SheilaStretch’s Plutonian Propagation: wrecked holes, broken taboos & wanton cumsluts too! [Story tags include: M/S, MC, Mind-Break, Cum Obsession, Intentional Pregnancy, Fisting+, ect. ect…]

X-posted from /r/breeding… Mr. S and I have been working to get this finished for what seems like forever now, but it's finally done!

The story is broken up into 3 parts, with each part having a few 'main' kinks. If one chapter's focused kink doesn't appeal, the story is split in a way that you can absolutely skip to the next chapter to avoid the bit you're not interested in :)

The mother/son relationship is a primary theme, and progresses throughout all 3 chapters, but I guess we could say the first 2 chapters are really more about the mental processes our leading lady goes through to end up where she ends up by chapter 3 :D

Chapter summaries below:

Chapter 1:

Tags: slut, cum obsession, corruption, MC, mind-break, piercings, gangbangs, wrecked holes

Claire could see the cum spilling out of her overfilled hole, leaking out around her piercings and down her thighs and onto the sheets to form a sticky mess between her legs.

Her cunt was a sloppy, gaping, wrecked mess. She knew she should have been horrified, but… she couldn't bring herself look away.

As each new partner's thick, white seed pulsed and spilled inside her, the cock was quickly pulled out and another immediately moved in to take his place, forcing even more cum out of her already sloppy hole.

But of course, even that wasn't enough for her. Claire watched helplessly as The Whore controlling her body used a free hand to scoop as much spilled seed as she could back into herself.

Chapter 2:

Tags: slut, cum obsession, corruption, MC, mind-break, piercings, gaping, hole wrecking, fisting, pregnancy, pleasurable birthing, pregnancy addiction, stretch marks, milking, masturbation

As full and round as any woman she'd ever seen, Whore Claire was a caricature of her former self. Her already huge breasts had swollen and filled out to enormous size, their rapid expansion made even more evident by the eye-catching stretch marks of purple and silver that lined them both, a set of faint blue veins trailing along each massive breast, the both of them tipped with dark areola that seemed to drip endlessly with milk.

But even that was nothing compared to the almost impossibly swollen belly they rested across like a shelf. The Whore was like an ancient fertility Goddess made flesh, her obscenely filled belly obviously round with child, the woman's once flawless middle covered with (what should have been) a horrifying map of stretchmarks . Twins. Maybe even triplets. That poor woman. That poor her. Claire felt another shudder ripple through her body.

She was huge.

…But in her mind's eye, as she watched the scene with an air of detachment, she saw something on Whore Claire's face… An expression of… joy? of exaltation? Whatever it was, it seemed a sharp contrast from Claire's memories of giving birth to Jeremy. The 'new' Claire seemed to be exactly in her element as she prepared to birth the contents of her hugely over-stretched womb. A look of determination lined The Whore's face as she began to push, beginning the process of birthing the womb full of young from her (once) 'cute,' 'tight' vagina. It certainly wasn't tight or cute anymore.

Claire watched her own expression of concentration break as a look of pure bliss washed over her. As the first baby slid out in a gush of fluid, the motion stretching the collar of her cervix and birthing canal wide, Claire saw herself lose control of her limbs as it slid out of her, The Whore's arms and legs flailing wildly in all directions as she surrendered herself to the soul searing orgasm that washed over her.

Regaining control a moment later, but somehow still obviously ready for more, Claire watched the slutty, pregnant cow's hand dart to heavily pierced cunt, rubbing and massaging the loose pink cavern before balling into a fist and roughly pummeling it in and out of the already gaping, stretched maw, tugging at her nipple piercings with another hand as her body prepared to give birth again. There was nothing gentle about how The Whore was turning the sacred act of giving birth into a hedonistic frenzy. It was like nothing Claire had ever seen.

Chapter 3:

Tags: slut, cum obsession, corruption, MC, mind-break, gaping, hole wrecking, fertility drugs, pregnancy, pregnancy addiction, stretch marks, incest (mother & son), cum funnel, impregnation, insemination

Claire couldn't explain why she had such a conflicting urge to fuck every cock in sight paired with a strangely compelling urge to stretch and wreck and ruin her baby machine of a cunt until it gaped so loosely that even the hugest of cocks would barely touch the sides… Claire shuddered again with delight.

It… it would be fine, she reasoned – even when she ended up too loose to fuck (it was a 'when', not 'if'), she could still get pregnant, she decided to herself- even if she did the sort of stuff she was thinking about… She just needed cum in her to get pregnant, didn't she? Fucking could be entirely optional…

…God- a cum funnel overflowing with strange, anonymous cum donated by God only knows who… Black, white, asian – it wouldn't matter at all as long as she could get pregnant. She'd never even know the race of the man who'd knocked her up until it was time to give birth again in front of anybody who would care to watch… another shudder of lust wracked her body.

God- a fucking baby machine. A baby factory just meant to be fucked- not even fucked- that part didn't matter- God, she just needed to be filled with cum. That would be enough. They could just put a funnel in her gaping, used, birth-wrecked hole and jerk off into it- that would be enough to knock her up again. And when she pushed that litter out, she'd knew she'd be immediately ready for the next set offspring to be fucked or spilled into her. A constant baby-machine whore, only concerned with who she could get to knock her up next… Clair shuddered again with uncontrolled delight, knowing she'd never again be able to give this feeling up – it was too much to ask. She needed more.

Claire used a second finger to scoop some of the cum off her belly and feed it into her hungry slit, but even as she savored the sensation of using the two fingers to coat her own inner walls… Like a delicious bowl of the finest ice cream, just small scoops wasn't getting it where it needed to be quickly enough- Claire found herself using her hand to scoop up even more of the incestuous seed- a palm-full this time. Raising her pelvis into the air, she used one hand to spread her motherly lips apart, and angling her cum filled hand downward, let the sticky, forbidden seed funnel into her, slowly dribbling into her warm, fertile cunt
