Lucy – Chapter 1 [m/f, cm/cf, handjob]

Chapter One

My name is Lucy. I'm 28 years old and I have been married to my husband Pete for a little over seven years now. He's an incredibly handsome man and he's been very good to me. For the most part we have a very wonderful relationship. Our sex life has always been exciting, and we seem to make a good team in just about everything. I've never fucked another man since Pete and I were engaged, but I do still jack them off. I'm not sure if that constitutes cheating or not. I guess Pete does, though. He walked out on me last night.

I guess I always knew deep down that it would upset Pete if he ever knew I did that, which is why I never told him. I just can't seem to help it, though, it's almost like an addiction. I love the feel of a man's cock in my hand, its shape, its texture, the warmth and suppleness of the outer skin surrounded by the hard, unbending firmness beneath, and watching his face and body react to the pleasure I'm giving him. Feeling it twitch and throb in response to my touching and stroking just turns me on beyond description! More times than not I actually have an orgasm from stroking a man's cock, especially when I watch that warm, creamy white cum spurt out of that little slit in the head, an exciting tribute to my skills in giving a man that ultimate pleasure. I've always loved jacking a man off, and I really didn't see any reason to stop once I was married. It wasn't fucking, it wasn't a blowjob, I wasn't taking it into my pussy or mouth, or in any other way, just using my hands to stroke them and make them cum. As exciting and as pleasurable as it was for me, in the end it was just a simple act, not rising to the level of actually cheating.

Pete seemed to love it more than anybody. He loved the fact that I was always ready to stroke his big, hard cock to orgasm almost any time he wanted me to, and his favorite way to wake up would be to open his eyes and realize that I had his cock in my hand, eagerly pumping away at it. When he found out that his wasn't the only cock I jacked off he said it was too big of a blow to his ego. He felt special thinking he was the only one I did that to, and now that he knew he wasn't the only man I would pleasure with my hands it now seemed dirty and cheap. I tried to explain how much I enjoyed stroking cocks, how it was something I did just for fun, and he was the only man I would ever give my pussy to. He couldn't or didn't want to understand, though. He walked out last night extremely upset, and I don't know if he's coming back.

Chapter Two

I guess I should start at the very beginning. My very first sexual experiences involved stroking someone's cock. Every time I jack a guy off it always takes me back to those days of first exciting sexual discoveries, when you're first discovering men's bodies, and your own sexual desires.

Living with extremely strict parents, I was pretty sheltered from things of a sexual nature. I didn't have any brothers, just an older sister, and my parents had a tendency to change the TV channel, or turn it off, whenever there were even any passionate kissing scenes whenever I was in the room. I knew that boys had something down there, something that girls didn't have, but it was all pretty much a mystery to me. As a result, I'd never even seen a cock until I was in my last few months of high school. That all changed dramatically one night, though. Just by chance, and purely by accident, the first cock I'd ever seen was my cousin Mike's.

Mike was going to college in the next town over, and due to some damage that was done in his dorm unit, he was staying with us for a few days for convenience, as his own parents lived over an hour away. We didn't really have any kind of a guest room or anything, so he slept down in the living room on the sofa. The first night he was there I got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. It was around 2 o'clock or so and I noticed the light was still on in the living room. On the way back to the stairs I was going to check and see if he just fell asleep with the light on, intending to turn it off for him if that was the case. I poked my head around the doorway and saw he was sitting up looking at a magazine. His back was to me so he didn't notice I was there, and I was just about to ask him what he was doing up so late.

Then I saw it! It was protruding from his crotch, straight and tall like a bronze statue. He had his hand around it, stroking it slow and steady as his eyes were fixated on the magazine, which I recognized as a department store catalog. He was looking at the section showing swimsuits, gazing lustily at the very scantily clad women modeling their outfits. I stood there frozen, unable to move, a hollow excitement filling the very pit of my gut as I witnessed this most private activity. My throat started to swell from excitement and anxiety, and I wanted to clear my throat to relieve it some, but I didn't dare make any kind of noise to announce my presence. I tip-toed back a few steps and as quietly as I could I made my way into the kitchen. I noticed a half-full glass of water left over from supper, so I grabbed it and took a big swig. I wanted to gasp and giggle at the same time, feeling overwhelming embarrassment, yet at the same time feeling deliciously wicked at catching my cousin doing something naughty.


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