A lab project for Clara (part 4) [sci-fi] [MMMF]

Clara insisted she hadn’t slept with my double a second time. A rule was a rule—no sex without alpha Harry. No beta, no omega. This double was obviously different in small ways—some large ways, she admitted when pressed, so maybe he only needed a single orgasm to achieve lucidity. Or maybe orgams hadn’t been a trigger at all. Maybe they only needed time. We were on the cutting edge of biochemical automation, she said; nothing was known with certainty.
My well-endowed double, for his part, claimed that he did, in fact, have sex with my wife. But this was of course true. We’d all been there. The question was whether he was lucid enough to be confirming a second sexual encounter, or merely reaffirming the first.
Whatever the case, I didn’t care for him. He only wanted to talk about numbers and science. Occasionally some idiotic TV show. He played video games too loudly and bounced his basketball—over and over and over and over and over—as if it’s necessary to dribble in a friendly game. Plus he was always hitting on my wife. He wrapped his arms around her waist as she washed dishes. He lifted her dress when she bent to pick up a sock. He even massaged her foot and kissed her leg as she protested their affair.
On Saturday I went for a long jog to clear my head and reconsider the interface. The three of them were passed out in bed when I returned.
“I thought rules were rules,” I shouted from the doorway.
Clara sat upright, holding the bed sheet against her body. She looked at me, then at both doubles.
“I thought you were one of them,” she said.
“I went for a jog!”
“I thought one of them went for a jog!”
I decided to dye their hair. I gave my first double a subtle brown, only a mild change from our natural chestnut, but enough to set him apart. I gave my second double a loud, nearly white shade of blonde, very unbecoming with our skin tone.
“What if they wear hats?” Clara asked.
“Baseball caps in bed?”
She shrugged. “Firemen hats. Sailor hats. Police hats.”
I instituted a new no-hats rule, but this only made Clara more interested in hats. I bought her a cowgirl hat and a pair of boots. She wore them and nothing else and took turns straddling each of us in the kitchen chairs.
I was beginning to feel left out. I told Clara that I needed her. Just her and me for a moment.
“Harry, of course!” She pulled on a tight pink sweater, a favorite from the days before we were even engaged. We went for a drive through the valley. We listened to music. We stopped for burgers. After a couple of hours, we parked on a hilltop overlooking the town.
“If you need to take a break from the Harrys, we absolutely can,” she said.
“You couldn’t do that,” I said.
“I could! Especially now that his hair looks like it’s been in the freezer.”
“I don’t want to stop,” I said. “I don’t even know what it feels like yet.”
Clara sat up in her seat and straightened her sweater.
“What is it you’d like to feel?” she asked.
“Your perfect body with my six hands, for starters.”
“Two’s just not enough?”
I shook my head. “Not enough.”
“What else?”
“Six lips on your skin,” I said. “Three mouths. One here…” I touched the side of her neck. “One here…” I touched the side of her breast. “One here…” I touched the inside of her thigh. “All at once.”
She took my hand, keeping it in the last spot. “Three cocks? I still have my rule.”
I turned to face her more fully. I was a little tired, a little needy, but she looked so lovely. She squeezed my hand around her thigh, offering me one comfort even though she’d already provided another.
“I’m sure you know what I’d like to do to you. The benefits of three bodies,” I said. “But don’t forget that I felt the same way you did. That I wanted to give you more of myself than I was physically able to give. To reach you in a way I never could never do with a single body. So honestly the thing I most want to feel is you. You accepting every part of me. Not the pieces I parse out for you at different moments. You accepting the whole me.”
Clara looked at me for a moment. She unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them awkwardly from her legs. She took off her sweater. She slid backwards over the armrests and settled in the backseat in her white cotton panties and white cotton bra. She bent one leg in the cramped space and swayed her knee side to side.
“Do you want to just lie here a minute?” she asked.
I took off my clothes and settled in beside her. I held her hand and we stayed that way until we both fell asleep.
This night led to a week of celibacy in our home, much to the chagrin of the doubles. When one pinned Clara against the bookcase in the study, she politely declined. When one reached a hand beneath her tennis skirt, she said she was on her way out the door. Clara and I slept in our bed alone. Eventually they got the message and seemed not to mind. We began playing board games and card games at night. The doubles and I were quite good at poker, while Clara preferred gin rummy.
But the old ways began to return. One of the doubles—likely that snow-capped idiot—snuck into our bed late one night. He gently spooned Clara and she, remembering her own appetites, squirmed against him. Not to be outdone, I slid closer and kissed her deeply just as she moaned from the stir of him pushing inside of her. She stroked my cock as we kissed, I touched between her legs as she bounced, and soon she had to bury her face in a pillow to keep quiet. We told that alabaster dingus to get back to his bath before he was missed, then we went to bed.
The next night we received a visit from the other double. He slipped into bed next to Clara, slowly moved his hand beneath her nightie, and slid two fingers inside of her. She squeezed his wrist, but didn’t remove his hand. Again, feeling them squirm beneath the sheets, I slid closer and kissed her deeply. She moaned and took my cock in her hand. I massaged her clit as he moved his fingers inside and soon she needed another pillow. We asked my double to go back to his bath and to please be quiet about it.
At some point over the next few days the doubles got wind of each other’s trysts and it seemed our old habits were back. I came home one day to find Clara in the kitchen wearing only an apron and panties. She sucked frosting from a double’s finger as the other knelt behind her, tugging at her panties with his teeth.

