On The Couch [feedback][short story][MF][cuckold]

[in medias res]

"Wait. Yeah, there is something on my mind. If you want to talk about it with me."

"Of course, Andi," said Eric. "Anything for a friend." He walked into her office, sat his things on the floor, and sat across from her at the desk.

"Well, Tim and I had a fight last night. A bad one. Definitely the worst one we've ever had."

"I'm sorry to hear that," asked Eric, sincerely concerned. "What was it about?"

"Well, I'd rather not say. But it's not even important. Some of the things he said. They were so hurtful. I couldn't believe he could even say such things to me." She was finding it increasingly difficult to hold back her tears.

"That's terrible. Have you talked since then?"

"No. I wanted to talk this morning before I came to work, but he basically ignored me. Acted like I wasn't in the room." She couldn't fight the tears anymore. She began to sob hysterically, and the tears flowed freely.

"This is awful, Andi," said Eric. "Listen, why don't we go to my office instead. I've got a nice couch we can sit on and talk this all out. Should be a bit more comfortable and relaxing. I've even got my stash of scotch if you'd like a drink to calm your nerves."

"Okay. That sounds nice. Thanks for listening, Eric."

"Oh, it's no problem at all. Like I said, anything for a friend."


Tim had come to Andrea's workplace, figuring that she was still there. Her car in the parking lot confirmed his suspicions. I've got to make this up to her somehow. I feel just awful about the way I treated her. Unsure about the state he would find her in, but determined to make amends, he walked into the building and took the stairs to the third floor.

He walked into the office and, unsurprisingly, saw no signs of life. He had been to Andrea's office several times, and he strode purposefully toward her door. But as he was approaching, he heard her voice coming from a different direction. Confused, he walked towards the corner of the office space, the source of the sound. As he got closer, he noticed that there was someone else. A deeper voice, joining hers in conversation. Deciding that it was best if his presence, at least for now, went undetected, he tried to position himself strategically amongst the darkened cubicles. He was able to look through the large glass panes on either side of the door and see what was going on in the room. He recognized the man instantly. Eric.

Eric was an old friend of Andrea's, from her time at college. As she had explained it to him, she and Eric were never intimate, but there was always a tension between them. Years after college, when she was looking for a job, Eric offered her a position at the family business that he'd inherited. Tim and Andrea were both extremely grateful. Still, Tim always felt a little strange about him. He seemed like a genuinely nice guy. But maybe he was too nice. The door to Eric's office was half open, and he listened intently to the conversation.

"Look Andi, you need to find a way to make this better. If it doesn't seem like he wants to be bothered, you have to make him bothered. The feelings won't just go away on their own."

"I know, Eric. I just don't know how to start."

"Well, just be honest with him. Talk to him. You're both adults, right? Just have an adult conversation."

"I don't know…"

"And if you want, maybe try to do something that will ease him up a bit. Cook a nice meal, give him a gift. Maybe put on a nice outfit. Something to displace some of the threat. Show him that you're not angry. That you just want to make peace."

"Yeah. You're right. I can't just let myself play the victim here. I've got to just do something about it. He's my husband after all. I love him."

"That's exactly right," said Eric with a smile.

"Yeah. Thanks for all your help, Eric."

"No problem at all." They leaned into each other on the couch and shared a friendly embrace. She again felt a surge of emotion as she rubbed his back. She thought of Tim. But she didn't want to let Eric go. Apparently, the tension between them hadn't fully subsided. When they seperated, she cupped his face and kissed him on the lips.

They just stared at each other for a few seconds. "I'm sorry," said Andrea. "I shouldn't have done that."

Eric looked surprised. Afraid, even. Like he knew nothing good could come of this now.

"Don't worry about it, Andi. Listen, I'm gonna get going. Stay here as long as you like. Just be sure to lock up when you leave."

When he started to stand and leave, she clutched his arm and pulled him back down to the couch. "Please, Eric. Just stay a little while longer. I don't want to be alone right now."

"Andi, I don't think that's a good idea…"

"Please," interrupted Andrea. "I just want you here. Anything for a friend, right?"

Eric looked around for a few seconds, as if he wanted advice. But there was no one around. And so, probably against his better judgment, he replied.

"Ok, I'll stay."


