Call me Steve.
I’m an average-looking, although lean, 26 years year old male. A few months ago I moved to Sydney after completing my engineering degree and – let’s face facts – after my girlfriend, Jai, dumped me for another guy. Apparently, I was always studying and not being attentive to her needs. Her “needs” often centred on her interests, her friends and, well, things like shopping. I’m not bitter about her choosing somebody else, in truth, I did make my studies as a priority, but also I did love that girl, and I was depressed as hell for losing her. Moving to Sydney and into a tiny little inner-city flat while I looked for work didn’t help. I did low paying intern work during the day, and at night watched TV and moped.
It was a Tuesday night about 6.00 pm when there came a lazy rapping on my door. I sighed as I was about to do something and didn’t wish to be interrupted. But, as I never got visitors I was curious as to who might be knocking at this hour. Please don’t let it be religious nuts.