Best Friend Backup Plan [mf] [teasing, oral]


I’m 5’10”, 175lbs., in pretty solid shape at the time of this story. I had short, dark, “styled” hair and was generally considered a pretty good looking guy.

Stacy was about 5’2″, 95lbs, absolutely tiny frame that somehow had perky b-cups, very cute face, and shoulder length “blonde” hair.


I had grown up with Stacy from when we were in elementary school. Our mom’s worked together, were great friends, etc. I’m almost exactly 1 year older than her a grade ahead, so we didn’t really hang out much but we knew each other well from seeing each other in school and when our moms would get together.

Years pass with us knowing each other, being friendly, but never really being friends until we start working at a local casual dining restaurant together. Within a few weeks, all that time and knowing each other exploded into full-on best friend status. All the background knowledge we had, the shared experiences, the inside jokes, all came together to make this incredible, platonic relationship. We hung out all the time outside work. We were both in high school when we started working there, so we’d hang out between classes, with overlapping circles of friends. We would approve or disapprove of each other’s dates. I mean, pure, platonic friendship at its finest.

[MF] My sex story response to this Writing Prompt: “Lifespan is determined by a word count. You’re given millions of words, but once you run out you’re dead. You are a mob hitman known as “The Interrogator, who specializes in “making people talk”. You come across a mark that has one word left.”

I unbuttoned an extra button on the top of my blouse as I sat at the bar, knowing full well that he’d be walking in shortly.

I smiled and bit my lip just thinking about how confused and aroused he would be when he saw me.

I had him at a severe disadvantage because over the course of the last month my interns had hacked into his Reddit accounts and learned about his fetishes. And boy were they good ones.

By day he was a respectable medical professional, and at night he jerked off looking at pictures of women “finishing the job” in a particular way that I’ll leave unspoken for now.

Given my assets, it wasn’t difficult to get a picture of me performing his fantasy posted to Reddit where it promptly shot to the top of his favorite sub-Reddit. Of course he promptly commented on it, upvoted it, saved it, and then clicked on it at least four more times in the following half hour.

When he walked up to the bar I waited for him to catch the ear of the bartender by using his “clicker” that people who don’t speak anymore use. The moment he clicked I backed into him and clicked at the same time, turning to look irritated at him.

How a Weird Cute Girl Cured my Depression. [MW] [Fdom] [mast] [reluc] [voy]

Call me Steve. I’m an average-looking, although lean, 26 years year old male.

A few months ago I moved to Sydney after completing my engineering degree and – let’s face facts – after my girlfriend, Jai, dumped me for another guy. Apparently, I was always studying and not being attentive to her needs. Her “needs” often centred on her interests, her friends and, well, shopping. I’m not bitter about her choosing somebody else, in truth, I did make my studies as a priority, but also I did love that girl, and I was depressed as hell for losing her. Moving to Sydney and into a tiny little inner-city flat while I looked for work didn’t help. I did low paying intern work during the day, and at night watched TV and moped.

It was a Tuesday night about 6.00 pm when there came a lazy rapping on my door. I sighed as I was about to do something and didn’t wish to be interrupted. But, as I never got visitors I was curious as to who might be knocking at this hour. Please don’t let it be religious nuts.

The ti[m]e I trusted someone online with the combo to my chastity cage (femdom, Kik, chastity)

This happened a little over a week ago.

I love the concept of chastity and having someone control whether or not I’m allowed to achieve pleasure. The rush of losing control really does it for me.

I posted on /r/dirtykikpals looking for a dominant female to hold a 3 digit luggage lock code to my chastity device(check post history). Someone gladly tool me up on the offer.

After taking some time to get soft, I eventually got the cage on. I set the lock to program mode, scrambled the code, and took a video that showed the combo without giving me a preview of the code. When I sent it to her, she verified knowing the code, and I deleted it completely from my phone.

At this point I was at her mercy, and she knew it. The power dynamic was exhilarating, especially since she could just sign out and I’d be screwed over for the several hours it takes to brute-force the lock by trying combos 000-999.

As we chat, she drops the bomb “I only have 20% battery left ;) so you better quickly do what I say”. Since the lock had three numbers to it, she had three tasks for me to complete.

