[MF] Meeting the girl who [deleted] me on Reddit.

The sun woke me up. Well, actually, I guess you could say it was the breeze that woke me up—it was the breeze that lifted my blind just enough to let the early morning sun into my bedroom. But whether it was the breeze or sun responsible, I was up. I ran my fingers through my tangled brown hair, rubbed my eyes and yawned. I reached to my nightstand and unplugged the phone whose alarm had yet to ring.

*5:45 not bad*, I thought to myself, *thirty minutes ahead of schedule*. I figured this would give me some time for, well, entertainment. After all, I had a mean case of morning wood, and I had been exchanging messages back and forth with a particularly charming young woman recently, so surely there was something in there to push me over the proverbial edge before my morning shower and coffee. The perfect way to start the day.

My fingers unlocked my phone almost automatically—a process I had repeated hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of times—and intuitively swiped left twice and tapped the “Utilities” folder where I kept Reddit hidden, so that my girlfriend wouldn’t stumble upon it on one of the few nights where she wasn’t travelling for work.

Spring cleaning with my ex [MF] 20’s (Long narrative)

[For context: Sadie was my long-term girlfriend over the last portion of college. Average height, maybe a tiny bit short? athletic build, strong back, amazing collarbone, and wide hips with a firm round butt. Has a strong, but calm presence, and loves the outdoors. Long blonde hair, and elfy features with an almond-shaped face.

I would describe myself as moderately tall, lanky, and introverted? I’m told on rare occasions that I’m handsome and that I have sad eyes.

Previous stories about our saga are stickied on my profile!]

Many years ago, when spring was in the air, birds were chirping, and flowers were blooming. Sadie and I had been living together, informally, for several months. Taking walks, holding hands, wearing our beat-up hoodies in the crisp spring air and

[MF] Sleepwalking sex

Some people sleep walk, for me it’s more of a kind of sleeping sexual act

It’s sunday night and it’s been a busy day. I spent it smoking pork shoulder on my smoker while my girlfriend was busy getting the house ready and preparing the rest of the supper for a 20 person birthday party. We cleaned the house, I went outside smoked a joint and cleaned the yard/garage. After all was done my girlfriend and I were both exhausted so I showered while she bathed and we met in the bed, cuddled a bit and felt asleep.

I get kind of half awake with my hand rubbing my girlfriend’s inside left thigh and a bit over her panties as well (she’s also in a sleeping state). Her thigh are wide spread (like the yoga frog pose except she’s on her back) and she’s grinding back on my hand. I’m confused but I rub her a bit over her panties.

Michelle, my platonic size queen friend [MF]

This story is less wild than my others but I find it hot and think about it often so I thought I’d share.

Michelle and I were always platonic friends. We met when we were about 19. She was a friend of my friend’s girlfriend. She was tall and blonde, had big boobs with pierced pink nipples, thick thighs, and very fair skin. We always had some sexual tension but, aside from seeing Michelle’s boobs when she flashed at a party once, nothing ever came of it. Well… almost nothing.

We never got our timing right. Whenever one of us was single the other one was always involved. Then when both of us were finally single at the same time, Michelle had moved almost two hours away. We would visit on weekends and we even had conversations about whether or not we should give dating a shot but for some reason she never quite came around on the notion. I was definitely in the friend zone but that didn’t stop us from having very intimate conversations.

[MF] Last weekend with Delia.

The Friday before Easter, I came home from work as Delia was saying goodbye to Matt. I asked Matt why he wasn’t staying for the weekend and he said he was spending Easter weekend with his girlfriend and hopefully soon to be fiance. I wished him luck and looked at Delia.

She returned my look and we exchanged knowing glances. We were definitely gonna be fucking a lot that weekend. I told Delia I’ll see her later and wished Matt good luck and a safe trip.

About 10 minutes later I get a text from Delia asking if she should come over. I said “of course” and she replied that she’ll be right over.

2 minutes later, there was a knock on the door and when I opened it, Delia was standing there with a very tight tank top and the smallest pair of panties I have ever seen. My jaw dropped.

We kissed and then she pushed me on to the couch, pulled my pants off and took my dick in her mouth. I got hard really quick. Looking at her and seeing what she was wearing made me crazy horny. I wanted to be deep inside her pussy.

[MF] The Weekend of Three Girls (19M & 22F) Part 1 – Beth

I posted the first few parts of this series many years ago under a different username that has since been deleted.  The story will sound similar, but I’ve had to re-write it as I can’t find the original either.

