Excerpt from ‘The Weekender’ [mf]

Let me tell you, the best ever was Billy Morrow during my first year of college. I was home for the weekend and so was he – we'd seen each other at the grocery store. I honestly don't know what it was about him, but at the time I just wanted to surrender everything to that boy. Sure, he was good looking, but I also felt so safe with him. I knew that if we did it, he wouldn't have told a soul. I was ready to hand over my virginity that night when he snuck into my room. But we both got too freaked out that my dad would walk in.

So, to mitigate the risk, he sat on the far side of my bed and reached a hand up under my covers. I obliged by pulling my panties down below my knees and hiking my shirt up over my chest. He couldn't see anything, but he had free reign otherwise. We figured if my dad walked in, we'd have at least a passing chance of not getting caught.

I shut my eyes and pretended to be asleep and soon I felt one of his rough, warm hands slide up over my hipbone. My stomach tensed as the hand headed south and lightly stroked my pubic hair. He slid his hand down between my thighs, just out of reach of my clit, teasing me. He traced unknown symbols with his fingers there – it drove me crazy.

Then, light as a feather, he dragged his fingers up over my belly button to my left breast. My nipples were both as hard as rocks and he squeezed one. My hand clamped down on his as a gasp escaped me. I held his hand there, tight against my tit and he kept gently applying pressure.

My head swam.

"Make me come," I whispered to him and guided his hand back down to my pussy, which he found slippery and hot. He was eager, thank God, and found my clit without much effort.

The moment he touched it, my body nearly folded up. I covered my eyes with one hand and arched my back and moaned. I looked over at him and he was smiling at me. Then his finger started moving in tiny circles and I just started to lose all control. My body squirmed and writhed without me giving it a single thought. I reached out of the covers and grabbed Billy's free hand and pressed it to my tit, hoping he would take the hint.

And he sure did – one hand was tweaking the hell out of my clit and the other was squeezing my nipples, traveling over both boobs, back and forth, over and over, and driving me fucking crazy.

I felt that warmth start build up inside and I knew that Billy was actually going to take me all the way. I was going to come, right in front of him.

"Oh God!" I whispered in one manic exhalation. And then – BAM – the fireworks. I pressed his hand onto my pussy as hard as I could and imagined come drenching his fingers, which made me come even harder. My face flushed. My breath stopped. And then —

"AHHHH!" I yelped. I couldn't help it, I swear! It was loud, too, you guys. Way too loud for that time of night in a house where your parents are sleeping and dreaming only of you never having sex until you're married.

We both froze, immediately falling silent. We listened. I still held his hand to my pussy – I didn't give a shit, I wanted his hand to stay right there. He seemed to feel the same way.

Sure enough, two seconds later, there were heavy footsteps in the hall.

As quickly and quietly as he could, Billy stuffed himself under my bed and a moment later, my dad knocked on the door.


"Yeah, dad?"

"Everything okay in there?" he asked – and all I could think was you have no idea how okay everything is in here.

"Yeah, dad. I'm okay."

"Uh… alright. Well, if you need anything…"

"Yeah, no, dad. I'm cool," I said.

"Okay. Goodnight." he said, his footsteps fading out down the hall.

Billy slid out from underneath the bed and was kneeling by my side, a huge smile on his face.

"I made you come."

"You surely did." I said, stroking his face.

"Good. Well, I'll see you tomorrow, then."

"You don't… want me to reciprocate?" I asked him, really hoping he'd say yes. I was in a state, I have to tell you.

And when I get like that, really, the sky is the limit.

"Not tonight. Tonight was just for you," he said, and kissed me.

With that he was out the window and gone.

Good ol' Billy. Not a selfish lover, that one. We dated for exactly one year before I caught him sneaking out of Cindy Wooldridge's window. Seems he'd tasted blood and had to have more. I should've been angrier, but everything between us had gone stale by then, so it made the break up simple.

Still – that first night? I'll never forget it.

All comments and feedback welcome!

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/1lxcvu/excerpt_from_the_weekender_mf