[Part 9] Lisa Galaxia – Unexpected Guests (captured, no sex, sci-fi, choose your own adventure)

[Lisa Galaxia Story Hub](https://www.reddit.com/user/Butterflies-n-cream/comments/qp1l5y/lisa_galaxia_story_hub_a_scifi_choose_your_own/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) – Story summary and links to earlier chapters for people who want to get caught up!

Previously Lisa and Rachel were able to fend off a pirate attack by releasing several squid-like Night Terrors, which they were transporting for their employer. Now they’ve elected to make their way onto the seemingly disabled pirate ship.


“Okay push!”

Both women strained hard as they forced the cockpit doors of the Rose Rocket open. A stinky mass of tentacles and bodies from the dead night terrors slid down from behind the door as the women tiptoed cautiously out.

“This is beyond creepy,” Rachel commented as they crept down the darkened hallway, blasters drawn. Lisa’s security bot struggled and stumbled over the mass of bodies behind them, eventually catching up to the pair as they worked their way aft.

“They have quite the smell too,” do you think they’re all dead?” Rachel asked.

“No idea, but if they are then there are probably still pirates here.” Lisa replied as she peered cautiously around a corner into the kitchen.

[Part 8] Lisa Galaxia – Tentacles and Pirates (catcalling, oviposition, aliens, sci-fi, choose your own adventure)

[Lisa Galaxia Story Hub](https://www.reddit.com/user/Butterflies-n-cream/comments/qp1l5y/lisa_galaxia_story_hub_a_scifi_choose_your_own/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) – Previous chapters and plot summaries for those who want to get caught up!


“So what do we do?” Rachel repeated again.

“We give them a little surprise,” Lisa responded with a smile. She pushed a couple buttons on her wristband, and moments later her security bot rolled into the cockpit. Lisa quickly locked and barred the door behind it.

Crunch! Clunk!

The outer airlock was forced open, and the women could hear voices inside.

“Now what?” Rachel asked, sounding more frantic than before.

Lisa grabbed the remote for the crates and looked it over.

“You’re not seriously going to release the Night Terrors?” Rachel cut in.

“Yup sure am,” Lisa replied.

“You’re crazy!” Rachel retorted. “The last one almost laid eggs in both of us and you want to release more?”

“Well better than whatever the pirates would do,” Lisa shrugged and started fiddling with the controller.

“Hey sexy you in here somewhere?” A male voice called from down the hallway.

“That door there! To the cockpit!” Another voice yelled.

[Part 7] Lisa Galaxia – The Delivery (tentacles, stuck, sci-fi, choose your own adventure)

[Lisa Galaxia Story Hub](https://www.reddit.com/user/Butterflies-n-cream/comments/qp1l5y/lisa_galaxia_story_hub_a_scifi_choose_your_own/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) – Previous chapters and a plot summary are here for those who’d like to get caught up! 😊

Rejected storylines from last time were: paying off the debt via erotic work for the officer (opening possible underworld storylines), going the “by the books” route and staying on the planet with a choice of odd jobs featuring some new faces, and finally choosing to leave Rachel indebted to the officer while Lisa pays just her own fines and returns to the galaxy alone (ending possible Nova storylines).


“So what’s this cargo now?” Rachel was asking.

It’d been 3 weeks of mostly hauling junk between the Officer’s home and his cabin on the other side of the planet. Add in the occasional mystery boxes for him and the other officials here and in orbit and this had turned into a safe but slow way to pay off their debt. All they had to do was play off the occasional raunchy joke or cumbersome advance from their employer and his friends and keep stuff moving. Easy peasy. This next shipment though, was a big one.

[Part 5] Lisa Galaxia – The Confrontation (making out, nc, sci-fi, choose your own adventure)

[Lisa Galaxia Story Hub](https://www.reddit.com/user/Butterflies-n-cream/comments/qp1l5y/lisa_galaxia_story_hub_a_scifi_choose_your_own/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) – Links to a plot summary and previous chapters for people who want to catch up!

“Well at least everyone is clothed this time!” Rachel joked as she entered Zachery and Anity’s small passenger cabin on the Rose Rocket. The two of them appeared to have been having a conversation on the edge of the bed.

“We could change that if you’d like?” Zachery chimed in with a hint of hopefulness.

Rachel giggled and shook her head, “thanks, but I actually was wondering if I could get your help in the smaller cargo hold. A bunch of stuff fell over when we were attacked, and I could use someone with strong arms to help me get everything arranged. Lisa is using the lifter bot right now, so I was…”

“Yeah sure I can help!” Zachery jumped up all excited. “Where are the boxes?”

