SheilaStretch’s Alone on the Farm: Jane Wrecks Her Hole [Story tags include: Corruption, Fisting+, (some) Forced, sometimes a bit of beast…]

This is a story I've been working on for awhile. Chapter 5 is currently being edited, but I just realized I never did share the first 4 around here… It might be a bit extreme for some, but maybe some of you might be interested?

Chapter 1:

With a sudden pop the bottle slid easily all the way in, right up to her cervix and an uncontrollable shudder ran through her entire body as her muscles clamped fiercely around the bottle in a sudden orgasm.

Her whole body tingled with pleasure and she couldn’t help but massage a breast while gently sliding the bottle in and out of her warm, wet pussy. She hadn’t noticed herself holding her breath, but now she was panting heavily. She greedily fucked the bottle and moved it around trying to widen herself as much as possible, with the hope that it would loosen her up and make the next attempt a little easier.

That night she fell soundly asleep with a goal fully formed in her mind: She would stretch herself out and ruin her vagina so that no one but her would be able to enjoy it.

The next day Jane’s vagina ached from her abuse with the bottle. Rather than dissuading her though, the slight ache made it impossible to think about anything other than her new found goal.

Chapter 2:

As her world began to go white with pleasure, she realized that she didn’t give two shits if something this amazing was wrong. Her wildest dreams could not have concocted a scene as erotic as this; his balls slapping against her clit as his cock seemed to grow impossibly large inside her. She screamed into the pillow… all she could do was thrust back at him and angle her hips to try and take him deeper.

She thought she might go insane from the intensity of it all.

His manic thrusts suddenly ended, but his hot seed kept pumping into her and she shuddered and moaned lustfully.

Chapter 3:

When …semen beginning to trickle out of her and down her thighs again, Jane lost it.

The sensation was completely overwhelming; she felt like her organs would explode as he continued to fill her endlessly. Too far gone to care any longer, she lifted a hand to reach back and find the little nub of flesh that would send her over the edge. Even in front of all these people- she couldn’t stop herself. Not anymore.

Droplets of cum dripped from her mound, crept along her fingers and dribbled from her wrist. Another moan escaped her lips and her muscles contracted involuntarily as her body shook with another orgasm.

“Guilty!” a gruff voice announced triumphantly. The condemnation only seemed to spur her orgasm as her fingers continued their assault

Chapter 4:

she shouldn’t be… indulging something like this, but her hands continued pumping the candle sticks in and out of her loose, sloppy hole.

Her hips rammed hard against them so that they pounded her deep inside. Jane felt powerless in his strong grip, she could feel the heat of his body pressing close, and she couldn’t help but want him to just take her right then and there. She wanted him to force his way into her, right alongside the candle sticks, to feel his member stretch her until her opening ached and then keep stretching her till she couldn’t stand it anymore. Eyes closed, she gasped for breath. She felt his hands clasping her wrists together bruisingly hard. She felt herself fighting and struggling, his teeth in her shoulder, his hot breath on her neck as he took all control from her, doing with her as he pleased.

Some small part in the back Jane’s mind screamed at her to stop. She shouldn’t be thinking anything like this. She should be terrified; not groping in the top of her drawer for a sixth candle stick.


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