Misadventurers in Black Desert: Alena and the Problem of Steel Imps [f4M(Monsters)][fantasy][NC][rape][gang][bd][bst]

*Notes and Disclaimer*

If you’re a pervert and know of the game Black Desert, you may enjoy this. If you don’t know Black Desert, I’ve generalized it somewhat, so you may enjoy it too. Either way, I hope you enjoy it.

Contains: Bondage, NC, Gangbangs/Gangrapes, beast, humiliation

A lot of things aren’t going to be lore accurate. IE There’s no class in BDO called Shieldmaiden, etc. Things were generalized a bit.

Comments welcome

Reference for Alena can be found in other posts

Alena – Powerful Steel Imps…

It had been awhile since Alena stepped foot within the borders of Velia. The city itself could be seen from where the hill she was atop of. The bright lights from the oil and magic lamps that were strewn across the city streets and between the buildings made Velia glow at all hours. Alena was still about a few thousand paces from the city. It had been a long journey, and Alena wasn’t entirely sure if it was worth it.

Roscoe Forthright’s Starship Rimshot. COMPLETE MALE MANTRA OF SACRED JIZZ

Roscoe Forthright’s Starship Rimshot.

COMPLETE MALE MANTRA OF SACRED JIZZ (Female version, posted separately.)

[pussy meditation1](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KjHoK4X_FK0_eirhHDbzX7J_5roKJt3g/view?usp=sharing)

[pussy meditation2](https://drive.google.com/file/d/16d85CY2fp5e18dZTTDih4BNPxAa_S1wy/view?usp=sharing)

[pussy meditation3](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JazJZdaf2GMdnlCJqkQO4adjQsniVSNl/view?usp=sharing)

Among the Sacred Followers of Roscoe Forthright, one particular mantra has become very popular, being recited daily in our 54 Lodges, and in the privacy of individual homes. In the privacy of their own homes, many Sacred Followers masturbate as they recite the mantra, bringing themselves to full and joyful orgasms during the closing lines. Almost every day in the U.S., Canada, Great Britain, Germany, France and Turkey, over 400 nude young men raise strong voices in meditation, and recite these words:

“Juice, juice, juice, honey-sweet sacred vaginal juice!!

We masturbate with our Mistress, we masturbate for world peace.

4000 erect cocks and 4000 honey-slick vaginas orgasm together!

In mutual joy, in Oneness, in Harmony, in Sexual Bliss.

4000 bursts of hot semen and 4000 juicy, honey-slick warm vaginas light up

zoom-platforms, cell-phones, iPad, laptops and desktops!

Joyful men and women watch each other come! And come!

Juice, juice, juice, honey-sweet sacred vaginal juice!!

We jack-it for our Mistress, we jack-it for world peace.

Roscoe Forthright’s Starship Rimshot. COMPLETE FEMALE MANTRA OF SACRED JIZZ


[pussy meditation1](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KjHoK4X_FK0_eirhHDbzX7J_5roKJt3g/view?usp=sharing)

Among the Sacred Followers of Roscoe Forthright, one particular mantra has become very popular, being recited daily in our 54 Lodges, and in the privacy of individual homes. In the privacy of their own homes, many Sacred Followers masturbate as they recite the mantra, bringing themselves to full and joyful orgasms during the closing lines. The mantra is repeated seven, nine, and twenty-one times, with orgasms occurring more than once. **Almost every day in the U.S., Canada, Great Britain, Germany, France and Turkey, over 600 nude young women raise gentle voices in meditation, and recite these words:**

“**Jizz, jizz, jizz, jizz, beautiful sacred jizz!!**

We masturbate with the Master, we masturbate for world peace.

4000 erect cocks and 4000 honey-slick vaginas orgasm together!

In mutual joy, in Oneness, in Harmony, in Sexual Bliss.

4000 bursts of hot semen and 4000 jolting vaginas light up

zoom-platforms, cell-phones, iPad, laptops and desktops!

Joyful men and women watch each other come! And come!

**Jizz, jizz, jizz, jizz, beautiful sacred jizz!!**

We masturbate with the Master, we masturbate for world peace.

Sex Therapy

My heart beats faster, I don’t want to talk about it, but I have to talk about it. Facing the injustice, the unfairness, the burden that is on my shoulders is absolutely overbearing. The mechanical grinding in my head, the pulsations its too nerve wrecking, the anxiety is real.

I turn the doorknob and walk in. I look down at the receptionist and mumble, “Hi I have an appointment with Erin.”

The receptionist looks up with a bubbly smile, “What was your name?”

“It was Andrew.”

She exclaims, “Oh Andrew, welcome, I’ll sign you in. You can take a seat on the chair over there and help yourself to any coffee if you’d like.”

“I am ok with the coffee, but thank you,” I reply as I go to sit down.

I look around to get my bearings. Apart of me wants to stay invisible here, and so I sit in a way that people can’t see me if they look in the door. Yet at the same time I am actually a little excited to see her too, she was very sweet on the phone last time, and was so supportive of me. Dealing with these issues is so hard on me and she listened, she talked a little too much, but she listened and let me get it out. All my secrets, all my anxieties, she actually listened to me. The true me, the one without any secrets. To be truly heard is a blessing, that happens much too rarely, which I never take for granted.

