Long distance made close (3)


We make it to his apartment in a short amount of time. Walking there, hand in hand, we don’t say much but, we do stop frequently to kiss each other. Hands all over, tongue to tongue, him grabbing my ass, me feeling the hardness growing in his pants, we’re insatiable. Our bodies pour out with heat in the cold night air.

He lets me lead up the stairs, to get another look at my butt, I shake it for him and laugh while he tries to jump forward and grab it again. Reaching his…I mean our door, he starts to fish for the keys in his pants. Seeing a bulge other than his hand I reach down and stroke him, through the pants.

“That’s not helping, you know.” He says smiling. “Who says I’m trying to help?”

The door unlocks. We’re inside, alone, yearning for each other’s touch. He takes my hand and leads me to the bedroom. Having taken my coat he lights a few candles that sit about his…I mean our room.

Standing there in the warm light, he comes over to me, wrapping his hands around my waist, bringing his forehead to mine and jokingly says “We can wait. It doesn’t have to be tonight.”

I respond with a disbelieving look and bring my lips to his. We stand there for several moments, feeling each other’s bodies through the clothing, tasting each other. My fingers scratching his back through his shirt, his hands under my skirt following the contours of my hips and my butt, we continue making out. Already up on my toes, reaching for his kiss with my tongue, I jump up, he catches me with one hand on my shoulders and the other gripping my butt. That smell, I can’t get enough of his smell.

Holding me like this he walks us toward the bed, lowering me down to it and kneeling over me, our lips locked the whole time. Keeping our position the same his hand leaves my butt and slides down the shape of my leg stopping on my boots, unfastening them for me to kick off. He slowly slides his hand back into my dress, back between my legs, back onto my wet leggings.

With my hands are start to pull at this shirt, he leans back so I can undo the buttons, his hand still slowly rubbing between my legs. I want to rip his shirt open but, I continue with the task, slowly revealing his muscular chest, then his abs. Before he has a chance to take the shirt completely off, I pull him back down, lips to lips while my hands start to remove his belt and undo his zipper.

His pants undone, I grab him through his underwear, it’s hard, pulsing with a year’s worth of pent up desire. He moans full of lust. Kneeling upright again, with my hand still grabbing him he undoes my blouse and reaches under my butt for the waistband to my leggings. In one smooth motion he peels my leggings and my panties, soaked with my desire, off of my milky white legs. With my skirt upturned my entire bottom half is exposed to him. Lying beside me, his fingers start to dance about my stomach and my inner thighs, only lightly, almost accidentally touching me where I most want it. Going from my navel to my inner thigh, up my ever wet labia, just to the point of most pleasure…and then up to my lower stomach; making me go crazy with desire.

With his fingers continuing their ever-southward dance, my hands continued the freeing of his manhood. Sliding my fingers underneath the waistband of his underwear, following the heat to its source my hands meet the base of him. I firmly grab him, holding him there while his fingers near my clitoris.

Our lips are parted, eyes half open, both ready to please the other. With his free arm he pulls me close and we embrace lips, hands exploring each other.

Having finished his teasing his fingers come to rest on my clit. My back tingles, my legs part a bit more and he starts to rub me gently, the pleasure heightening with each pass of his fingers. All I want is him in me, now. My hand is now wrapped around him, sliding up and down, making him thrust his hips forward. He wants me just as much as I want him.

His fingers start to move faster, the tips sliding further down, pressing inward. It has been so long since he’s touched me, I could finish with just this. Feeling the moisture, his fingers quickly enter me. A slight shiver runs down my spine, as he continues to rub me with his palm and reach in me with his fingertips. I push my hips into his movement, wanting more pressure.

My hand starts to speed up, his underwear slides further down exposing him to candlelight, veins pulsing, hard to the touch. His palm starts rubbing faster, with more pressure while his fingers squeeze me from the inside. I’m sliding my hand as fast as I can up and down.

“Slow down.” He protests, grabbing my hand with his own.

Our tension having been lost, he stands back up, shirt and pants open, a throbbing bulge barely being contained by his underwear. Staring at me, feasting his eyes upon my partial nudity, he begins to undress. With his attention on his cuffs, I stand up in front of him, dropping my shirt, and I start tugging at his pants bringing them to the floor. He grabs me before I can take his underwear off and unsnaps my bra. We stand there, chest to chest, kissing each other, him wearing nothing but his underwear and me still wearing my dress but nothing more. He spins me around and pulls me close, his hands on my breasts and my butt against his hardness. His fingers searching my folds again, looking for my wetness I grab behind me, gripping his butt. I rub it up and down on his cock, while he starts to play with my clit again.

I break from this position, kneel down and rip his underwear off. No longer an ill defined bulge, his full throbbing length is now inches from my face. Pushing it against his stomach I drag my tongue from trunk to tip, feeling his body shake in anticipation. I grab his testicles, pulling him forward an inch and I start to kiss all around his inner thighs, stomach and up and down his manhood. Looking up at him, eyes meeting, he is in ecstasy. Not breaking the gaze, I drag my tongue on last time up his shaft and swallow as much of him as I can take. He moans, body shaking. Being just as wet as me, I can taste his salty fluid.

One hand on his butt the other on his manhood, I bring my head back and forth, sucking the tip. Making my man moan. I’m doing something right, he’s now grabbing my hair and rocking his hips back and forth with my mouth. I keep looking up every so often, seeing how he is liking it, seeing every muscle on him tensing in a rhythmic pattern trying to contain himself. Speeding up, I make him moan, saying “yes” and “just like that” under his breath. Feeling his already hard shaft become improbably more stiff, throbbing in my mouth, I slow down. My hand moves from his shaft to his testicles, I tickle and tug them a bit while I flick his tip with my tongue. With one final, long suck my lips leave him and our eyes meet, a smile comes across my face while he tries to regain his composure.