Tim stood in wide-eyed disbelief as he watched his wife come on to Eric. What the hell is she doing? He was stupefied even more when he watched his wife kiss him. He thought that maybe that would have been the time to reveal himself to them and put an end to this madness. But, as confused as he was about Andrea's behavior, he wasn't as upset as he thought he should have been. Instead, he was taken by the desire to keep watching these events unfold.

"Eric," he heard her say, "I'm so glad to have a friend like you." She caressed his face with her feather-light touch.

"I'm just glad I can be here for you," replied Eric, still looking uneasy.

After a few suspenseful moments, Tim watched them lock lips in another kiss. Unlike the first, this kiss was more passionate. And they didn't separate for quite some time. Their hands began to explore. She rubbed his broad chest, and his hand found the small of her back and pulled her in.

Tim's growing erection pressed against the front of his pants. What the hell am I so turned on for? I mean…that's my wife! Even now, as much as he tried to convince himself that he should be angry with her, he felt no ill-feelings at all. He simply watched in a state of amazement and curiosity. I guess we'll just see where this goes.

Andrea began to stroke Eric through his pants, inducing a rock hard erection. Tim heard her whispering something, though he couldn't make out the words. She was soon on her knees in front of the couch, undoing Eric's pants. She pulled them down to his ankles and gently rubbed his now exposed dick. At least he's got a smaller penis than me.

The fact that Eric was smaller, though, allowed Andrea to take in his full length as she began to blow him. Tim felt himself getting slightly jealous. Just look at her. My wife. Deepthroating another man's dick. She gagged and salivated all over Eric's dick with an eagerness that Tim hadn't seen from her in quite some time. Was she just coping with her negativity about Tim? Did she really want Eric all along? At the moment, Tim didn't really care. He was just caught up in watching his wife please another man.

After a few more minutes, Andrea stood up and began to undress.

"I want you," she whispered. "No, I need you. Right here and now."

Eric paused for a moment, as if contemplating what he should do. But Tim knew that this could only end one way. He won't be able to turn her down. Not my wife. She's too hot. He looked intently at Eric's face, studying his expressions. He could almost see Eric's reasons for rejecting her fall apart, one by one. Eric stood up and pulled off his pants. Andrea replaced him on the couch and laid on her back, pulling her knees to her shoulders, leaving her legs pointing into the air. Eric, now fully disrobed, knelt in front of her.

Tim watched as Eric's cock slid easily into Andrea's pussy. God, she must be so wet right now. Eric spent a few seconds getting acclimated, and then started to pump her vigorously. His hips slapped against her ass, and her legs bounced helplessly above his shoulders. Fuck, look at her. Why is this so fucking hot? Tim rubbed his crotch, his boner now throbbing almost painfully. He thought he might explode at any moment.

Eric moved a hand and started to rub her clit with his thumb. This started to send Andrea over the edge.

"Yes," she muttered. "Just like that. Don't stop." She threw her head back into the couch and grasped at the cushions. Her toes curled as she moaned her way tremulously through a surge of ecstasy.

Tim could no longer help himself. He undid his pants and started to stroke his own dick. This is too fucking hot. I can't take it. He stood in the shadows, now literally getting off on his wife being fucked by another man.

Eric pulled out of Andrea and sat on the couch. Andrea knew exactly what to do. She straddled him and sat on his cock, now riding him with smooth aggression. Her small ass jiggled every time she slammed it down. As Tim watched, he was again surprised by his wife's fiery passion. He was stroking his cock furiously, precum flowing freely and hanging from the tip.

Soon, it was Eric's turn to experience ecstasy. He clutched Andrea's hips tightly. "Andi. Andi, I'm gonna cum. Fuck, here it comes."

She jumped off and knelt in front of him, lowering her head onto his cock. Eric shot his load into her mouth. Unable to swallow it all, Andrea let the excess drip down the sides, but only momentarily. She eagerly lapped up the remaining cum.

The sight of his wife licking Eric's cock clean was enough to bring Tim to a climax of his own. He suppressed a groan as long, thick ropes of cum exploded from his cock, collecting on the floor in front of him. What a mess. Oh well, it will dry by the morning. Rather than stick around and risk discovery, Tim put away his cock and left the building as quietly as he came.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1sczny/on_the_couch_feedbackshort_storymfcuckold