Come Back Home Part 1 [F/F]



=== ***Roxanne*** ===

So today is the day I tell my family what I’ve been wanting to do. I’ve got Alana with me as we fly over to Florida. I am not looking forward to talking with my parents about this. I mean, they’re strict Catholics and they have such a skewed view of the world. I hope they take it well.

Roelle picked us up from the airport. He’s the older twin, a mere minute older but he holds it over Raul. He’s a bit chunky, the famous dad-bod, and he keeps a mustache on that looks… oddly weird on his face. I wish he’d shave it, but he wont. He’s had it ever since he was able to grow one.

The ride over is kind of awkward, simply because Roelle didn’t want to make too much of a fuss.

“Ah, Roxxy, who is she?” he asked. I forget that he already moved away when Alana and I were friends. The thing with Raul is he’s the more progressive of the twins. He’s more understanding, and he’s actually the one I feel closest to.

“*Siyota ko*” (my bf/gf) I answered.

Enter The Labyrinth Act I – Chapter 9 [GAY] [FANTASY] [EROTIC HORROR]

**2114 WORDS**

Warning: this is a work of homosexual erotic horror. It contains dark themes including but not limited to rape, torture, slavery, kidnapping, and some surreal kinks. It does not include any bestiality, piss or scat play, or underage content. Please read responsibly.

Doctor Feln strode back and forth in the small dining room. Shawn had left after breakfast, leaving only Avi, Lance, and James sitting together as the Doctor paced in silence.

“Well,” he declared finally, “you can’t stay here. I’m sorry.”

“What do you mean?” said Lance. “What happened to the big target on our backs?”

“I’m not able to keep the Stone here. I have obligations.”

Avi cocked his head. “What kind of obligations?”

“We can talk about that later. For now, we need to face reality. Soon, you’re going to have to go back out in the Labyrinth. But you’ll have a few advantages. For one, you’re the only humans out there in possession of an Emotion Stone. As you saw, its own inherent power even without the others.”

Avi nodded. “Right. But I can’t control it.”

Enter The Labyrinth Act I – Chapter 8 [GAY] [FANTASY] [EROTIC HORROR]

**2446 WORDS**

Warning: this is a work of homosexual erotic horror. It contains dark themes including but not limited to rape, torture, slavery, kidnapping, and some surreal kinks. It does not include any bestiality, piss or scat play, or underage content. Please read responsibly.

Avi found himself sitting at a large circular table with five equidistant seats. To his right was Lance, and after that was Doctor Feln, James, and Shawn, who had barely said a word the entire meal. Shawn was a young man, pretty-faced with a black mullet and blue eyes. He had been introduced to Avi and Lance as Feln’s “secretary,” though after being in their presence for a few minutes, Avi was starting to get the feeling that their relationship extended beyond the professional.

In front of Avi was a plate of pasta and meat sauce, with a salad and some bread on the side. Everyone at the table was wearing clothes. In a weird way, it almost felt like a normal meal.

“Everything I eat down here is grown or synthetically printed in-house,” said Feln. “I don’t scavenge out in the Labyrinth anymore. I leave that for the tribute.”

The on going story of two opposite men [Part one]

As a reader, you will have to forgive one major part of my storytelling. I am writing about a journey that I am still apart of, I am writing about moments that had no meaning at the time, I am writing about things I cannot understand.

It was the New Year’s Eve just before my 19th birthday. I came home from university and found myself getting wrecked with all my boys at a party. I stood out like a sour thumb with these gentleman as they went on and on about hockey and lacrosse. At 6’4” and a football players 250lbs build, this black boy was not as popular as he should be with the women there. These women were more vanilla than the men. Yet I say there, feign amusement.

As I drank and got high, sex filled my late teenage brain. Each puff, each refill had my balls heavier and heavier. I missed the countdown to 2011, because I was too busy talking myself into how I’ll procure some puss. But I knew I had failed when I ordered the cab home.

Cock stiff, I looked out the taxi door. Still scheming to how I will get assistance unloading these bull nuts.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged


I have a few roleplays I’d like to try.
I like my partners to make it difficult/play hard to get.
Here’s background on our characters;
You: Str8, tall, muscular alpha male. Total ladies man. Cocky.
-you can pick your hair color, race, etc.
Me: Gay, short and skinny beta. A little shy but ballsy.
1. You’re out at the bar checking out the local tail. You’re wearing a snug v neck shirt, jeans and brown flip flops (feel free to change outfit if you’d like). I see you sitting by yourself and when I spot opens, I approach asking if I can sit here so I can get a better view of the game on tv.
2. You’re coming to the massage parlor after a hard workout. You’re hoping to get your usual masseuse but you get me instead.
3. You’re my new boss and it’s your bachelor party weekend. I ask if I can come along so I can hang with the boys.
4. I have just moved into an apartment across from you. I invite you to my housewarming party to befriend you…and more
5. You’re out in public and see me checking you out. You keep trying to ignore it… but can’t. After a while you officially get pissed and tell me to leave you alone. I proposition you for…(let’s play it out)

I should have saw this coming. part 1

I few years ago I started talking to this girl on line. It
is a small world as she ended up living close to me. But her and I hit it off
as chat friend right away. For some reason her and I just opened up and spilled
our guts out to each other. It was just one of those things we both needed in
our lives and good timing.

