Orbital Academy V

This is the latest installment in the adult sci-fi serial Orbital Academy!

New to the series? Read from the beginning here

"I spy with my little eye, something devoid of all light, sound, and life."
Jackson's joke wasn't all that funny, but Julia and her squaddies all chuckled nervously. As if the vast expanse of space in front of them could be ignored, when in only a few minutes they would all be careening out into it on the most dangerous flight of their lives. Julia was shaking her leg up and down, venting nervous energy while her fingers drummed across the armrest of her cruiser. The hangar was filled with the noises of hissing steam and the voices of the scrubs below checking gauges and ticking off final flight checklists, but even so Julia felt very alone. She flicked her comms transmit button, keeping the channel open,

"We should have flightsigns," she commented lightly, "in the stories pilots always have code names like 'Big Rig' or 'Hotshot' or 'Red Five' or something."

"That's a good point," Alex's voice crackled across the radio, her light and chipper tone a dead giveaway that she was apprehensive, "Captain, looks like we'll have to scrap this mission."
"Mission cancelled due to lack of necessary flightsigns," Jackson chuckled.
"You'd better come up with flightsigns damn fast then," hearing the Captain's calm voice helped settle Julia's stomach a bit, knowing she would be flying with them. "I'm all in favor of giving Aimee the callsign 'Squad Pet' and making her our mascot," Marcus suggested, and the sqaddies chuckled again.
"'Squad pet' or 'Li's pet?" Preston asked slyly. Julia grinned. Aimee and Li had been spending an awfully lot of time alone together. The whole squad knew about them, but only Preston would call them out on it. Julia also knew she would be the only one to find his quip amusing. She and Preston had the same sense of humor; one that tended to offend the other squadmates. Bunch of pussies, she thought.

"Preston, a little much," Missy commented, her voice even softer than normal. "Alright, my bad Aimes," Preston apologized good naturedly. Julia still wasn't used to that, the swaggery young man taking the cue of the tiniest and quietest member of the squad. He had been much nicer to be around since the two of them had started dating, but Julia sometimes missed the swagger and bravado. That, and it was nice to have a squadmate who laughed at her snarkier jokes.

While the apology had apparently satisfied Aimee, Li was apparently not as willing to forgive his crack; "Hey Preston I'm just curious, how does it feel to be whipped by Missy?"
"What? Missy you've got a whip and you've been holding out on me?" Preston joked.
"I'm saving it for a special occasion," Missy's timid voice transmitted, and after a moment of shocked silence the channel was full of genuine laughter.

"Orbital A control to hangar bay, attention hangar bay. Bay doors are opening. All non-flight personnel please clear hangar floor." The announcement over the official channel quelled the laughter. Julia's stomach clenched as the scrubs moved out, leaving only the double line of cruisers stretching across the room. A slow moving ripple was the only indication that the huge clear wall of the hangar deck was moving, exposing the hangar to space. This is really happening. I'm really doing this. We're about to take on a Drake. She took deep, steadying breaths as the canopy of her cruiser clicked shut, sealing her up the ship. The steady hiss of air recyclers helped her regulate her breathing as she stared ahead at the back of Jackson's cruiser.

"How is everyone holding up?" she asked, just to hear her squadmates' voices. Her foot kept tapping against the thrust pedal, too lightly to activate it, but enough to comfort herself with its physical presence.
"Scared out of my skin, J, scared out of my fucking skin," Tess' voice answered back, and Julia smiled in spite of herself.
"'J'? Are we seriously doing the flightsign thing?" Aimee laughed.
"Roger that Squadpet," Tess imitated the clipped and official tones of Orbital A control, and Julia's grin grew even wider.
"I can't tell you how much I want that to not catch on-" Aimee began, before the real Orbital A cut her off.
"Orbital A control to squadron, attention squadron. Scanners show that the Drake has broken the fog surface. You are cleared for takeoff. Repeat, cleared for takeoff."

The double line of cruisers lifted from the hangar floor in unison, and Julia let out her held-in breath in a whoop, her voice joining several of her squadmates'. They shot out from the hangar in twos, the takeoff smooth and perfect after their countless training runs over the past several months. As Julia's ship slipped into empty space, as smooth a takeoff as anyone could ask for, her nervousness began to melt away. She settled into formation with barely a thought, calmer than she expected to be.

