Exchange play [MF] [Sci-fi] [Big] [SPH] [Premature]

For photos and gif with story, visit my blog at : storiecap.blogspot [.com]

Today was a special day, you finally received your Fleshceiver 2060. It was the first legal recreational device that used the technology of flesh teleportation-graphing. This new technology developed in 2042 was used to teleport and exchange body parts for compatible donors. Teleportation of matter was now possible through the high speed deconstructing, transporting and reconstructing of organic matter. Still, it was very difficult to create new body parts from scratch and those would often fail. The solution was to use an existing body part and use the system to fuse it to the body needing it. At first, this technology was used for medical reasons. It was better for kidney surgery. After that, it was even possible to use it on a dead body part still in good condition. So people needing heart transplants could receive a heart through teleportation-graphing from an accident victim that agreed to be an organ donor.

Anyway, since this technology proved to be highly efficient and reliable, soon there was a market for a recreational use of this. Even though governing bodys accepted reluctantly to let it be accessible to the public, they did put some strict condition for recreational :

Awake VR 1 [Transformation MtF] [MF] [Sci-Fi] [BJ] [Horror]

***The story is based on a fantasy horror story about VR I remembered. I couldn’t find the original story (that didn’t include NSFW and TG). If you know it, please send it to me so I can credit the original story.*

You were walking between some kiosks. All around you were the newest and most creative advancements in VR technologies. Since 2016, you’ve always been a huge fan of VR. You bought some VR headset over the years, each time trying to get closer to a real Virtual world. This autumn your wife had surprised you with plane tickets and VIP pass of the biggest VR convention in the country at San Francisco for your birthday.

New Beginnings: Part Five [MFF] [Straight Sex] [Interracial] [Group Sex] [Busty] [Huge Boobs] [Boob Growth] [Sci-fi] [Alien Encounters]

The view was magnificent from up here. Alex had finally gotten out of what he was beginning to call his jail cell. Although he loved his place, he wasn’t allowed much freedom to roam. It had been weeks since he had arrived on Solaria’s home planet, he had met the Queen of their society, and it had become very apparent that he was essential to them as a human battery.

At least six times a day, a female member would come up and drain him of what they were calling life-sustaining fluid. Most of the time, it was either Solaria or the Queen, but others had come as well, all of them knowing his weakness for large breasts.

He had just left a few moments ago after Solaria and another big breasted woman gave him a double tit fuck, which was mind-blowing, to say the least, four massive boobs bouncing in perfect unison on his dick.

“We are here,” Dexter said as the vessel that Adrian was in hovered over the largest of the planet’s oceans.

Roast my first story!

Hey readers, I’ve just “published” my very first short erotic story and I have a handful of promotional 100%-off coupons left, so if anyone’s interested in grabbing a lightly sci-fi/espionage themed story for the price of free, I’d love it if you checked my story out, and I’d REALLY love feedback, since this is my first foray into the genre. Be brutal – let me know if you think I can’t hack it, let me know if you hate something about it but see potential, whatever. Pretend it wasn’t free and let me know if you’d have been pissed off if you’d paid for it! []( (There’ll be a yellow “Buy with coupon” button in the upper right until the last of them are gone.)

[Part 13] Lisa Galaxia – Why not do both? (hidden camera, interrupted masturbation, sci-fi, choose your own adventure saga)

[Lisa Galaxia Story Hub]( – For those who may want a story summary, or to catch up on old chapters.

Last time Lisa and Rachel were able to earn their boss a promotion and pay off their debt by gambling on, and winning, a sexually themed game at a party held by the planetary governor. They were reunited with Anity who’d they’d managed to free from pirates weeks earlier, and together the three women were debating their next destination.


“Do you really think we can help?” Rachel was asking Lisa. After a bit of a nap and a shopping trip to grab what few supplies they could afford, the three women were discussing what their next destination should be.

“I don’t think we’ll know for sure until we get there, but I think we should at least go see. I mean it’s Anity’s family after all.” Lisa was explaining.

“What about the pirates, don’t they control the whole planet?” Rachel asked.

“Mostly just the mining towns and ports around where my family lives,” Anity cut in. “Cerluria isn’t unified in any way, just a bunch of nations that are loosely aligned with the Galactic government for trade.”

New Beginnings: Part Four [MF] [Straight Sex] [Interracial] [Busty] [Huge Boobs] [Body Morphing] [Alien Encounter] [Sci-Fi] [Giantess]

“We are here,” Dexter said interrupting Solaria and Adrian.