A lab project for Clara (part 3) [sci-fi] [MMMF]

A new double meant I needed supplies. A second hibernation bath, obviously. An ample supply of basic elements. Another copy of my own DNA, carefully collected. And of course I’d need more car batteries. With the occasional squeal from the house interrupting my train of thought, I also insisted that my double act as my lab assistant.
“A good idea,” Clara said, straightening her skirt and glaring at my double.
The two of us drove around town breaking into cars. One of us pried open the hood while the other served lookout. We tried to pick older cars left on deserted streets, but we were a bad influence on each other. Occasionally one of us would dare the other to go for a shiny sedan parked in a driveway. The house lights would flip on, the lookout would honk the horn, and then we’d peel away hooting.
He was a big help in the lab, too. He seemed to have an innate understanding of the task at hand, the complex scientific theories we were wading through. Alas, he was as stumped as I when it came to the cranial transistor problem, the crux of the interface. We discussed possible solutions while tossing a tennis ball back and forth. Then the potassium indicator alarm would go off and I’d roll my eyes and I’d toss him a banana, instead.
The second double was complete in a few weeks. We ran diagnostics as he floated naked in the hibernation bath. By some fluke of chemistry, this one actually did have a slightly larger penis. Thicker and an inch longer, maybe two.
The interface, on the other hand, remained inoperable. I sighed and booted up our new member.
Clara had just come out of the shower when the three of us entered the bedroom. She had one towel wrapped around her body, another around her hair. We wore nothing. She stood with one foot on the bed, rubbing lotion on her leg, and she jumped when she saw us.
“Jesus, I thought you two were working.” Then she glanced at us in turn and her smile began to grow larger.
“He’s ready?” she asked, barely able to control her excitement.
“It’s ready,” I said. “But you have to be gentle this first time.”
We began to approach her slowly and she began to back away, beaming.
“Is that an order?” She pulled the towel from her hair and dropped it on the bed.
“The first of many,” I said.
We kept approaching and she kept backing away. She looked over our bodies, one at a time, and bit her lip.
“What if I say no?” Clara said.
“No?” We walked closer, she backed away.
“What if I can’t handle all of you?”
She stopped, having backed herself into the corner. She clutched her towel as we stood in front of her. One of my doubles reached out and ran his fingers along the cotton. He gave the towel a gentle tug and it fell to the floor. Clara swallowed and instinctively held an arm over her breasts, a hand between her legs.
“What if I can’t handle all of you?” she repeated.
“You’ll just have to take us one at a time,” I said.
We lowered Clara gently to her knees. One of my doubles lifted her chin, letting her suck briefly on his thumb. Then all three of us let our cocks rest against her face.
“Okay well we have to give them names now,” Clara said the next morning, cutting into an enormous stack of waffles.
“That defeats the purpose,” I said. “We’re all Harrys.”
“It’s nothing personal, sweetie, there’s just too many of you. I can’t call all of you the same thing.”
“Why not?”
“Harry, Harry 1, and Harry 2. Though I think the new one may be a Harry 9?”
I groaned and leaned forward to steal a piece of toast from her plate.
“I’m not imagining it this time, am I?” Clara said.
“He’s slightly bigger. I have no idea how.”
Clara raised her eyebrows, pursed her lips, and reached for a bear claw.
“He’s resting?” she asked.
“Hands out of the water,” I stressed. “No reminiscing this time.”
“I would never! But if history repeats, just one more orgasm and he’ll be able to help you in the lab.”
I stood to refill her juice glass.
“Patience, Clara,” I said. “Patience.”
But one morning, with only the single orgasm on the books, my new double strolled butt-naked into the bathroom.
I was brushing my teeth and he asked if I had a spare. I fished around a drawer and handed him an unopened toothbrush. He cracked the seal with no trouble, then reached for the toothpaste. “Only four out of five dentists approve,” he mumbled, reading the label. We both stood there brushing.
“I was also hoping to get a copy of today’s paper,” he said. “Does that come to the house?”
I didn’t answer.
“Not the whole thing. If someone else wants the arts section, that’s fine by me. But I would like to flip through the business page.”
“We get a paper,” I said.
He smiled and nodded in approval just before spitting in the sink. “After breakfast then?”
I watched him rub his fingers through his chest hairs, plucking any grays.
“Did you have sex with my wife?” I asked.