Starship Rimshot. Roscoe Forthright. The Semen-Pope Hires Android Susie

[Starship Rimshot Android Susie](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vPVlNjcjwoQW83tJMH0-eAmts4nM1DaU/view?usp=sharing)

Starship Rimshot. The Semen-Pope Hires Android Susie

Because Susie proved herself a spiritually enlightened droid, having shared her consciousness with Jenny and Dr. Praxilion, she drew the attention of the Semen-Pope. He needed an Oral Sex Instructor in his Sacred Jizz Temple in Seattle, Washington. Her oral interview went exceptionally well, and Susie was hired immediately. Susie’s first job was to rustle-up some business, get some horny young men and horny bisexual women through the Temple Gates, masturbating joyfully before the Altar of Come.

Android Susie posted a video on several x-rated sites frequented by horny Pacific Northwest humans between the ages of 15 and 30. That was her target audience. The first video was made specifically for male humans. Below is the narrative of Android Susie’s Epistle to the Washingtonians.

“Jack it for me. Take off those pants and get comfortable. I am Holy Sister Susie. An android girl, former sex-bot to diamond miners of Pavonis Mons, and living in British Columbia, in the woods, in Canada. In the Meditation Centers of the Semen-Pope, I teach oral sex. I teach fifty ways to suck, lick, kiss, and caress miraculous erect cocks.

[23F] Do you ever feel like risking it all while fucking your best fuckboy ever?

When I’m lying in bed at 3am, wide awake because my circadian rhythm is now permanently fucked from lockdown, my mind often wanders and I meditate on everything from embarrassing moments to things I need to stop procrastinating about… but, eventually, I always end up fantasizing about the AMAZING sex that I had with lovers who are now so far in my rear-view they’re now embalmed in my memory, forever trapped in 2016, or whenever our lovely tryst ended. Yep, my internal monologue usually goes something like, “if you could have any of them just one more time… who would it be?”

Hexacanth [M/M/F/F/F/F] Part 2


*** ***Chris*** ***

“Why is everyone so quiet now? Motherfuckers, did you guys leave me here? Hey! Answer me!”

I took off her blindfold to find her tearing up a bit, but then she collected herself and put on a brave face. She looked over to see Bella and Raissa cuddling together, and I think I see a hint of jealousy on her. She spat on the ground, looking at us with furrowed brows.

“Let me go,” she said with a low tone of anger, “let me go, motherfucker.”

As soon as her binds were off she stomped her way towards the cuddling duo. “What is this? Huh? You’re cheating on me? With her?”

Bella gave a faint look of shock and she tried to get a word in, but the furious Alana wasn’t hearing it. She sees what she sees, and it’s another woman horning in on her romantic interest.

“Little cub, see reason here. We are just cuddling, it is nothing more,” Raissa explained, but she has a hand wrapped around Bella’s thick breast so she doesn’t really have a leg to stand on.

Amnesia Was The Best Thing To Happen To My GF [M/F/F/F] Part 31


*** ***Alana*** ***

We’re midway through December and the wind has gotten chilly. That usually means we have an influx of homeless patients trying to find a warm bed. Sure a majority are nice and, for lack of a better word, sane but there’s a couple that should really have been admitted to the mental ward. I feel sorry for the homeless vets, though, and I try to sneak in an extra sandwich during my shift. Now if they’re smart, they’ll save it for when they’re out of the hospital.

I come back to a nice, loving apartment with Izz lounging around the sofa and Chris working on his laptop. It’s about 7:45 PM. God damn, it must be nice to work at home or, in Izz’s case, not work at all and still be reasonably comfortable.

Fucking rich kids, I swear…

Before I get into my car from work, I make sure to take my work shoes off and put them in a plastic bag so I can decontaminate them when I get home. I don’t want to bring any superbugs into our home.


Starship Rimshot. The Semen-Pope Hires Android Susie

Because Susie proved herself a spiritually enlightened droid, having shared her consciousness with Jenny and Dr. Praxilion, she drew the attention of the Semen-Pope. He needed an Oral Sex Instructor in his Sacred Jizz Temple in Seattle, Washington. Her oral interview went exceptionally well, and Susie was hired immediately. **Susie’s first job was to rustle-up some business,** get some horny young men and horny bisexual women through the Temple Gates, masturbating joyfully before the Altar of Come.

Android Susie posted a video on several x-rated sites frequented by horny Pacific Northwest humans between the ages of 15 and 30. That was her target audience. The first video was made specifically for male humans. Below is the narrative of **Android Susie’s Epistle to the Washingtonians.**

“**Jack it for me. Take off those pants and get comfortable.** I am Holy Sister Susie. An android girl, former sex-bot to diamond miners of Pavonis Mons, and living in British Columbia, in the woods, in Canada. In the Meditation Centers of the Semen-Pope, I teach oral sex. I teach fifty ways to suck, lick, kiss, and caress miraculous erect cocks.

Monsteria Encyclopedia: prologue Chinese dragon


My name is Marcus Theroux deLamange Montier. I have decided to keep a log of my journey to the east. Under the sponsorship of Lord Phillip of Valois, I am heading to the eastern country to catalog the species of flora and fauna of the region.

As I am writing this I am traveling across what the local denizens call, the silk road, I found a merchant who charged a fair rate for me to travel along with him to a place called China.

Many things have happened these past years. For one, the plagues have been quelled. A young doctor by the name of Xin came with a miraculous medicine that seemed to both cures and prevents the plague. But, a decision had to be made concerning the myriad of sick that still perpetrate.

The sick and unfortunate were rounded up and sent to exile where the plague started, England. They have been locked away behind huge iron walls. It was a lengthy process, but it was for the good of the rest of us.

Luckily being under the employ of Lord Philip, I was granted a dose of the medicine before succumbing to my sickness.