We literally talked about everything. Family, work, dating,
sex, money, politics etc etc. We were chatting for a good year. Not once did we
ask for a pic or to meet. It just wants not what her or I needed.

The crazy part is I think she felt the same way as I did. I
have told her things I have never told anyone and looking her in the face may
freak me out. As she knows to much lol.

Like I said, we had been chatting for about a year and she
was really happy. She had broken up with her ex a few months ago and she was
telling me how she felt herself again.

Dribbling Barista [FF]

(Possibly part 1. Written after a prompt of sorts and chat with an interesting Redditor!)
She had me at my first visit to the little coffee shop, or at least in as much as I decided to make it my regular stop each lunch time to brighten my day. It wasn’t like I was planning a relationship with her and had no idea if she was even interested in women. But she looked cute, with those big doll eyes and slight cheeky smile. Her mouth was surprisingly large on a small face but with her full lips it seemed to work. She always wore a slightly low cut top and I can’t say I’d ever complain about a little cleavage on show. Her breasts seemed small but very firm, or could just have been a bra 1 size too small. Either way, whenever she saw me she smiled, probably like with every customer, and she lifted my mood a little, so I kept going back not thinking much more of it than a little eye candy for the day.
Her name was Demi, which made me smile as the very first time I saw her she had a little something at the corner of her mouth, shiny and moist, rolling down to the side of her chin. She wiped it away quick but that’s probably what hooked me. I have a thing for really messy sex and copious amounts of saliva really do it for me. Hence my cheerful attachment to dribbling Demi.
After a few weeks of this I was on my way back from the bathroom. Oh yeh, the bathroom at the coffee shop! Well that’s a hole other type of gay story, if you know what I mean!? Ha ha. Any way, there’s a small spot just before you turn round the corner to the counter where you can see through a small gap between shelves and the giant coffee machine. You can’t normally see the actual coffee being made normally as it’s out of view, but I got a good view of Demi and couldn’t believe it.
I nearly tripped in shock as I can to a haunt. Probably my mouth was ajar slightly as I watched place the freshly made Latte about six inches under her mouth and then let a good shot of dribble drop into the cup. My heart suddenly pounded as I watched it the shiny thick stringy clear goo pass over her gorgeous lips and drop in slow motion. It all happened in moments as she gave a quick stir, wiped the spittle off with the back of her hand and went to deliver the coffee.
I was in absolute shock, head spinning, yet aroused and excited.
Demi suddenly became more than just a passing fancy.
I was there again as usual the next day but made sure it was my coffee she was making as I peeked through the crack. I can’t even tell you the joy I experienced sipping my coffee in front of her and nodding thanks, knowing it was her dribble as the secret ingredient, as she gave me a little crooked smile, not knowing that I knew her secret.
It would be boring and long, not to mention a little sad for me to go over my full blown stalker mode week where I watch and ended up videoing her dribbling into the cups. Or the fact I repeatedly played and came to those same short videos in the evening. How sad am I? It’s not like I can’t get a girl if I want, but those video just blew me away for some reason.
So I found me and Demi sitting in my apartment one evening. I’d left her a note for her to message, which she had. We’d interacted a bit more recently and I’d started to think perhaps she might be interested but wasn’t really sure. She’d come willingly to my apartment, whereas I’d originally planned to….um…..let’s say encourage rather than blackmail her, using the video. In my defence I really was caught up in the moment!
She was shorted than me and really looked good tonight. Her top was a little lower and looser, so after a few glimpses I was fairly certain her boobs were very firm and it had nothing to do with a bra.
“Thanks for inviting me over” she said with a little smile, “I haven’t got a lot of friends here and you seem really nice.”
I was insane, that was obviously the answer as I dived into a rambling nonsense of why I’d invited her over. It all had made sense in my head and I’m really very controlled normally. There was something about liking how she looked, seeing her dribbling into the coffee cups, effectively stalking her (she looked shocked briefly!), that I really did like her, and like her as more than just a friend, I was a lesbian, I’m really not a total crazy, but I have a thing for dribble and saliva, she seems nice, blah blah blah.
She was quiet for a time, staring down at her drink. She almost whispered, “I have a condition where I over salivate. It’s worse when I’m excited or stressed.” I let the quiet last for a bit. “There’s no where to spit there and if I swallow too much it makes me feel sick. So you know…” She gave a little shrug.