“Follow me,” Rachel waved her hand and the two headed to the door. “We’ll only be a minute Anity, if that’s okay?”

“Yes, that’s fine,” came the muted response.


Roscoe Forthright’s Starship Rimshot.

[Sacred Jizz](https://www.amberriverwood.com/)

The mantra whispered by thousands of young women “Jizz, jizz, jizz, jizz, beautiful sacred jizz,” tells only half the story. Many young men also whisper mantras: **“Pussy, tits, mouth and anus, All at once makes you famous!”** Many men enjoy the taste of well-scrubbed vaginas, just as much as many girls enjoy a full, young, hard cock gushing in their mouths. Yin. Yang. The ancient balance of forces.
These are forces now augmented in many ways with boys sucking boys, and girls licking girls.

**Revelation no.1** – (overlooked, ignored, or suppressed by major religions.) With minor adjustments in social behavior, most human sexual actions can be used as lessons in spiritual enlightenment. Popular culture, over the past hundred years, has focused on **sex for recreation, or sex for procreation**—both those being **as unimportant as a good fart or a good pee**. Necessary, but not very religious.

**Revelation no.2** – Most any health boy or girl can fully enjoy their sexuality, and make it sacred, make it ten thousand times more valuable than it currently is in most people’s lives. **We are wasting a vast spiritual resource.** Every sexual arousal; very orgasm can teach you something. IF you are paying attention. IF you are not looking at it through the cultural-bullshit of our place and time.

[Part 4] Lisa Galaxia – The Passengers (voyeur, sci-fi, choose your own adventure)

[Lisa Galaxia Story Hub](https://www.reddit.com/user/Butterflies-n-cream/comments/qp1l5y/lisa_galaxia_story_hub_a_scifi_choose_your_own/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) – plot summaries and links to the previous chapters for people who want people who want to get caught up!


“So can you tell me anything?” Lisa was getting frustrated now. Her tone had shifted from sympathetic to suspicious.

“Sorry,” the young man explained again, “we don’t want any trouble, we just need to get past the GIMP patrols and get off-world, I promise it’s nothing bad.”

GIMP, the Grand Interstellar Mercantile Protectorate, was the de facto government here and in much of the galaxy. The only ones trying to get around them were criminals and pirates, at least that’s how Lisa saw it. Rachel appeared more sympathetic though.

“Come on Lisa, we can trust them.” Rachel was explaining. Lisa shot her a disapproving glare, but it didn’t seem to make a difference. “Besides, with what they’re paying you won’t need to work for months!”

“Assuming we’re not in jail, or worse…” Lisa retorted, but Rachel was right, this was like 6 months of pay for 12 hours of work.

An awkward silence followed as the traveling couple and Rachel all looked eagerly at Lisa.

[Part 3] Lisa Galaxia – The Bargain (MF, creampie, sci-fi, choose your own adventure)

[Lisa Galaxia Story Hub](https://www.reddit.com/user/Butterflies-n-cream/comments/qp1l5y/lisa_galaxia_story_hub_a_scifi_choose_your_own/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) – previous chapters and plot summary can be found here!


After a long awkward pause the old man asked again, “So what you thinking girl?”

Lisa put her backpack down and reached into the front pocket to pull out a small foil packet.

She turned to the mechanic who was watching her with curiosity, “Ok, let’s say you cum in me, how much do I save?”

The man’s face lit up a bit with excitement, which he abruptly tried his best to hide “I’ll charge you 5,500, that should just cover the parts.”

“…and you’ll take a blue pill right? I don’t want any unexpected surprises from this.” she asked sternly.

The man nodded, “whatever the lady requests she gets.” he added gracefully.

Lisa bit down on her lower lip a little as her eyes shifted between the old man and her ship. She took a deep breath and unsealed the packet. “Okay, but we’re doing it on my ship. No funny business, I do have a security droid.” she sternly warned while passing him the blue pill from the packet.



[Starship Rimshot video](https://jeremiah-moze.vids.io/videos/ac9ddeb71e1ce7c725/capt-evil-2-part-2-mp4)

**As Ashley was plugging her vibrator into the wall** this morning she said, “Roscoe, you need to find out exactly what your Reddit readers want. Do they want sci-fi hermaphrodite clam-fucking, and bukkake with Android Susie… ***OR, would they enjoy Real Stories.*** Stories about our own sex lives. Reality stories, just telling what happened, and how and why it happened.” And I said “Do you think Amber and Beth would be OK with that? I cannot ***tell all***, and leave out two main characters.”