Standing me back up, placing his cock between my legs we embrace, kissing, hugging, longing. His hands find the zipper on my skirt and in one slow pulling motion the skirt is open, falling to the ground. We’re now completely exposed with each other. Man and woman, flesh to flesh. Two soon to be one.

Looking in my eyes, he asks “Shall we dance?” Grabbing my hip with one hand and my own hand with the other we take a couple of spins around the room cluttered with our clothes. We both laugh before our embrace resumes. This time, he takes the lead and pushes me back onto the bed but, doesn’t follow himself. Starting with my neck, my very sensitive neck, he starts kissing me all over, just like this morning. His lips traveling down my body, following my every curve, lingering on my nipples, flowing down my stomach, tickling my hips and warming my knees, my body is now covered in goose bumps. Now at my ankles he looks up at me, I know where he is going from there, I just rest my head back waiting for the bliss.

His warm hands leading the way, he starts following my legs upward, a trail of kisses in his wake. Reaching my inner thighs I start to buck because of the sensitivity but, he rests his strong chest on my legs, keeping me still. Feeling his hot breath on my inner thighs he begins to move his hands over my body, focusing on my butt and breasts but, also rubbing my stomach. Resting one of his hands at the small of my back the other under my butt, he starts kissing me all over. First my inner thighs, then around my “metro ticket” and then, slowly, circling my labia. I feel his tongue start to trace the lines of my folds, from top to bottom, moving me about, tasting me as I had just tasted him. He starts lapping up my wetness and then painfully slowly drags his tongue upward. With the tip of his tongue resting right under my clit he begins to make small circles over it, my body tenses uncontrollably, I grab the back of this head with one hand and squeeze the pillow with the other.

Feeling this tension he continues making those tiny circles with his tongue, occasionally breaking the rhythm with one long lick from my vagina back up, his nose preceding his tongue. I feel a bit of his stubble against my thigh, tickling me ever so slightly. After a few moments of this I feel his hand shift from my butt upward, his fingers start to dance around my labia again. I’m simultaneously pushing my hips upward and his face downward, yearning for the pressure. And he just keeps going, bring more and more pleasure with his tongue. I feel pressure on my vagina. He’s not trying to enter, just pressing on it, making me want it. With his head barely able to move I start to buck my hips up, reaching for his fingers. Pulling his finger back, I drop my hips back down a bit only to have him enter me right then. A moan escapes as he starts pushing upward with his finger. Continuing like that for a little while, he brings me to the brink, my whole body tenses, I try to stop myself but, I’m not sure if I can. I inhale sharply as I pull my hips away from him, my thighs tensing. I gasp. Nothing but, so very close. I hold him at bay for a moment. He pleasures himself by kissing my legs while I become less tense. Looking up at me, seeing the lust in my eyes he slides his body up mine stopping for a few well placed kisses along the way, until we are eye to eye. We lock lips, hugging each other, feeling his manhood pulse against my labia. He pulls back and stares into my eyes as I reach down grabbing him, tightly, positioning my hips just right and wetting his tip with my juices. Eyes still locked on each other, with one hand on his hip and the other on his cock I pull him into me. All of that longing, all of the desire to be filled with him, all of it melting away with each inch he buries of himself in me. We each let out a moan. Now completely inside of me he closes his eyes and our tongues meet once again in a long, almost mournful embrace.

Moving his arms to support himself he starts to pull out slowly and just when his tip has almost left me, he slides it, slowly, back in to place, in to me. A rhythm starts with my pulling him into me and his pull my butt up, getting as deep as he can We start slow at first, enjoying the old sensation made new with disuse. I take in all of him that I can have, his manhood filling me up, his muscular body wrapping itself around me, his intoxicating scent; I can’t have enough of him.

I start to scratch his back and butt while he moves his hand lower and lower. Still inside of me he places his fingers on my labia, dancing again. A little “yes” escapes my breath before I start to kiss him again. His fingers find what they were looking for and start the little circles again, half of his fingers on my clit the others rubbing under my labia. I close my eyes as my body stiffens. All I can feel is him inside of me and his fingers circling outside. I pull him closer, deeper, scratching him a bit too hard; he gasps half in pain half in pleasure. We speed up the rhythm, filling me, rubbing me, holding me. Back and forth. I pull him tight, pushing my hips into his, trying to bring us as close as our bodies will allow. Back and forth. The pressure builds, his muscles are tensing under my hands, and I catch myself holding my breath. Back and forth. His fingers speed up and he thrusts deeper than before, pressing far into me. I take one last breath before my whole body seizes. Back and…. I gasp out loudly while a blinding wave of calm washes over me shortly followed by another smaller wave and, another till I am nothing but in the moment. My contractions tighten around him bringing him to his brink, I feel him going deeper and faster and then ending it with one final thrust as far as I can take him. Our foreheads touching, he moans loudly and I feel him throbbing inside of me. I feel the surge of warmth shooting forth from him into me. We continue the motions a little while longer, a lot more slowly, reveling in the afterglow before he exits me.

I swing my leg around him and he lies down next to me. We’re a sweaty mess, both of us breathing fast, red faced. He kisses my brow. I pull the cover over our spent bodies and pull him close to me again. Using his shoulder as my pillow I start to drift into slumber, embracing the man I love in our new home.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1y8s1d/long_distance_made_close_3

1 comment

  1. Again, I’m looking for criticism. This part is especially embellished, any suggestions on trimming it down would be welcome.

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