“Frankie, there’s stuff you don’t know about me.”

“I don’t care about that stuff. I need to be with you.”

Frankie placed his hands on Lola’s hips and stared down into her eyes. She looked back up into his and surrendered. She fell into him and they resumed their passionate embrace. Frankie squeezed her tightly, moving his hands slowly and gently up and down her sides.

Lola’s body melted into Frankie. She couldn’t resist his irresistible charm. She had to have him just as much as he had to have her.

Lola’s tongue gently penetrated Frankie’s lips. They two lovers locked their warm tongues together as their grasps on one another tightened and their bodies became even closer. There was escalating electricity in the room.

“This way,” Frankie said, guiding Lola towards the bedroom.

Lola smiled shyly, afraid of Frankie inevitably discovering her secret. Frankie playfully threw Lola down onto the bed. She bit her lip, torn between her options, but there was no turning back now. Frankie quickly pulled off his shirt and gently fell upon the mysterious vixen. They continued to kiss as they rubbed their hands loving about each other’s bodies.

Lola couldn’t help but to glide her hand down from Frankie’s strong body onto the crotch of his pants. She could feel his well-endowed manhood through the layers of fabric, waiting to be released. Even just through the denim barrier, electrical pulses of sexual energy began to flow through her body and tingle in her genitals. She squeezed it hard as the hot electricity culminated downstairs.

Frankie removed himself from the couple’s kiss and travelled south, down onto Lola’s neck. With his dexterous hands, he began to pull Lola’s shirt up, over her large breasts. He slipped the shirt over her head and resumed to suck her soft neck. His hands made their way to Lola’s soft, supple breasts and he began to squeeze and caress the perfect twins. Lola’s nipples were hard and erect. She was so lost in passion; she could barely control her body. She began to forget about her worries, surrendering to Frankie’s romance.

Frankie stood himself up on his knees and quickly began to undo his pants. He pulled them down, along with his boxer shorts, letting his huge cock spring out. He couldn’t wait any longer. He had to have her right then and there. He tossed his pants onto the floor, took Lola by the ankles and spread her legs. Reaching under her skirt, he took Lola’s panties from her hips and yanked them down. He shimmied himself in.

“Are you ready?” he asked.

“Are you?” Lola replied.

Frankie smiled and then lowered himself down to Lola’s level. Using his hips, he guided his long hard penis under Lola’s skirt and towards her pussy. Then, his passionate expression dropped.

He wasn’t able to find Lola’s slit. Instead, his cock rubbed against something hard and long. At first, he wasn’t sure what it was. He reached down and felt around with his hand. Standing back up, he flipped Lola’s skirt up, over her belly.

Instead of seeing a tight little pussy, Frankie saw that Lola had been hiding a massive, thick cock. The member was hard, and throbbing. He stared down at it for a moment, and then—

“You—You’re a man.”

“I was a man. I’m a woman now.”

“But—But—That’s a cock.”

A cold pain flushed through Lola’s body. She wanted to cry but held back desperately. She had wishfully hoped that Frankie wouldn’t care, but that was never the case. She took her hand and embarrassingly covered her cock.

“I’m so sorry,” she said. “I wanted to tell you. I just—I couldn’t.”

Frankie was in a state of shock and couldn’t respond.

“I’m going to go,” Lola said, tears beginning to stream down her face.

Frankie continued to remain frozen. He tried to formulate some form of speech, but simply couldn’t. Lola stood up, picked up her panties and shirt, and then headed for the door.

“Lola,” Frankie said.

Lola stopped in the doorway, but didn’t turn to Frankie.

“Don’t go. I don’t want you to go.”

“But I’m a freak. I lied to you.”

“No, you didn’t. You tried to tell me.”

Lola turned around. Her erection was still so hard it held her skirt up.

“I don’t want you to go,” Frankie said.

“But… What about my cock?” Lola asked.

Frankie looked down at it.

“I want it,” he said.

Lola’s heart lifted up out of her stomach and a smile crossed her face. She bit her lip, holding back her excitement. She ran towards Frankie and hugged him aggressively.

“I love you, Lola.”

“I love you too.”

Frankie kissed Lola deeply, then spun her around and threw her playfully down on the bed. Lola giggled, unable to contain her excitement as Frankie fell upon her. Lola sat up, took Frankie’s cock gleefully in her hand and stroked it lightly. She loved the feeling of her fingertips across the ridges of his thick veins. Licking her lips, she lowered herself down and stuck the slick cock into her mouth.

Her warm tongue was pure ecstasy. She ran it skilfully up and down the length of his huge dick as she moved in head forward and back. She was addicted to his manly taste. Frankie’s head fell backwards as Lola’s teeth gently glided along the circumference of his long member.