Dealing with a rough day [M/F] [Femdom] [Milking] [Face sitting]

Alison fumbled with the lock as she struggled with the weight of the bag she had hooked onto her arm that was full of paperwork. She hadn’t managed to finish all of her filings, so when she saw it was 5 o’clock she had shoved the pile into a bag and brought it with her. She cursed under her breath as she felt her arm get tired and her key refusing to enter the keyhole. She was only able to open the door when she put the bag down and tried again.

She sighed as the door finally swung open and allowed her into the apartment. Putting her keys back in her jacket pocket, she reached down to pick up the bag and stepped inside.

“Hey hun.” She heard Nick call out to her from the living room.

She didn’t reply as she put the bag against the wall and dropped her purse down next to it. Then she kicked off her high heels and walked down the hallway into the living room.

Looking for old [mmm] gay erotic sci-fi story

I hope this is a good place to post this.

Around 1994, I remember finding a gay erotic sci-fi story that I enjoyed. It was about a guy who visits another planet that is populated by gay men. I’m curious if anyone might know where to find this story?

Some scenes I remember:

* He asks another guy there how they reproduce, and the other guy says they use cloning
* A scene where he and another guy are laying down on the ground making out while some anteater-like creatures give them oral until they orgasm
* A scene where he lays down on a tree stump, which has the ability to stimulate his cock until he orgasms

Collection Center for Inseminations [femdom][nc][dystopian sci-fi]

*Hi. I’m gonna put the same general warning before this story as the one I put in the other one, because you should know before you start reading something that it’s as fucked up as this story is. So yeah, heads up. This is not romance, it is horror.*

*Also, if you are someone who is waiting for the second story that takes place in the world of my first story I put on here, sorry, this one is not that. (In fact, the world this one place takes in is quite different than the other one.) That following story is a much larger work in progress with a lot more going on conceptually and thematically than these first two I’ve posted, as well as being more emotionally diverse. I’ll put it up when I feel like it’s done, which is likely to be quite a while still. I want to get it right.*

*So anyway, if you’re still reading: Thanks! I appreciate you. I hope you enjoy the words I put together.*

**Collection Center for Inseminations**

The Princesses in the Tower – Chapter 4, Part 6 – Zita [Maledom] [Male supremacy] [Humiliation] [BDSM] [Spanking][Nerdgasm][Plot heavy]

To read the story from the start, you can go to the prologue [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/gd7eq2/the_princesses_in_the_tower_prologue_maledom_male/). The previous part is [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/p62o00/the_princesses_in_the_tower_chapter_4_part_5/).