Adrian was lying on his back as Solaria large body bounced up and down on his dick. Solaria expertly rode his dick without causing her massive body to crush Adrian underneath her.

“Just a moment,” Solaria responded as she felt Adrian’s body tense under hers.

Adrian nodded as he stared up at her enormous tits bouncing up and down. “I’m cumming,” Adrian’s body tensed as he shot his cum deep inside Solaria. Immediately she fell to his side as her body went cold.

“Dexter?” Adrian asked as he looked at Solaria’s silent large body next to him.

“Yes,” Dexter replied.

“Where are we exactly?” Adrian asked as he got out of the large bed. The way down seemed like a significant drop.

“Are you going to jump?” Solaria asked as she looked at him with her purple eyes.

Adrian knew he could make it, but why risk getting hurt when he knew she would gladly carry him.

Downfall: An Erotic Invasion – Chapter 1 – Makeout Point (MF, Virgin, No Sex, Intro, Sci-Fi)

When she stood before her family’s congregation at the beginning of the year dressed all in white and swore that she would save herself for the man she was going to marry along with some of the other girls her age, Lisa had meant it. But right now, with her eighteen year old body on fire, she looked back on that moment and wondered what she was thinking. Would she have made the same promise though if she had known how good a boy’s tongue felt on her clitty, or just how bad her little pussy would ache to be filled? If she knew how good it felt to be touched by someone like this?

Lisa was desperate to find some loophole — anything to make what she was doing right and proper. Afterall, there was nothing that said she couldn’t kiss a man she was in love with, and other than sister Anna no one had said he couldn’t kiss her back. That Chad was kissing her nipples and her pussy seemed a distinction hardly worth noting if that was true. And if it was okay to kiss because of their love then surely it would be okay to do other things, you know, since they were in love. Or something.

[Part 12] Lisa Galaxia – The Gambler (blowjob, group sex, alien sex, creampie, sci-fi, choose your own adventure saga)

[Lisa Galaxia Story Hub]( – For a plot summary and previous chapters!

Previously Lisa and Rachel were rescued by their employer after a run in with pirates. He agreed to pay for their medical treatment, but needed the women to do a job for him in return. Lisa and Rachel were brought to a banquet while dressed in extremely revealing outfits and asked to entertain the planetary governor. Their boss was hopeful it would help secure him a promotion.


“So come, sit, what shall we do tonight ladies?” The governor was asking as he waved his arms beckoning them to come forward.

Lisa was still running through some options in her head, but couldn’t quite make up her mind. “Hmm, well what would you like to do tonight?” She asked as she slid into a chair at the governor’s side.

“Ooo I like choices!” The small green man laughed, “What kinds of things can I think of. So many possibilities. Hmm I do have one weakness…”

“Anything you’d like, just name it!” Rachel chimed in sounding eager.

“Really anything huh? You two are awfully brave to offer anything!” The governor narrowed his eyes and grew an evil grin.

For the Love of Stars part 7&8 [Sci-fi horror, fantasy, tentacle aliens, breeding, long]

These are the final parts of my short story and the most dirty parts of the whole story. You can find the rest of it on my profile or just enjoy this dirty scene. I hope the ones who read the whole story have enjoyed the build up. This is it, what you’ve all been waiting for! Merry Christmas you filthy animals.


7. The Offering 

A distant pinging came bouncing through the tunnels and into the creature’s lair. The aliens did not notice the sound but It did. It had intended on breeding another one of the aliens before going back to grab the others in the cave but they were getting too close and doing damage. They could not be permitted to harm the forming nursery. 

For the Love of Stars part 5&6 [Sci-fi horror, fantasy, tentacle aliens, breeding, long, non consent-ish

This is a continuation of a story that can be found on this sub or on my profile. The story is heating up and the final act is just around the corner! All you sickos will appreciate parts 7&8, just you wait and see.


5. A Savior Among Salvation 

“Son of a bitch!” Commander Illidan swore and spun towards the exit. He was pretty sure he told them not to bring the roof down. 

EXO Knight 4 raced toward him, keeping her eyes scanning the surroundings. “Was that from the others?” 

After a minute of silence, a second explosion boomed out, closer this time. The EXO Knights were no strangers to combat explosions but in this environment, they might as well be coffin nails slamming into place.

“I don’t know.” He began to run. 

Fiona glanced back at the wall of intriguing carvings as she followed, her stomach fluttering with excitement. ‘Finally!’ She thought. ‘After all these years, I have a mission!’