Claire and Kayla(first erotic story, CC welcome)

Smoke lifted into the air, incense burned on the coffee table. The slender girl sitting on the leather couch sipped her chai tea, running her hands through her emerald colored dyed hair. She shook just a little, anxiety ran through her body. When is she going to be here? When was the last time she got to see her, the girl with the short black hair and the piercings.. she missed the soft touch of her hands, she missed the whispering in her ear..the wildy sweet words her black painted lips escaped into her heart. Emerald hair Claire sat in silence, the incense fleeted from the sticks and waifed to her nose, the calming scent stopped some of the shaking..she sat there, contemplating.. She got up and strode to the kitchen, the black and white colors of her walls and floor calmed her, the contrast blended well. Sabrina came up to her, purring and rubbed against her leg, the black cat lookd up and Claire smiled , bending down to pet her. 'Brina always made her feel good, no hurt, no detachment…a tear went down her cheek, but she shook her head and wiped it off. Her anxiety still lingered, the headache far from fleeting. She went to the cabinet. Sabrina went to the living room. The blue cabinet held the medications the doctor gave her two months ago…the valium..the oxycontin. When she looked at it she got a flash of anxiety.. the accident..the fracture.. she held her hand up, the scar even still more prominent then before. She got the bottles out..twisted the lids off.. she took one of each… she walked back through the kitchen to the couch, and laid down.. this will all go away soon she thought to herself. soon the pain will go away. she closed her eyes and laid there for awhile, but Sabrina jumped on her lap, something she was glad enough to oblige.

Claire woke up to a knock on her door. Who would be there? No one came to her apartment..she barely saw her friends…what friends, she thought to herself…im pathetic..she didn't take notice to it but the medication had done it's work, she felt light, and for once in the day she didn't feel like a panicked wreck and the headache was gone. Another knock. She exclaimed, " I'm coming!" she sat up and her cat jumped off. she was glad she didn't shed or there would be hair on her leggings. She felt like she glided to the door. Her hand extended to the door knob, twisting it like the pill bottle and pulled it back. Her eyes widened and a paradox of emotion ran through her, anxiety of what she saw but a happiness in her heart. A dark figure stood in the doorway, tight pants and a black and red checkered jacket leaned on the corridor, " Claire", she said with a grin "Kayla!" Claire lit up with light and hugged her, her head nuzzled into Kayla's neck, a smile spread across her face. " What are you doing here?" " I thought I would stop by, I just got in town and I thought for old time's sake I would stop by and see you again." She said with a smirk like a predator stalking her prey, a wink brought out by her lithe eyes. " Come in!" Claire said, excited by the totally unexpected arrival of her old flame. She felt like she did years ago, before Kayla left out of state…before she left her.

" you have a nice place, Claire, may I have a seat?" " Well of course silly! just sit down on the couch and we'll catch up for the years that have passed." Claire smiled at her with a smile like a fox, looking up as she moved her incense and table to make more feet space infront of the table " Your place has really gotten alot nicer, Claire. I'm proud of you. You're really your own person. The colors are strong, like I know you have been, since the last time I saw you." she said with a soft voice, but one that spoke with conviction. Claire looked down, she didn't know what to say. It almost struck a cord, what she said. She knew she hadn't been strong…but she could have been alot weaker. She looked back up, to Kayla smiling at her. Her eyes fleetedly gazed up and down Claire's figure, and Claire returned that gaze. ' could she really want me again?' thought Claire. 'she must..or she wouldn't be here..but what if this is just another game..?' Claire looked down again, with a mild frown and a sadness growing in her heart.Doubt grew, but Kayla could see it.

