“Breaking the Doldrums”, Volume One [MF] [FOREPLAY] [REALITY]

B R E A K I N G T H E D O L D R U M S : A Serialized Erotic Story in Three Volumes

Teaser Summary:

A young fiction writer who's experiencing a doldrum in his life meets an older woman, who's sense of spontaneity and whimsy allowed him to shake of his Winter blues. Though it is written from a male perspective, this story is intended for female audiences, 25+. See the end of this post for links to GWAudio readings of each chapter.

Dedicated To:

BlondesRMoreFun6. She knows why. ;)

Author's Introduction:

What follows here is a bit of an indulgence on my behalf. Feel free to skip down to the first chapter if you aren't interested in the craft of writing or the nature of erotic fiction.

Complete, original cyberpunk short story “Jizzemboweler” [mf] [anal]

[Warning: This story is not for everyone. If you do not enjoy the harder aspects of erotica, I respectfully submit, you may not enjoy this work.]


Made in DNA

"Permission tat please."

The man smiled at the female security officer guarding the gate of the Floating World and nodded, "Of course." Unzipping his trousers, he pulled out his pecker.

She cupped his cock from underneath in a warm hand and placed her other atop the tattoo there. The scanner in her palm flashed a blue-white light outlining his dick.

He moved to redress, but the officer kept his dick in a firm hold. He froze. One wrong move and she'd send a thousand volts through it with her TEzer.

"Quite weighty." A trace of suspicion in her voice. She hefted several times, letting the meat slap against the flesh of her palm.

With cool, practiced calm, he blushed, "Ma'am. I do believe I'm flustered." The meat in her hand increased as the flow of blood brought on a partial erection.

She dropped his dick with a glare in her eye and signaled for him to dress. He did so, tipped his hat and started through the large, wooden gate.

First and Final Women [mf; a little grim]

The first girl's hair is wet and smells like chlorine; he clumsily tries to push it from her face when she kisses him.

The last girl's teeth are yellow and half-missing.

There is a succession of women between: illicit under-the-bleachers fucks, quick dirty shags on the couches in the places where he buys his hits, a year of nothing but April with her dyed-black hair and her painted toenails and perfect slurring voice. A handful of easily-impressed nose-ringed hippie girls at whom he quotes Kerouac until they fall for it. A chubby girl with enormous green eyes, encountered at the bookstore. A zoned-out rich girl with expensive shoes, snagged from a party he wasn't qualified to be at.

The first girl takes his hand and pulls him into the downstairs bathroom when no one is looking, and when he realizes what is happening his heart races.

The last girl crawls into his sleeping bag and puts her hands into his jeans, and at first he tries to push her away, disgusted, ashamed.