He looked down at her and watched as she gracefully moved herself along the long shaft. He put his hands onto her head and caressed her long, soft hair. The loving touch energized Lola into moving fasted and harder. She pushed the long cock deep into her throat. A bout of sweet pre-cum trickled out of Frankie’s hard dick onto Lola’s soft tongue. She ended each graceful revolution with a gentle flick of the tongue against his throbbing tip.

Frankie, as hard as a metal rod, pushed Lola onto her back. He shimmied his body in between her long, soft legs and threw up her skirt again. He smiled at the sight of her huge throbbing cock. Gently lifting it up, he lined his own penis up with her tight asshole. He pressed his dripping tip up against her ready hole, using his hand as a guide.

The two lovers simultaneously looked one another in the eyes. Lola was ready. She smiled beautifully, before Frankie began to push himself inside of her. Her mouth opened and she let out a faint whimper as the thick wet shaft began to stretch her tight asshole. She could feel his bulbous tip pressing hard against her narrow anal walls as her own massive erection sat throbbing on her flat tummy. She reached her hands out and placed them around the sides of Frankie’s butt and helped pull him in tight. Frankie’s muscular lower abdomen pressed up against Lola’s big ball sack as he reached full insertion.

“Fuck,” she said uncontrollably aloud, feeling the massive cock throbbing inside of her body.

Frankie smiled, and then began to thrust into the beauty. He started slowly, but powerfully. Every swift thrust sent Lola’s large breasts bouncing along with her ball sack and rock solid cock. Her breathing became a tremble as deep pleasure began to build up in her body. She began to moan.

Frankie, picking up his pace while maintaining his velocity, reached down and took Lola’s cock in his hand. He started to stroke it off slowly, feeling every thick pulse and throb in her veins. He squeezed her womanhood tightly.

“Just like that,” she said. “Fuck.”

Lola’s tight asshole clenched and released on Frankie’s thick member. He let out a sigh of relief as warm elation flowed through him. He had reached a quick steady pace.

Slap! Slap! Slap!

His body slapped hard into the beautiful tranny, over and over. Frankie watched the shemale’s hard nipples on her bouncing breasts and then looked up at her perfectly soft lips. That mesmerizing smile he had seen at the show had returned upon her face. Frankie could feel the tingling growing in his penis. He wasn’t far from finishing.

He started to increase his force. He slammed his body hard into her, feeling his long cock sliding in as deep as it could possibly go. With his hand, he began to stroke Lola off harder and faster. Her moaning was quickly becoming screaming as she neared finishing herself.

Deep in the moment, Frankie pulled out and quickly stepped out from between the long sexy legs of the gorgeous transgender. He planted his knees on either side of Lola’s hips, spat into his hand and rubbed his saliva all over her hard, throbbing cock. He lowered himself down and lined Lola’s shaft up with his own tight asshole. Then, he sunk down, feeling her thick womanhood penetrating him deeply. He sunk down deep and quick. He let out a loud cry of pleasure in time with Lola’s loud moan.

Frankie began to rise and fall upon Lola’s hard, long shaft. He loved the feeling of his asshole stretching while being penetrated by a nearly foot long penis. Lola’s thick tip rubbed tightly against the inner walls of Frankie’s butthole.

Lola reached forward and grabbed onto Frankie’s wet cock. She began stroking him off quickly as he bounced up and down, slapping his butt into Lola’s legs.

Shlop! Shlop!

The saliva on Lola’s wet cock squished out from between Frankie’s tight asshole and her thick girth. Her long dick was so close to finishing. It swelled and hardened even harder inside of Frankie’s tight hole. Meanwhile, Lola could feel Frankie’s cock bulge and stiffen as he held back as long as he could, extending the moment.

He started pulling up and falling down as fast as he could. He couldn’t fuck any faster. Lola began to scream as she clenched her hand tightly on Frankie’s hard dick. She held back, but she knew that she couldn’t hold back for much longer.

Suddenly, Frankie’s cock exploded cum into Lola’s face. Seemingly endless shot after shot launched out of his dick, covering her chin, breasts and stomach. Frankie let out a loud, deep moan as his body trembled and shook.

Lola wasn’t far behind. She finally let go and Frankie’s asshole began filling with hot, sticky cum. His eyes lit up as he bit his lip. He sat down hard on Lola’s cock, consuming its entire length and feeling every hot ounce of her warm substance pour out of her.

The two lovers looked one another in the eyes again, and the smiled.

“Don’t leave,” Lola said.

“I have to.”

“I want you to stay with me.”

“I’ll come back.”


“I don’t know.”

Lola’s expression quickly dropped. Every good thing has to end eventually. She was going to miss Frankie’s sense of humour, ripped body and giant cock. The thought of being apart was almost unbearable.

“I’ll miss you,” Lola said.

“I’ll miss you.”

Frankie leaned back down and he kissed Lola on the lips, pressing his body against hers and covering himself in his own warm cum.

“I’ll miss you,” Frankie said again.

Thanks for reading! I really hope you enjoyed it. You can get the entire story here if you'd like.


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