How a Weird Girl Cured My Depression [NSFW] [Mast] [M/F] [Fdom

Call me Steve.

I’m an average-looking, although lean, 26 years year old male. A few months ago I moved to Sydney after completing my engineering degree and – let’s face facts – after my girlfriend, Jai, dumped me for another guy. Apparently, I was always studying and not being attentive to her needs. Her “needs” often centred on her interests, her friends and, well, things like shopping. I’m not bitter about her choosing somebody else, in truth, I did make my studies as a priority, but also I did love that girl, and I was depressed as hell for losing her. Moving to Sydney and into a tiny little inner-city flat while I looked for work didn’t help. I did low paying intern work during the day, and at night watched TV and moped.

It was a Tuesday night about 6.00 pm when there came a lazy rapping on my door. I sighed as I was about to do something and didn’t wish to be interrupted. But, as I never got visitors I was curious as to who might be knocking at this hour. Please don’t let it be religious nuts.

No Questions Asked!? [FM (F?)] [female taking charge]

“Would you come eat me out?”

“Okay, but you know you really don’t need to ask at this point. You can just tell me, you know I’ll come on over, I always do!”

He slinked over to her and gave her all the time she needed. It was fantastic, and it always was. “Oh God, Baby, wow. That was great, but does it really bother you that I ask?”

He sat quietly for a bit, “..yeah, I guess so. I just get worried that if you’re always asking it will mean I need to… I just get worried about being rejected one day. We haven’t even gotten to some of the kinkier stuff yet, ya know?”

That took her aback, “The kinkier stuff?” Then she grinned, “You want more of this then, don’t you?” and rubbed her body up and down.

“I do.” And then, “I know you want more than what we do now, too, and I’m worried if you’re always asking you’ll be too nervous. You just can’t accept, it feels like to me, that I will always be up to eating your sweet little vagina. I am, I always am.”

Uncontrollable Horniness At The Hospital

I’m a male registered nurse and last summer I got out of a really suppressive marriage after 10 years. During the time I was married I was constantly belittled and berated and made to feel like I was a piece of shit by my wife. It goes without saying that our sex life was pitiful. Once a month, if that, and nothing but boring, lights out, quiet missionary.

My life l got so bad that I slipped into a deep depression, aided by my deployment to Afghanistan and the suicide of my brother shortly after I returned home. Needless to say, my sex drive plummeted to an all time low. I thought it had to be chemical. I put on a bunch of weight (200->235lbs) and became a giant slob. I started taking T to boost my energy, libido and mood, thinking that I probably had a case of low T. Nothing.

Well, I finally dug myself out of my funk over the last year and developed enough healthy coping skills to become really good for myself. So, in June I finally got the balls to leave. I was a new man! I was peppy, happy, confident and fun to be around again! I developed a libido and lost like 35lbs without changing anything.

A night to last a lifetime [m/f] (light dom, tickling, bj)

Where to begin? This is a confession of the second most amazing night with a woman that I’ve ever had. And she was not my wife.

A little background. I am happily married to the love of my life. When we met, just out of college, we were full of lust as well as love, and went at it all the time, including some light dom/sub play. After a few years we began raising a family.

And then her depression happened. It was bad. Really bad. Crazy stuff. Suicide watch stuff. Hospitalization stuff. I stuck with her the whole time, incredibly straining as it was for our relationship and well-being. And we made it. After much trial and error with multiple pharmacologists and therapists, we found the combination of drugs that would keep her healthy and happy and sane. And… would also obliterate her sex drive.

Mind you, I’d rather have a sane, happy wife than a sex-crazed, bipolar one, so yeah, she’ll be on those drugs forever. And yet. I have needs. After all, the most amazing single night I ever had was a hormone-steeped dozen-orgasm sleepless night in a dorm room with an insatiable long-distance girlfriend. Those days were long gone, but regular ‘maintenance’ is still required, and though my wife felt bad about losing her libido, rarely was she motivated to help out. For me, that left only nights fapping to porn as the remaining alternative, right? Right?

[m/m/m/] When I was in high school, I dressed like a girl and had a threesome with my two friends

When I was fourteen, I dressed up like a girl and had a threesome with two of my friends. When my parents and sister went to visit relatives for a weekend, I held a house party in which a couple dozen or so people showed up.

Everyone cleared out after the cops showed up concerning noise complaints, with the exception of two of my close friends, who had received permission from their parents to stay the night.

Growing up, plenty of my straight guy friends hit on me. They would playfully dry hump me or want to practice what it was like going up a girl’s shirt, with me being the closest thing they could get to a real girl. I was small in stature with androgynous features. I was often mistaken for a girl and sometimes picked on for it. I enjoyed my male friends’ attention, but never felt the need to take it further for a few reasons:

1. The social ramifications were too much. I often fantasized about making out with a friend while jerking him off, but there was no way I could act on these thoughts in my small, suburban hometown.

