Punished By Mrs. Claus

Here is an excerpt from my ebook Punished By Mrs. Claus.

The full version can be downloaded for free from my new website.


Despite his praise, Jack didn't take another bite of the cookie that Mrs. Claus had given him. "So what was it you said I was? The naughtiest boy in the world?"

"That's right," Mrs. Claus said. "When Santa makes his list and checks it twice, he picks out one person in particular on the second check. That person has been naughtier than anyone else in the world."

"But what is it I'm supposed to have done, exactly?"

"Santa might have sent a note along with you. Check your pockets."

Jack looked confused again, and Mrs. Claus realized there wasn't exactly any room for pockets in the outfit the boy had on. "Your shoes, maybe."

Jack took off one shoe. Finding nothing, he gave Mrs. Claus a dubious look. "The other, then," Mrs. Claus said. A yellowed scrap of parchment paper fell out, and Mrs. Claus picked it up. As she had expected, it contained a brief note in Santa's familiar script.

"Here we are, then." Mrs. Claus glanced over the note before starting to read. "Oh, my." She looked up at Jack, clearly surprised by what she saw, then back to the note. "Drugs. Well, I knew that already. Knocked down snowmen in the park."

"That's not that bad!"

Mrs. Claus ignored him, continuing to read. "Sex with women. Sex with men. Stripping. Rock and roll. Speeding when he drives. And…" She paused, hesitant to even speak the words out loud. "Never left out a cookie for Santa in his life."

"Oh, come on!"

"Santa takes these things very personally. In any case, here we are!"

"This is bullshit," Jack muttered. "I've never killed anyone, raped anyone – I've never even shoplifted. And yet because I don't leave snacks out for some fat man who doesn't exist, I'm somehow the naughtiest boy in the world?"

"I should have thought that by now you would have realized that my husband does indeed exist. He's in the process of delivering presents to children as we speak. And the list is about who is naughty, not who is evil." Mrs. Claus smiled politely, ever the gracious host. "Now, finish your cookie, and we'll get on to the punishment."

Again, if you liked the excerpt, feel free to snag the full version on my website!

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1t3f0y/punished_by_mrs_claus


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