Everyone in this story is over the age of 18 and names have been changed for privacy.

This takes place when I was 19 in my first year of college.  I was living away from home in residence,and I was exploring my newfound freedom with a verve that only someone living on their own for the first time can.  At this point in my life, I was 5’11” and scrawny with a metabolism that my current self envies.  I could eat or drink anything I wanted and never gained any weight. 

This is the first in a series that I like to call “The Weekend of 3 girls”.  The girls are Beth, Lynn and Amanda.  If there’s interest after this instalment, I’ll continue.

Bull by the Horns Ch.01 21+ [M36/F58] [Straight Sex] [Busty] [BBW] [GILF] [Interracial] [Cleavage]

Chapter One- The Task Ahead

I couldn’t stand it any longer. I had to find a way to move out of this dammed apartment and away from them.

Rick and his girlfriend Dahlia were lying on the couch when I came home. Sure, it should be okay for my roommate and his girlfriend to show their love for each other in his apartment, but the thing was, Dahlia was my girlfriend three weeks ago.

Talk about a stab straight to the heart. I don’t know if they were together or doing things while we were together; they say they hadn’t, but who knows, they could have fucked or did a lot more when she was with me. Four years to be exact.

Two years ago, I moved in with Rick, my former best friend. We were both strapped for cash and hated random roommates, so we got this nice apartment near downtown Atlanta. Sure, it was expensive, but it was excellent, and it was close to all the good spots, and public transportation wasn’t an issue.

How I (22) recovered from one of the worst cockblocks in human history and ended a long dry spell [MF]

Hi guys, long-time lurker here. I finally decided to tell a story of my own. English ain’t my first language, but I hope it will be all right, anyway. I don’t have „that“ many stories to tell, but I hope you guys will like this one at least. This is the story of the ending of a looong dry spell. Since it’s been over 10 years, some details aren’t as sharp as they used to be, but I think I still know the important stuff. Buckle up, ladies and gents, this story will be a long one:

*Sometimes I would like to have a time machine and go back to my single years. In hindsight, it is really easy to meet women and have sex on a constant basis. Back then however, I was a pretty insecure guy with no experience and even less confidence. It was no coincidence that I did not have sex in over a year in that time. Turns out that all women can see through your bullshit when you try to pretend being someone different than you are. Oh, and yes: I am shameless in stealing elements in story telling from u/AllTheBoysIveFckedB4. You gotta learn from the best, right?*

Publicly Indecent With An Accidental Proposal [MF]

All characters of legal age. Long chapter this time as I’ve tried to improve my writing with a bit more detail. Still based on a true story from my youth though. Amelia and I are both real but I’ve changed all names for privacy.

If you read my last story, you’ll be aware that Amelia was now taking the pill, and i mentioned how this opened up a number of new avenues of adventure for us. Well this story happened a few weeks after that first time we fucked raw.

We had spent those weeks after I came inside her that night, before the birth control had been given the chance to take full effect, worrying about whether she was pregnant. We probably should have gone and bought Plan B the next day, but we were both unsure about whether that would clash with the effects of the pill, and being naive teenagers, just did nothing. We talked about what to do if she was. Her parents would likely have murdered us both, having only had a tense discussion with them very recently about us sleeping together at all. Mine were still completely fine with us exploring our sexual desires, but Amelia being pregnant at that stage would have been difficult for them to accept too. Between the two of us though, we were that in love that we pretty much decided we’d keep it and somehow make it work, if that was what it came to. We even picked names! Fortunately though, she got her period as expected which was a relief, but had given us an insight into a future we both wanted at some point down the line.

I’ve (M20’s) had a crush on my aunt (F40) for ages, today I did something about it

None of my aunts were hot.

So when uncle Jack said he was gonna bring home his new girlfriend, I pictured some forty year old lady with glasses and decent cooking skills.

Turns out my imagination was slightly inaccurate.

By “slightly” I mean “completely”.

By “inaccurate” I mean “plain wrong”.

See… Uncle Jack is a forty year old *dad*. He has the dad bod, the dad jokes, the dad car.

So it was hard to picture him with someone who… you know? Didn’t look like a *mom*.

And the only way Emily could be described as a *mom* was if it came right before the letters I, L and F.

I had to be told she was in her late thirties, and even then I didn’t believe it.

She didn’t look a day over thirty. My original guess would have been late twenties.

She had thick dark hair and the prettiest green eyes I’ve ever seen (Not that I’d seen that many, being 19 and all). But it wasn’t her looks or her youth that drew me in… it was something about her mouth.