"Okay Rooks," in the stillness of space, without interference from the orbital's electronics, the Captain's voice came through crystal clear in Julia's cockpit. "This is going to be just like any training run. Navigate to the target, fire at the sweet spots, and take it out. Only differences are that this target can't shoot back, and we won't be navigating within a kilometer to it."
"Plus, you know, the possibility of death," Jackson added. Julia's stomach lurched.
"Not gonna happen," the Captain replied reassuringly, "Trust me, I personally know pilots who have taken down Drakes that weren't as good as you Rooks are. The academy wouldn't have suggested you for this if they thought you couldn't do it. Plus you get a pretty orange pin after your first flamer Drake kill, it'll really bring out your eyes Jackson."

Julia grinned, reassured, as she punched a short range destination into her computer. The computer hummed while it compared her destination to those of her squaddies, and lit up 'ready' after it corrected to prevent collisions.
"Alrighty Rooks." The Captain's voice was tight, excited, "I'm taking us in." Her ship strained, and Julia was slammed back into her seat and held there by the acceleration, as the cruisers made a jump that would've taken them five minutes at full speed to traverse. Suddenly the ships decelerated, and then they were there, within visual range of the Drake.
"Hoooooooly fuck," someone breathed on the radio, but Julia was too awestruck and terrified to identify who.

The Drake hovered just a little ways away from the fog, close enough that its tail still hung in the rippling waves of it. It was clearly waiting for them, and it noticed them the second they stopped accelerating, maybe even sooner. A pointed, reptilian head swung around to face them even as their engines quieted. The smooth silky movements of its long neck made it seem more like it was floating in liquid than in space, an illusion made even more confusing by the slow motions it made with huge stubby arms, as if treading water. Even at the distance Julia was holding, the things red eyes glowed so brightly in its head that it seemed like the creature was staring directly at her.

The Drake's pale orange scales caught the light as it unfurled two huge wings, spreading them wide and exposing their dark orange leathery skin.
"Okay, enough gawking," the Captain snapped, "you've seen it, now shoot it!" Her voice broke Julia out of her reverie, and a hundred jets of light shot across the dark star-filled sky as the entire squad opened fire on the creature.

The Drake slammed its wings down in a sweeping motion and shot forward, propelled despite the lack of atmosphere by some mystery that the scientists still hadn't been able to explain to them. Against all logic or physics the Drake banked suddenly, twisting its body and soaring at a sharp angle away from the path it had just been on.
"Alright ladies and gents," Captain Appet's voice was grim over the speakers, "you've seen the whole playbook. We fire, it dodges. Keep it up until you can land a shot or two, and stay a full kilometer away from it." Julia found it hard to believe that a few shots would be enough to bring the beast down; from wingtip to wingtip it was roughly the length of three of their ships laid end to end. As she squeezed the trigger and watched her shots fall wide, the Drake swinging around them effortlessly, she hoped the Captain was correct. It's going to be hard enough to land just those few.

The cruisers had been jetting towards the beast at full speed, and Julia watched the console carefully as she unleashed her rounds, making sure the distance stayed outside of the dangerously close range. The creature watched the ships as they moved around it, giving it a wide berth. Its beady eyes seemed to size each ship up as they passed, and Julia shivered. There was too much deep and danger in those eyes; even from this distance she didn't want the thing looking at her. Julia broke away at the same time as the rest, swinging around and letting her squadmates in the back take potshots at the Drake.

Faster than she would've thought possible, the creature whipped its body around and burst into motion again, following Marcus' cruiser as he swung around.
"Marcus he's on you!" Julia kicked her thrust into full gear and broke formation, swinging to follow the Drake. Marcus' cruiser blew into full speed, but it slowly accelerated to match, wings moving awkwardly out of sync with its motion.
"If someone could attract his attention…" Marcus' voice was tense, but he kept control of his ship, swinging it from side to side to buy himself precious seconds, "…I would be very grateful."

No more space here folks! Read the rest here! (and don't worry, there IS some hot sex in there ;) it's just at the end)

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1sg566/orbital_academy_v


  1. Oh the newest installment where Alex and Preston are shooting together, Alex’s name turns into Aimee after she shoots him for being too nice. It’s the paragraph that starts with "Fuck," yelled Preston…. Then Aimee turns back into Alex for the completion of the scene.

  2. Wow great catch yet again! I can’t even blame that one on drafting; that was always Alex from the very beginning. Maybe I just subconsciously think shooting Preston is something Aimee would do…

  3. I very much enjoy the series. Thank you for sharing them on reedit. I typed a few sentences and switched "on" for "oh." Mistakes happen.

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