My Freaky GF ({public, M/f} {F/m, prostate massage, rimming}) (Two short stories in one)

I can not believe that it has been almost 3 months since I shared this: story with you all, work has been hectic so I haven’t been able to write as much as I had hoped.

Eve (from the story above) and I have decided that we are no longer FWBs and are dating now (we didn’t want to say we were dating at first because of how much I travel for work).

In the mall with Faye Reagan. [MmFuta] (gay sex, cum eating, anal, fisting, rimming pussy eating, incest.)

Second try got removed because I had links in it.

Second story I’ve ever written, it was a follow up to another shorter story with the same main character. I added pictures for the redditor who wanted the story. I would love to hear some constructive criticism. (I know there is no real character development but it was never ment to, its just mainly masturbation material.)

Hope you enjoy:)

Dr. Buttlove or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the prostate massage [MF]

*Some backstory

So as a preface, I’ve never really been into or curious about butt-stuff. My gf can attest, as she came into our relationship enjoying it for herself, but even then, I wasn’t much intrigued. Sounds weird, I know, a guy who *didn’t care* to have anal sex???? ;) She encouraged me that she enjoys it, and was very open to it, if I so desired (she wasn’t about pressuring me). So we talked for a bit about it, and finally I dove in. It was my first anal sex, and it was amazingly different. I’m not a guy who says it’s “far better” than PiV, but just that it’s “different, in a good way”. So after some time enjoying anal and me becoming an ‘ass man’, far more than I was before, she brought up “butt-stuff” on me. I wasn’t all that comfortable with it. Sure, I’d tried to find my own prostate before, but let someone else, especially a girl I really like, go **there??** Needless to say I had a lot of preconceived notions about that area. This is about how that aspect of my life was changed forever.

end preface*

Four couple swap – Part 3; The night I (M39) and a my wife’s petite friend (F37) experienced each other for the first time

Back in March, my wife and I and three other couples who we are really close friends with started swapping after a drunken night of innuendo and a joke that two of them were swingers. We didn’t start this in a drunken state, but instead, waited a couple weeks and planned it out in excruciating detail, which I think helped to make it something that we decided to continue to try in various permutations. If you want more background on us, or how this came to be, the previous two stories are here:
[Part 1](
[Part 2](

In the days that followed the first night we were all together, we each talked with our spouse, about how we were feeling about what happened that night. There was unanimous positive sentiment about the situation, and enthusiasm to try it again with a different pairing. The upcoming weekend wasn’t an option for us, as two of the women would have their period, so we decided to delay until the following weekend to repeat our activities, and use the upcoming one just to hang out in a friendly situation with the kids, etc. to make sure there wouldn’t be any weirdness.

Fucked my grad school colleague and long time rival [FFM] [light spanking] [anal play]

If you are anything like me and sometimes like to skip straight to the part about the sex, I’ve marked where it starts **in bold**.

I’m a grad student who has been at the same university for 7 years. In my undergraduate years, people would frequently mistake me for Grace. I would get called by her name. I would have people comment on something I had supposedly said or done that I would later find out was something she had said or done.

Grace and I both have tattoos, are both tall, thin and athletic, both live in skinny jeans and boots, and are both high achieving students. In our undergraduate years, we never had a class together and there was no overlap in our social circles, so I never once spoke to Grace. In truth, I think I was slightly jealous of her. I felt like she was a hotter version of me and I didn’t like it.

[M/F] Our first night of swapping with 3 other couples, Part 2 – My wife and my friend

I had previously posted a story about how my wife and I and 6 of our friends (3 other couples), had gotten started with swapping. That story is [here]( Where that one left off, we had just swapped for the first time, and the next morning, over breakfast, my wife Kristin had told me all about her night, in as many details as she could. A couple days later, my friend Scott, who had slept with my wife that first night (as I was sleeping with his), and I grabbed beers, and he also talked up their fun together, so I feel like I have enough of a basis to piece together this retelling of their experience. The background from the first story is good to understand how we got here, and how the whole thing worked that first night. I won’t belabor this story with all of those details.