Ashley laughed, “Do you even need to ask? You have posted videos of all of us fucking. ***Reddit stories are even better than that, because no one sees our faces***, and the stories are what we actually do…..This is what you should do. Tell your Reddit readers: If you want ***real-life*** stories more than fantasy stories, ***up-vote this story***. If we get more than 100 up-votes, we will know what the readers truly want. If we get less, or none at all… we will know your readers are not really paying attention, and don’t give a rat’s ass.”

A lab project for Clara (part 5, final) [sci-fi] [MMMF]

We played a game of strip poker on the bed that night. Clara was down to only her tiny t-shirt. Unable to resist any longer, we threw our cards aside as she laid back on the bed. Then, as we groped her with all of our hands, one of us ripped her shirt. A small tear that stretched northward from the bottom hem, but it gave such a clear suggestion of her breasts beneath that another one of us seized the shirt and finished the job. Lying back so suddenly exposed, Clara panted and looked at each of us. “I think I’m ready,” she said.
She stood up, letting the remains of her shirt hang from her shoulders. She thought for a moment as the three of us lay sprawled naked across the bed.
“I want it,” she said. “I want all of you. I want all of you inside me at once.”
I stood up as well, prepared to take her in my arms. Ready to bend her over the bed. Ready to lie her facedown against the sheepskin rug. Anything she wanted for this first time, this first time in her round ass.
But with her hand gently on my chest, Clara sat me down on the edge of the bed. She straddled my lap. “My Harry,” she whispered.
She looked at my first double and, understanding, he stood on the bed behind me.
She then took the hand of my second double, pulling him to his feet. She steadied her breathing and ran a finger down the front of his neck, down the center of his chest, down across his navel. They smiled at each other, they nodded, and as he took position behind my wife, I hated him even more.
I locked myself in the lab with the Harrys. I put my first double to work analyzing cranial transistor prototypes under a microscope. He had a mind for it. I gave my second double a ruler and a saw and had him cut a hole in the door. A small opening where we’d receive our meals. They’d sleep in their baths and I on a cot, and we wouldn’t emerge until I had an operational interface. We’d emerge as one or we wouldn’t emerge at all.
We lived an entire week this way and for once I felt we were making progress. We identified the specific protein that carried the transistor electrical signal to the muscles. We found a way to boost the wireless receptor so I’d be able to manipulate each body from a greater distance. We even spent an evening washing the dye from their hair.
Clara delivered breakfast, lunch, and dinner on a tray through the opening, but she also slipped dirty pictures beneath the plates. Expertly staged pinup shots, really. Clara leaning over the dishwasher, her ass peeking from beneath the airy dress of a housewife. Clara cleaning the bathroom, a long mop handle held innocently between her breasts. Clara ironing a white button-up shirt in only a black garter belt and stockings.We hid these in our pockets like soldiers, snuck peaks behind the banana crates. When I caught one of the doubles fondling her through the hole in the door, I covered the opening with a small door of its own and hid away the key.
After three long weeks, our minds fogged by boredom and desire, a surprising breakthrough. We were running tests one morning, trying to activate each double’s transistor, when the potassium alarm began to sound.
“Goddamnit,” I said. “Eat a banana, the both of you.” And as I reached for the fruit, I had a thought. I pulled up the diagnostics, compared a few numbers, and there it was, staring me in the face the whole time. The potassium levels weren’t dipping. They were being forced down when the interface was running. There was too much. Too much potassium, and it was interfering with the transistor.
“Take a break, Harrys!” I shouted, and they snuck away to ogle their pictures.
I found Clara napping in the sunroom. A camera sat on a tripod and she’d fallen asleep in a pile of pillows near the window. She wore that same short, black robe. I knelt down next to her and gently brushed a hair behind her ear.
“My Harry,” she smiled, slowly coming to.
“My Clara,” I whispered back.
I untied the belt of her robe as she stretched and rubbed her eyes. I let the silk fall to her sides, the morning shadows of leaves falling across her bare skin.
“I’ve missed you,” she said. She rested her head against a pillow and rubbed her hand along my arm.
I leaned down to kiss her and she slipped her arms around my neck. Her lips soft and familiar, lips that tasted slightly of orange. We kissed with the sun against our necks, the trill of birds in the garden. We kissed as footsteps approached, the room warm and the ferns green.
Clara looked up at me. She looked at the bodies on either side of me. I kissed the side of her neck, the side of her breast, and the inside of her thigh all at once.

