I’ve never written erotica, seldom read it, but felt compelled to write this today. Not sure why…PMs welcome.

I saw her from far away. Her full figure beckoning me closer as I examined her curves. Our eyes met and locked. She looked down, submissively as I moved forward. Even as our gazes failed to meet, the tension between us was palpable. I felt blood flowing to my cock, and my heart rate increasing. She stood there, closer now, hips full and her blouse tight against her bosom.

Only a few feet away, I felt my shoulders ease back, my chest come forward. She looked up. Her eyes widened and her pupils dilated. She smiled softly. I reached out and grabbed her. Without a word, I knew I had her permission. Her body danced toward me, slowly at first, then faster. I pulled the length of her hair and brought her just inches from my face.

This time, she looked up and held my gaze. I noticed that she wet her lips and bit down, beckoning me to come closer. I obliged. As I kissed her, her huge breasts pressed against me. My cock was almost fully erect, ready for what would inevitably follow. My hands found their way to her buttocks. I squeezed her tightly and I heard a slight moan. “I like that”, she whispered, as I squeezed again.

I then lightened my grasp, and moved my hand away. Just as quickly, I returned it to slap her ass. Hard and fast. She moaned immediately…”Please, more…” Our lips met and our tongues came together. In her mouth, I had my way with her. Twisting her tongue in mine, like two lovers locked in ecstasy. I felt her hand close around my manhood. And the rubbing started.

Her tongue moved faster against my own and her hand matched its speed. I found myself slamming my hand against her round, plump ass. I squeezed her inside my fingers and she whimpered loudly in a high-pitched tone. “You want more of that?”, I teased her, as my fingers found the cloth outside of her vagina and started moving inside the crease.

Wordless, her eyes lit up, like two torches in the middle of a starless black night. I felt my zipper being ripped down and before I knew it, my jeans were on the floor beside me. I blinked and then I felt myself inside her mouth sucking on my thick, veined cock, now fully erect.

She gyrated around my manhood, sucking so quickly, desperately wanting to please me. I threw her off me and onto the floor. I fell upon her and met her eyes, still glowing, but softened, waiting for me to do what I would. I ripped open her blouse, destroying it at the seems. Her huge breasts spilled out of the opening. I cupped them in my hands and gave them a tight squeeze.

A moment later, I found my mouth sucking on her areolas, one of my hands inside her vagina, the other squeezing her shapely ass. I don't remember taking her jeans off, but I must have, because they were on the floor beside us. Her vagina was wet and full. I could hear soft whimpers as I rotated my fingers around. I slapped her again. “Mmmmm”, she moaned.

I almost had to crane my head to hear her words. Soft and barely audible, I heard, “fuck me. fuck me. fuck me.” I tossed her over and she rolled, breasts taught to the floor underneath her, her ass waiting to be fucked. I brought my cock and rubbed it to her now dripping vagina. I entered her and she screamed with delight. I felt my muscles tighten as I grabbed her sides and inserted myself into her again and again. I was met with high pitched screams of pure ecstasy.

I could feel the wetness of her around my cock as I penetrated her. Her hands found my arms and she rubbed them softly as I fucked her. But I didn't soften my love-making. I only thrust harder into her until I erupted and came. “Mmmmmm”, she gasped. “That was… the best sex I've had in sooo long.” I gently pulled out and found her lips. Our tongues met again and they curled beside each other, her mouth as wet as her vagina and just as willing.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1tqyf0/ive_never_written_erotica_seldom_read_it_but_felt


  1. Could be longer, but overall, pretty nice. What I’ve noticed with erotica, in my opinion, is that the longer it is, the more the erotic parts hit their mark, per se.

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