Man and CD mutual fuck (M/CD)

I’m a bisexual man, but I do lean toward women. All my relationships have been with women and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. Every once in a while I just want to fuck a dude. And I mean fuck him not the other way around. I’ve had a girl finger my ass before and enjoyed it for the prostate massage more than the actual feeling of penetration.

I’m a decent looking guy, in shape, 7.5 inches in length and decently girthy, usually when I want a man its easy to find one through various hook-up apps etc. Billing myself as a straight guy looking to “try it” for the first time. Generally that gets me what I’m looking for a sub-ish guy looking to give a BJ or maybe even get fucked. The hardest part is trying to find one that is clean and not overly sleaze as some of these encounters can be.

Coerced curiosity – Part I [mm] [Gay anal reluctant cum]

(This is the first time I’ve ever written a gay scene. Any comments/criticisms would be welcome. It’s set in the showers of a dorm building.)

I was in the shower, just trying to wash off the hiking grime. I had hoped that the Friday night drinking would get rid of my lust for her, but it didn’t, nor did the hangover, nor did the all-day hike, nor would whatever nonsense drinking was to come. Maybe it was time for something that would at least it the edge off – masturbation. So, hot water running over me I took it in hand and began to tease myself, getting half-hard. I was getting inattentive, caught up in the sensations (it had been over a week…) when one of other guys from our floor, D, came in. He obviously knew what had been happening (the showers were little, not-so-private stalls, like a locker room) and I felt myself shrink under his gaze. He got in to the shower next to me, letting his towel drop and expose him just before. We had all wondered about him, bringing home strange men late at night and always being a little over-friendly with us….

[M/F] Kathy was 30 Years My Elder, Part I

This story took place about 6 years ago, but I’ll never forget it. A solid preface is that this is how I ended up having sex with a 52 year old woman when I was 22 years old.

I was in college at the time, and it was a Friday night. I was on Facebook with nothing going on. I had been friends with Kathy for quite a while, but never really interacted. She had a young son who I’d taught guitar lessons to, but we only ever really talked about Led Zeppelin or other small talk when I’d be at her house. This particular Friday, she happened to message me. “What’s up?” I replied something to the tune of ‘absolutely nothing, how about you’ or some other mundane response. Instead of coming back with an answer, she proceded to joke about how lame it was that I was staying in on a Friday while in college, and that I should be out chasing girls or partying. I told her I had plans for the next night anyways, and was glad to just stay in. What she came back with kicked off an extremely erotic note. “Don’t worry, all those college girls don’t know what they’re doing.” I paused and didn’t respond immediately, but she quickly clarified- “sexually, lol.” I didn’t know what to say to that, but she made it very clear what she wanted to hear. “If you ever need some proper treatment, I can help you out.” I tried my best to play it cool, just in case this was some mistake or joke… “I might have to take you up on that one of these days, haha.” Not my finest work, but I was caught extremely off guard by the proposition. I said goodnight and signed off shortly thereafter. I couldn’t believe what had just happened, but it made me pretty goddamn nervous, and pretty goddamn turned on.

MFm – Exhibitionistic mutual masturbation at the nude beach

(Originally written in two parts)

Part I

(A mostly-true story, one or two things changed to make it read better. I’m bi, this was a straight encounter. Part 1)

It was a hot June afternoon. I was walking along the nude beach to meet Them, so nervous I wasn’t sure I would be able to get my cock hard. We met online, both of us cruising the want ads for sexy nude beach friends. We only spoke a little, and unsure what to expect my nerves were running away. I was electrified with anxiety and anticipation when I read his text a few minutes before –“hurry up, Tess is already naked lol”. My balls pulled up tightly despite the warm breeze caressing them as I left hurried footprints in the damp sand along the shore, passing one moaning couple in an intimate embrace and then another laying face-down in the sand. I wondered if they were Them, but looking at her lusciously large ass I knew it didn’t match the picture They had sent me. I kept walking until a voice called out my name.

Hot sun, Warm cum, and Cool sand – [MFm mast exh voy cum] [str8]

(Part II, maybe final maybe of 3-5. True story, mostly straight, very minor bi overtones. Includes a cumshot.)

We were all on the nude beach, warm in the sun and sprawled comfortably across the damp sand in the shade of the trees. Tess had just rolled over, still in the afterglow of the orgasm my hands had brought her to. When her soft hands enveloped my achingly hard cock I shuddered with pleasure and she laughed softly.

“Not so in control now, are you?”

“Careful Tess, if you finish him off too soon you won’t get what you really want” Geoff told her.

“And what do you really want?” I asked, voice quivering under her silky caress of my member.

“You to cum for me. A lot”

I moaned and leaned back as she slowly massaged my shaft, feeling ready to release all my sexual energies for her. For being almost strangers our sexual connection felt strong and intimate, like lovers who know how to elicit the strongest responses, to tease and deny and satisfy each other.