Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 17)

Table of Contents

< Part 16

"I know you girls are going to remain skeptical of what I am about to say long after this evening has ended. Yet if you give what we have to say a chance, we are confident that you will reap the benefits we have seen. We are so confident that you will that we are willing to 'put our money where our mouths are.' It's called a buy out. I know some of you have heard of it, and wondered if it was true, well, it is. We don't pay women to stay in this kingdom, we pay them to leave. From the moment you are declared a maiden within this kingdom, your minimum buy out price is one hundred thousand dollars.

"I want to be very clear about this. If at the time we have deemed you to be worthy to be a maiden, yet you are so little convinced of the benefits to this kingdom that you would rather have the money, then we really do want you to go. Please, for our sake and yours, take the money and go.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 16)

Table of Contents

< Part 15

"Contrary to popular opinion, we did not start off as sexual degenerates who went looking for a religion to justify our moral depravity. In fact, quite the opposite. When we looked at something like infidelity, we saw it as something that was destroying marriages, and could be easily understood why. After all, if you make a promise that you don't keep, then there is something clearly wrong with your character. Right?

"The truth is, we could not find any justification for monogamy that brought anything positive to a relationship. At best, monogamy is about avoiding bad things, but usually it was about re-enforcing negative things like fear and jealousy. It definitely takes your focus off of the positive things that all relationships should be about.

"Eventually we began to see the same thing about monogamy as we did with sacrifice. As we stated earlier, if you see something as a sacrifice, you either need to change something about yourself so that it is no longer a sacrifice, or reject the sacrifice as something you should not do.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 15)

Table of Contents

< Part 14

All of the girls filed back into the dining room. Waiting for them was pots of coffee and pitchers of iced tea. There were also some snacks of fresh fruit and cookies. Some of the girls began partaking what was available, while others continued on out to the hall. Marcia followed Laura out, and saw on the opposite side of the hall a door labeled Women's Lounge. She then followed Laura into it.

The room was what any woman would love to find in something called a Woman's Lounge. Not only were there extremely comfortable looking lounges, but also the room was decorated with floral patterns and plenty of actual flowers. No man could walk into this room and think he belonged.

Marcia then asked Laura, "So what's next? I am so emotionally drained after what we have covered so far, I don't know how I am going to deal with anything more."

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 14)

Table of Contents

< Part 13

Just as before, none of the girls seemed to have any questions. Most of them even looked a little stunned. Then finally, as before, it was the shyest girl, Lisa Green, who raised her hand. Lord Jacob then nodded towards her.

"Master Jacob," said Lisa. "For the lack of a better word, I would like to say I found this evening very enlightening. I say 'for the lack of a better word' because usually it is associated with learning something new. I don't know how to describe an experience where something I have always felt to be true can now have words to describe it. It's not that you and Lady Jennifer have given me something new, it's that you have revealed to me something that was already inside me.

"I say this so that you will know that I don't doubt anything you have told me, except your confidence that we, who believe as we do, are in the majority. If we are, why do we not confront those in the minority and educate them in the realities of Christianity?"

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 12)

Table of Contents

< Part 11

"Good. Now where was I…. Oh yes, the Sabbath. So for us, the Sabbath is about focusing on our relationships, not about what we should abstain from. So what exactly should we do on the Sabbath? There is the obvious activity, like engaging in fellowship at church, but there other activities that are about relationships such as singing and dancing, and of course sports.

"If I were to come up with a secondary definition of our kingdom beyond a kingdom of relationships, I would say this is a kingdom of sports. The benefits derived from the physical development, and social interaction that occurs when we engage in sporting activities, cannot be overstated.

"There is still much more to cover about our Sabbath activities, but we'll do that some other day." To her husband Lady Jennifer said, "I know picking on liberals is one of your favorite things to do. Would you care to continue from here?"

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 11)

Table of Contents

< Part 10

"This leads right into the other significant difference we have. We do not believe that God cares about what we do. We believe that He only cares about who we are. When this is told to a previous generation Christian, they claim that this is not difference at all, but when it's explained that this means that we do not believe in sacrifice at all, they then start to back track.

