Female friend asked for details about what I was going to do to her

"As I teased her, gently tracing her panty line through her jeans. As I moved to slide my hand inside, she allows me, breathing deeply, her lips twitching. Making a "V" with my fingers I massage the outside of her pussy, stopping and sliding slowly back up again when the base of my fingers have reach her clit, pausing to briefly press and grind against it. As her soft moans become short gasps, begging soundlessly for more, I begin to explore. This being a new pussy, one of have yet to discover, I take my time. My two fingers together, gently moving down, finding her clit, testing with a gentle circular rub to make sure it is indeed her clit, then continuing down, slowly with pressure to ensure that when I come across her wet tight swollen hole my fingers will enter as this is the only way I know to actually find myself inside the proper hole, and not her anus."

"As my finger makes slow circles around her vagina I watch her face. Her eyes are closed, eyelids shut tight, breathlessly making words with her half open lips. I dip slowly inside. Her body tightens, A sigh of relief, a sigh of pleasure. I go slowly to ensure she is wet enough, but after mere seconds she has come and I begin to press my fingers along the top side of her…slowly going in and out again. I pause. Pressing my fingers gently but with an assertive force on her g-spot. I begin slowly rubbing. As her breaths and moans begin to match my motions, I kiss her neck just below the ear, rubbing my free hand under her hair."

"As she leans into me, she also begins slowly thrusting her hips against my hand"

"I can't resist. Still inside her, I run my free hand from her hair, down her side, to her pants, unbuttoning them and pulling the top of one side down just enough so I can kiss the inside of her hip bone."

"I can smell her. That sweet scent. I must have her"

"She helps me take her pants off, as I rub the inside of her thigh, tracing my kisses as her thighs, and legs revealed."

"I begin to kiss back up again with my other hand running along the inside of her opposite thigh."

"Getting closer now, I again trace the outline of her labia. Pulling her panties down slowly I follow with kisses. She is cleanly shaven."

"I use my tongue now. Circling her hole. Tasting her for the first time. She is leaned back, but watches me touch and taste her. I look up to make eye contact, we lock eyes briefly before she shuts her eyes tightly and tilts her head back. I go to work."

"I use my hands to find her clit again, a then spread her lips, allowing my tongue to slowly run along them and stop just on her clit."

"I leave it there. Motionless. She begins to push into me. Begging."

"I lick it. I taste it. Kissing it, holding it with my lips while my tongue flicks it. Pressing against it, rubbing it with the tip and then the base of my tongue.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1lvqyk/female_friend_asked_for_details_about_what_i_was

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