*For Afghan female soccer players*


The leather rule: When you are breaking your slave girl in, make a list of her limits.

That is not bloody non-biding counsel. Rather, I would call it one of the differences between noble dominance and common sadism.

I’m talking to you, rowdies in shining armor, who think I am your table soccer figure.

Hubert Graham was devious, bossing us who enjoyed being shot. Although I must admit his mermaid rule should have been part of the fluctuating game from the start.James White had no imagination. He sent a bunch of people to water again and… He made us feel for every flushed goldfish. The whirlpools one and two were tiny, shoving us aside from the interchangeable cubic meters of fluid. We were sucked to the big one. I was slipping on the wall of the gargantuan eddy, holding the ankle of Mrs. Brunkow and Barbara holding mine.

The Princesses in the Tower – Chapter 4, Part 6 – Zita [Maledom] [Male supremacy] [Humiliation] [BDSM] [Spanking][Nerdgasm][Plot heavy]

*For Afghan female soccer players*


The leather rule: When you are breaking your slave girl in, make a list of her limits.

That is not bloody non-biding counsel. Rather, I would call it one of the differences between noble dominance and common sadism.

I’m talking to you, rowdies in shining armor, who think I am your table soccer figure.

Hubert Graham was devious, bossing us who enjoyed being shot. Although I must admit his mermaid rule should have been part of the fluctuating game from the start.James White had no imagination. He sent a bunch of people to water again and… He made us feel for every flushed goldfish. The whirlpools one and two were tiny, shoving us aside from the interchangeable cubic meters of fluid. We were sucked to the big one. I was slipping on the wall of the gargantuan eddy, holding the ankle of Mrs. Brunkow and Barbara holding mine.

Gene Therapy Part II [Sci-fi][MF][anal]

Jason pushed the lid open slowly, releasing a plume of wispy cool air. He could feel the chill on his fingers as he reached inside. His eyes never quite left Laura’s face. She looked nervous, and perhaps a bit curious. Jason grasped the rounded end of a vial and slid it into his palm, before giving the chilly tube a cursory glance: *201U9H.* He slid it back into place. *Not what he was looking for.*

Laura swept her fingers through her hair every few seconds as she waited. Her lips parted, she sighed and hummed but said nothing.

“Just looking for something—” Jason said reassuringly. He glanced at another vial before returning it to the case.

“—GOOD,” he exclaimed as he finally pulled the vial labeled “A1V18L” into his palm.

He placed the vial on the table, taking special care not to damage the delicate mechanized injection-ready cap.

“Did you plan on participating in one trial?” Jason asked, “More?”

The tip of Laura’s ruby-painted thumbnail found its way into her mouth. She nibbled it nervously while staring down at the lengthy tube of yellowish liquid sitting on the table.

Symbiotic Invasion Finale


I don’t really know how much the traitor heard or could understand as we reworked her stupid human brain, but it doesn’t matter. Frankly, she was flooded with so many pheromones, all she’ll be able to think from now on (if anything) is sex. If her ass isn’t in the air for fucking, she’s probably sleeping. The main issue now is, where the _fuck_ did Sebby go? Kinda hurtful to be so rejected. I don’t want to put him through the same punishment as the traitor, but something must be done. 

Shelby and Alesa were quick to follow Sebby outside, both keeping their distance and staying out of sight. Once I’d finished with the traitor and taken a moment to clear my head, I could see him ducking through some bushes between a couple houses. He wasn’t the sneakiest individual, so we probably would have caught up to him within an hour if the others hadn’t followed, but we needed to retrieve the stolen component sooner rather than later. That, and the sooner he is fully converted and on our side, the better.