A lab project for Clara (part 2) [sci-fi] [MMF]

It was impossible to keep my double in permanent hibernation after that; he became much more lucid after his second orgasm. I lent him my clothes and he joined us for meals. We discussed the science of his situation, a topic he found fascinating. He had a good head for numbers, so we often talked about my day job with finances and the economy. Other times we just talked about TV shows or the news. I actually enjoyed hanging out with him. We played video games and basketball in the driveway. And, of course, he shared my infatuation for Clara.
Watching a movie one Sunday afternoon, she came and sat between us on the couch wearing a tank top and short shorts. We sat quietly for a few moments, but soon my double began pawing at Clara. She swatted his hand away, staying focused on the movie. After a few moments more he started to run his fingertip over her breast. She smiled and slapped him away again. Moments more and he slid his hand between her back and the couch, reaching into her shorts.
“No!” she laughed. She hit his chest, but also leaned against him so that it was easier for him to squeeze her bottom. “Not without Harry,” she said.
I tried to focus on the film, but every few minutes I’d hear them squirm. Then Clara would giggle and repeat “not without Harry.” I eventually glanced over and found them both staring at me hopefully, one strap already hanging from Clara’s shoulder. Who was I to say no? I shrugged, nodded, and my double pulled down Clara’s shorts and underwear in one go. We fucked right there on the couch and missed the whole second half of the movie.
It was a good rule: no sex with the double unless it was the three of us. But the limits of “sex” seemed to stretch on a daily basis. I came home one day to find Clara pressed back against the refrigerator in a sports bra and yoga pants. My double, on his knees, kissed hungrily across her stomach.
“He wants it really bad,” Clara said. And, of course, she did, too. When I began to unbutton my shirt they both let out a cheer. My double wrapped his arms around her legs, lifted her onto his shoulder, and ferried her toward the bedroom as she laughed and swatted his back.
The next day I walked in and Clara was lying back on the dining room table with her panties around her knees and my double’s head bobbing beneath her dress.
“Oh thank God,” she said, arching her neck to smile at me. “We were just warming up for when you got home.”
She extended an arm to pull me closer. She let her head hang back over the edge of the table, her hair reaching down to my shoes, and unzipped my pants.
The day after that they were in the shower. Clara’s breasts were pressed against the fogged glass as my double thrusted back and forth from behind. She waved me over frantically, too breathless to speak, and came the instant her hand touched my cock.
Another rule, longstanding: As Clara rode me in bed one evening, my double began to ease the tip of his cock between her ass cheeks. She gasped and stopped him. “Not there,” she said. She smiled apologetically and took turns riding each of us.
That night, the very early morning, I saw Clara turn to my double in bed and rub her hand across his chest. “Harry,” she whispered.
“I’m over here,” I said.
She turned to look at me, then back at my double, then shifted to rub her hand across my chest, instead.
“Harry, do you remember why you took on this project?”
My darling wife. “Because you asked me to,” I said.
“No, but I mean do you remember why I asked you?”
“Oh.” I thought for a moment. “Well, you said you wanted more of me.”
She sighed and rolled her eyes.
“I said that when you, you know, took me to bed…”
“Very regal,” I interrupted.
“Took me to bed! That you always felt so good. Made me feel so good. So good that it just wanted possible for me to express—to sexually express—how good it felt. It just wasn’t physically possible.”
“You were unfulfilled,” I said.
“No, no, the opposite. You know this! I was overflowing.” She kissed my cheek. “And now you’ve given me this wonderful gift.”
Clara hugged me tightly and rested her head against my arm.
“I wonder,” she began after a moment. “For all these same reasons, how you’d feel about adding one more?”
“Another double?”
“Aren’t you curious to see if you can duplicate the process?”
“I don’t know,” I said. “I”m not sure it’s smart to add another unit until I get the neural interface worked out.”
“Well you’ll fix that soon, right?”
“I haven’t had much time to tinker with it, honestly.”
“Well maybe some time in the lab is just what you need.”
“That’s possible.”
“And maybe starting from scratch will help you approach the problem in a new light.”
“That’s true, too,” I conceded.
Clara smiled up at me.
“Yeah? What do you think? You’ll fix your interface and then you’ll have two bodies ready to go.”
“You’re insatiable,” I said.
“I’m in love,” she said. “Maybe this one could be, I don’t know, younger? Slightly younger?”
“Absolutely not!”
“Okay, okay.”
Clara kissed me gently then glanced over her shoulder at my sleeping double.
“Still,” she said. “Sometimes I think it’s nice if it’s just the two of us.”
She grinned, held a finger to her lips, then slipped beneath the covers to quietly slide her tongue across my cock.