*Note. This is mostly fact, names have obviously been changed to protect the guilty, and the first draft was written *years* ago, so some memories are faded on details, but the broadstrokes at least are accurate :)
I guess I’ll start this narrative the traditional way…
My wife, June, is about 5’4″, slender, redhead, and with a great set of tits. Not only that, but her libido matches mine pretty damn well. I’m 5’11”, and while not in perfect shape, I’m not massively out of shape either. Until June, I’d never been with a girl who was as horny as I am. We met, as many couples do, in college. She was a Freshman, I was closer to graduating, and somehow we ended up together my final semester.
The fact that we didn’t know if we had a future together added an urgency to our relationship, but at the same time a kind of care free attitude. She wasn’t close to graduating yet, and in a few months I had no idea where I’d be, if even in the same country as her. And nowhere was this attitide more apparent than in our sex life. We were insatiable. We couldn’t get enough sex, and every time it got better.
One day, we got to the bedroom, and immediately started going at each other, tearing each other’s clothes off, she pulled my cock out as I was squeezing her breast. She dropped to her knees and just inhaled it. She went to town, sucking me deep, hard and fast. I smiled, buried my hands in her hair and gently thrust into her mouth, loving the feel of her lips and tongue on my shaft.
After a few minutes she pushed me down onto the bed, got up and straddled me, riding me hard. She was out to get cum, and we both knew it. I lay there, relishing the feel of her pussy around me, the sight of her body going up and down before we switched to doggy style. June loves doggy, it gives her the chance to slam back against me and take me all in, plus I can pull her hair with one hand and grope her tits with the other. This time, as I was pushing into her cunt, she said “I want you to cum…” she gasped as I slammed hard and deep into her.
“Oh I will.”
“I want you to cum… on my face…”
I almost came right then and there. No girl had ever let me do that, and here June was demanding it! I pulled out while I had the chance and she knelt in front of my cock, teasing it with her tongue, chanting “Cum for me… cum for me… cum all over my face and tits and-” she was interuppted by the stream of jizm that hit her mouth, a second spurt hitting her cheeks and nose, the 3rd and fourth landing squarely on the tongue she finally managed to have out. She looked so sexxy, so beautiful, so slutty, kneeling there in front of my cock, cum dripping down her face, that I barely flagged at all. I pulled her up, threw her down on the bed, and fucked her again, harder and faster until I had filled her pussy with cum to.
The next morning, I woke to her hands and mouth working on me, better than any alarm clock! I started pulling her up on top of me, but she resisted. “I’m too sore from yesterday,” she explained, “But I think you should cum on my face again.” I did, and it was hot.
We had only been dating a few weeks when we discovered our mutual like of talking dirty in bed. We’d get each other going, egging the other on, June telling me how much she loved my cock, me telling her how tight her pussy was (and is). During this time, we were pushing the other’s limits with our talk. We’d quickly discovered that we’d both happily go for any position we could manage, and also that not only did we both love it when I came in her pussy but that she also loved taking it in her mouth and on her tits. We would dirty talk ideas that popped into our heads of things to try, games, dominance, submission, trying to find each other’s limits.
It was during one of these exploring sessions that something happened that changed our relationship forever…
I looked up at June as she rode me, her tits bouncing ever so slightly with the ride and fall of her body. I had been telling her how much I loved her pussy.
“Yeah?” she said, cock still in her. “Yeah,” I responded, pulling down on her hips to drive inside. “I love pussy, and I love fucking yours.” She tightened around me and pitched forward, her breasts pushing into my chest.
“What, my pussy isn’t enough?” Despite the words, her voice was playful, and there was something in her eyes. I took the chance.
“Never enough. Just like you never get enough cock.” Her mouth gasped slightly as I said it, and I knew I’d guessed right. I rolled her over onto her back, pulled her legs far apart and pushed all the way in. “Just like you never get enough cock,” I repeated, “like with those two guys.” She had told me she once sucked off 2 guys at once, and I had always enjoyed the image it created. She moaned as I said this, and I realized she was getting off on the memory.
“You like sucking on more than one guys cock?”
“Oh god yes!”
“You want to get covered in their cum?”
At this point June started rattling off names, guys she had fucked in the past, or wanted to, random friends, ex-boyfriends, etc. I got more excited at the idea.
“What about me?” I asked, “What if I want one of your friends?”
“Mmmm, which one?” she asked as I pounded her, “Who do you want to fuck?”
“Jennifer,” the name popped out. Jennifer was one of June’s best friends, blonde, curvy, and from what I had gleaned, almost as sexual as June.
“You want to fuck her?”
“You want to take her pussy?”
“Going to cum in her?”
“Fuck yeah, I’m going to cum in Jennifer-” I screamed as I came, pulsing my jizz into June’s hot hole.
We lay there for a few minutes, catching our breath, and I wondered if I had just ended us. After all, I had just cum while screaming her friend’s name. But as she started stroking my cum-slicked cock, I knew things were still good.
We talked about it soon after. Obviously we both got off on the idea of us with other people. We also agreed that as we hadn’t been dating long, we didn’t have much to lose. But how to progress?
“Look,” I said, “There’s this girl, Laura, that I used to fuck.” In fact I had fucked her just a couple weeks before June and I had started dating. “Maybe we can experiment.”
“What kind of experiment?”
“Well, what if she gives me a blow job? It’s not like full on fucking, and if you can’t handle the sight of her sucking my cock, well, we obviously won’t go any further. If you don’t like it, we’ll just never do it again.” It was agreed. I emailed Laura and explained the situation to her, and asked if she would help.
To be continued…?