"For most Christians, sacrifice is a big deal. In fact, for them, the more you sacrifice, the better a Christian you are. We, on the other hand, see no sacrifice in being a Christian. Quite the opposite. We believe it is a sacrifice to not be a Christian.

"The principle of sacrifice is to do something that you would normally not want to do. In other words, to do something that you would prefer not doing. As my husband stated earlier, we believe God only wants us to do things we should want to do any way, and if what He requires of us can be considered a sacrifice to us, then there is something wrong in us that needs to be fixed.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 10)

Table of Contents

< Part 9

Alyson was looking a little distressed, so Lord Jacob decided to try something else. "Tell you what. Let's try a different tack. Answer me this question. Do you consider yourself to be special? Not in the sense of a special human being or anything. Just in the general sense, do you believe you are special; that there is something of significance or consequence to you? Do you believe you have any impact in the world around you?"

"Yes, of course Master Jacob. Of course I think I do."

"Well if you do not believe in the existence of God, then you need to come to grips with the fact that you believe you are nothing more than a chemical reaction; merely a more interesting form of what happens when you combine vinegar and baking soda.

"If you believe that you are nothing more than a chemical reaction, then you have nothing to believe in, because chemical reactions have no control over their reactions. They only respond to their environment, and nothing more.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 8)

Table of Contents

< Part 7

Becky Phadt, the middle-eastern looking woman, then raised her hand along with Marcia, but rather than waiting for Lady Jennifer to call on her, she just started talking. "Mistress Jennifer, what Sandra and Evellyn are saying is related to my issue. I was raised to believe that monogamy is the highest form of respect that a husband and wife can show to each other, so I am having a hard time redefining what a proper relationship is between spouses in this kingdom.

"It seems to me that you have rejected monogamy because you think it is a better method to deal with cheating spouses. Yet would it not be better to expect better behavior from people, rather than letting them get away with disrespectful conduct? Why should I not expect from my husband that I be good enough for him… sexually speaking?"

"Good enough?" Lady Jennifer repeated. "What exactly does it take to be good enough? The fact that you're female, and are the only one he is allowed to have sex with? Is that all it takes? That doesn't sound like much of an accomplishment to me.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 7)

Table of Contents

< Part 6

When it appeared that Lady Jennifer had finished, it was Evellyn Robinson that next raised her hand. Lady Jennifer then nodded towards her to continue. When she spoke, her speech matched her appearance of a Nubian princess. It was very regal and measured.

"Mistress Jennifer, in some ways I feel I have been deceived. From the outside, this kingdom appears morally strict, which is something I feel is necessary in life. Yet what you have shown me in the past three days, I think, is quite different. The sexuality that you have exposed me to has been like nothing I have ever experienced. I can assure you, before you took me in; I had never previously contemplated sex with a woman, let alone engaged in it.

"Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to blame you for my behavior. I have made it a point to rebel against my African-American community's tendency to blame others for our own failings. And one of the areas of my community that I have particularly rejected is the over-sexualized aspect that manifests itself in considering it acceptable for a black woman to be referred to as a 'ho' or a bitch.

Next Generation Christian Kingdom Ch.03: Marcia Learns Why (Part 6)

Table of Contents

< Part 5

As Marcia entered the room, the first thing she noted was the furniture. There were two very long, leather couches, with low wide arm rests, positioned at right angles to each other, forming a 'V.' At the open end of this 'V,' was a matching leather love seat facing into it. Lord and Lady Jacob sat there, with Lord Jacob to the right of Lady Jennifer.

"Please girls," said Lady Jennifer. "Have a seat on one of the couches."

Marcia sat on the far end of the coach next to Lady Jennifer. The other seven girls had no problem sitting down, as the couches were indeed very long.

Marcia then looked around the room, and thought this room was more like a library with lots of books on shelves. Then it struck her that this room had no windows. Just as it dawned on her how ominous that seemed to her, she then noticed a long wide leather strap hanging off the wall beyond Lord Jacob. Considering what she had experienced today, she had no problem visualizing what was about to happen to them tonight.