" Hun don't worry this time, it will be different…" Kayla said softly, leaning into her ear. She put her hand ontop of Claire's, and she looked up into her green eyes, and they locked gazes. Her heart picked up pace, and she felt warm in her heart. She leaned in and Kayla met her lips, Claire's luscious lips felt so good to Kayla. She had missed those. Their supple lips embraced, and they both leaned in with their bodies. Hands caressed hips, and they kissed each other sensually for quite awhile, about two quarters of an hour went by, each remembering the feelings they had for each other, and the memories of each other bodies. Claire missed the softness of Kayla's thick hips and legs, she ran her fingers down her side. Kayla caressed Claire's firm stomach, each roaming and exploring each other's bodies once again, like they hadn't in years. Kayla whisped her fingers up Claire's smooth abs, until she met her firm, heavy stacked breasts, then she withdrew her touch but Claire grabbed her hands and held them into her taut bosom. Kayla leaned into her supple neck and kissed, her lips quivered as she became aroused, a primordial feeling came upon the black haired beauty. Her hands groped the taut, enveloping breasts and Claire gave out a intensely quiet, almost mouthed moan of arousal. The feel of her long lost love was amazing, but in the back of Claire's mind the intoxication from the medication still lingered, she felt light, she felt..euphoric. Claire caressed the black haired darling's sides, and returned the groping, her hands cupped her , her fingertips teasing her nippled bust. Her hands fit around her perky but smaller breasts, which Claire loved. they always eccentuated her large hips and round ass…

Groping turned into caressing, their hands guiding each other down their sides. Kayla's hands softly met Claire's firm muscular thighs, running always did make them look so good. she slid her hand inwards, and Claire looked up and grinned tenaciously. she started rubbing her, with two fingers out. Kayla smiled like a fox, looking down and then up to Claire's gaze. she started feeling her moisture. her hand ran up to her waist, then down her leggings. She felt her smooth skin as her fingers trailed down her pale flesh , and her wet slick pussy welcomed her. She rubbed the inside of Claire's pussy with her fingers, delving in, feeling the flow of liquids..she straightened her fingers and nudged them further and pulled them out and rubbed her clit and kissed Claire while she did. They shared the touch of their hands for awhile,. Claire looked up at Kayla, moaning her name, and she started to hump with the rhythm of Kayla's fingers. her fingers trembled and she groped Kayla's voluptuous body. " Stop" Claire almost yelled, but giggled after Kayla looked taken back. Why would Claire want her to stop? Didn't it feel good?

Claire licked her lips like a wolf, " I didn't want to finish before you,dear" she said softly with a wink Kayla looked at her suprised but intrigued by what she had in mind, but it didn't take long before she found out.

She took Kayla's shirt off, and freed her breasts from her black bra, throwing it on the ground. Her hands moved to the buttons of Kayla's pants, unzipping them and taking them off. " We're going to my bed Kayla, we'll have alot more fun there"

The bedroom was dark even compared to the rest of the apartment,the curtains on her two windows were a dark red,and her bed cover was an ultramarine blue. the bed was next to the wall across from the door. Claire's drawers were right next to the bed, with a small desk close. Claire walked in first, Kayla following with her hands on Claire's hips. " Get on the bed" she said to Kayla with a bold voice that even suprised both of them

' wow, she was never like this before, but who am I kidding…I love this' Kayla's thoughts were fleeting but the thoughts she was having about Claire doing things to her… She felt wet in her panties. ' Better get these off, I know theyre coming off either way" Kayla said with a wink.

she jumped on the bed,landing facing Claire, her face lit up with wild arousal. Her hands stayed on her thighs,thinking of what came next, she played with her hair for a quick second, and almost jumped up to what she saw. She never would have expected it, atleast from Claire. usually it was her that used it, but she could already tell she had changed alot since she had seen her last.

Feeling light and high, all anxiety gone, a mind fueled by sex, Claire took her strapon out of the top drawer and put it on infront of Kayla.She could see the suprise in her eyes. She never was much of the dominant one in the relationship.. but now it was her turn. She would have the pleasure of assertion…the satisfaction of watching Kayla moan for her, calling her name while she was on her name..being HER slut. She jumped on the bed, next to Kayla. She grabbed her thighs and pushed her down on her back and spread her legs when she went down inbetween them. " Aren't you rambuncious?" she giggled and surrendered to Claire, who lavished her, with her long tongue. Her emerald hair draped over the frame of her face, obscuring her a bit and layed on Kayla's waist.She licked Kayla's wet pussy, giving a little attention to her clit with her long tongue. she reached in her pussy with the tip of her tongue and licked back and forth and Kayla moaned her name.. but Claire was not planning on licking her for long. She got up on her knees and kissed Kayla while running her fingers through her hair. she whispered in her ear, " Get up on your knees, with your ass towards me, I'm going to make you my little slut..". Kayla looked at her, with her mouth slightly agast..

Claire really had changed in the last few years..She had been doing this to her the last time she was the roles had changed in that time inbetween she did not know. but she WAS impresssed..and she knew she would be getting quite the satisfaction..Claire's body was muscular and muscular ..and her was thick and just long enough for her taste.. She got up and flipped on her knees, and raised her ass in the air..

Kayla's Claire loved it. Her ass was big and thick, SHE was thick…how she loved the fit but she liked that she had some meat on her.. she didn't like a stick with a huge back end..Her ass was round, just like she liked it. She leaned into her, cupping her supple tits, teasing her rosy nipples and caressing her pale flesh.. " Are you ready? " Claire said in a sinister voice, with a grin. " Fuck me already, you slut" "I'm making you my slut this time," she said as she slapped Kayla's thick ass, who gave out a slight moan of pleasure. She grabbed Kayla's waist and thrust it in her pussy, it went in easy…She was dripping from arousal. she let her hands adventure to her sides, caressing her voluptious, hot body.. She went in slowly, in an out..she felt up and down Kayla's body.. her tits..her ass..

It felt so good to finally be in control of Kayla, being the one who told her what to do. she couldnt come and go, unless she wanted her too.. Her head felt euphoric, her body released pleasure, her pussy was wet..She felt high, from the drugs, from the sex..from the power.

" Fuck me harder slut!" Kayla moaned, as she pushed her pussy against Claire's thick cock..She could tell she was doing a good job, every push flowed harder and better, faster and longer.. Kayla moaned in pleasure, she felt Claire's cock go in and out and treasured every moment of it.. she loved being dominated like this..

Claire started to go faster, she was feeling yes. the feel of Kayla's pale thick, fat ass..she wanted to please her so badly. " OH CLAIRE YES" Kayla moaned, reaching back to make Claire go harder. "DEEPER" she said. " Beg for it, slut, what are you? " " IM YOUR SLUT, IM YOUR SLUT"

Claire thrusted harder into Kayla, who moaned with mouth wide open.. She slammed her pussy harder and harder, and Kayla started squirming against her in excstacy, moaning harder. " I'm your slut.." " Yeah you are.." Claire said with a doped up grin Claire and Kayla were in sexual rhythm, fucking harder and moaning louder. Incense and esctacy filled their senses.

Claire's cock dripped with juice from Kayla, who was drooling on the pillows..she was still pounding Kayla hard, her moans resonated in the room and Claire was at her sexual height. She could feel Kayla's slick pussy throbbing in pleasure, the moans getting deeper and Kayla pushed back into Claire harder and harder.

"CLAIRE…" "CLAIRE!!!!!!"

Claire felt juice all over her now, warm liquid and Kayla collapsed onto the bed, rubbing her clit, she almost passed out from the orgasm….

Claire went to her drawer and picked out a huge ass dildo. " NOW ITS TIME FOR THE ASSFUCKING" The end.



  1. A few tips: Details A big part of writing is immersion, and getting your reader to care about your character or learn who they are. This is sort of all over the place because we don’t know why she acts the way she does, so giving us information like "she had been diagnosed with clinical depression" or "Ever since… Kayla… left, her life had felt empty and meaningless, and she’d slipped into a state of depression and insecurity" And some background on the relationship would be nice right after the introduction, even just that they were together for a few years, an explanation as far as Claire knew why she left, what happened before/after, and had the relationship been a quality one. Believability/realisticness with people is also pretty huge. Why would Claire go from an insecure self-pitying sad girl to suddenly being assertive, aggressive, and fully self confident? After all this is a girl that apparently broke her heart. Or, why was she thinking so negatively in the start if that’s not who she is? What reason did she have to be so depressed? That goes along with details/backstory. One last thing: don’t use words like ramboncious in the middle of a sex scene, as many people will pause and break the immersion to either puzzle out what it means, look it up, or just take note of "that’s something you wouldn’t see often in this setting", as opposed to the standard, easy, yet varied wordset that really just comes with practice and reading others writing. All of these things while not the end all be all of writing are fairly good to incorperate to improve story quality, but that said I did enjoy the story, it was decently written and this subreddit needs more femslash from what I’ve seen.

  2. This is kind of weird because I know two girls named Claire and Kayla that are best friends

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