She looked up at me and I stopped breathing. A little drool was creeping out the side of her mouth. “I kinda like you too…”
My heart stopped for a moment and then pounded like I was a dog in heat. I swear if I was wearing underwear it would have been soaking!
My slow planned seduction plan was gone and although a nice slow build up would be lovely for all involved, including the reader of this, I really didn’t feel like I had time right then and just went on instinct.
Which means I ended up on the sofa nervously leaning into those big full lips…
As always that first uncertain kiss tasted so good! Lips on lips and as we squeezed together dribble squeezed out of her mouth into mine…I was in heaven!
She pulled away and flushed a little, “sorry…I should go spit or something…”
“Please don’t!” I begged! “Or at least don’t do it somewhere else.” I winked.
I held her face with one hand and put my other like a cup under her chin. “Please…” I whispered.
She looked shocked or surprised or disbelieving for a moment and then a look of resolve.
Her lips parted a little, glistening as she pushed the liquid from her mouth, slowly down her chin and into my waiting hand. There was so much I couldn’t hold it all, but once she was empty I used my free hand to unbutton my shirt. I was terrified she’d think I was a freak, but just could stop myself. I wasn’t wearing a bra and once I pulled my shirt back I leaned back and let the goo drop to my breast and then rubbed it gently around. I was clearly aroused and couldn’t believe it when she reached forward to reveal my other breast then lowered her mouth to my nipple.
She held eye contact the whole time as she played the nipple around between lips, teeth and tongue. I simply lay there enjoying the moment for a while. Her wet sticky saliva applied to my own breast by my own hand, while her lush lips caressed my other breast and nipple, her saliva glands stimulated and leaving a trail of slime everywhere she went. I wrapped my free hand around the back of her head pulling her into me, groaning as I did it.
Her hand slipped up my leg, easy access with the skirt I had on, finding my soaking wet mound. She stopped and smiled in surprise for a moment, “sooo wet!”
After a good squeeze and rub, making me squeal a bit, she pulled her hand out and sat back up. She inspected the hand covered on my juices and then holding eye contact with me she placed her fingers in her mouth and sucked on them. I truly have never seen anything hotter in my life!
She stopped and pulled her loose top off over her head. Her breast were small. Maybe a handful, but we’re the most solid little globes I’d ever seen in my life!
“I want to try something,” she said, “lay back and spread your legs.” I complied immediately, suddenly realising I wasn’t in charge at all.
She flipped up my skirt and leaned over me. She gave me the deepest kiss I’d ever had, holding our bodies just out of reach but close enough I could feel the heat from her. As she pulled back she let herself leave a string of dribble between our mouths which suddenly fell away back into my face.
Her hand reached down for more of my juice and spread it across my breasts. Then she leaned her body down so her amazing little breasts met my pussy and rubbed them slow and hard together. I swear her nipple was harder than a finger and I could feel it each time it flicked past my clit. Her rubbing became smoother as her breast became drenched in my liquids. As she moved it spread across my body. She pulled my hand into her mouth and sucked my fingers, sending me to heaven and creating even more messy drool to play with.
She took now saliva covered hand after a few minutes and rubbed it over her face. She looked so beautiful and hot covered in shiny messy juices as she rubbed my pussy with her hard breast! She blew my mind and body at that moment and I came like I never have before, releasing more juice over our already drenched bodies!
“My turn now,” She winked through my haze, “where’s the bedroom?”
To be continued…

Childhood Bully Enjoys his Crush

I sat on the old grey sofa of the common area, revulsion, and embarrassment crashing home as I felt my stickiness in my hand. What the fuck? Christina’s moans and Blaze’s grunts coming through the metal door reminded me of what had gotten me so excited.

The common room was undecorated and cluttered. It was a four-person suite that ended each hall. A sweatshirt slung over a chair there, and beer bottles lined the tables and even lay under the sofa.

Her screams and moans reached a crescendo with the metal squeaking from the bed and hard clanging against the brick wall. I turned, hearing the door open. First Blaze, wearing nothing, cock still semi-hard glistening in the low light, and then Christina. She looked like I’d never seen her before.

Usually perfectly groomed and put together, big large brown eyes and long straight brown hair. Christina’s bright red lipstick smeared, her eye shadow streaked down her face, her skin glowing from exertion, and a thick white glob dripped down the bridge of her nose, down her cheek and chin. She looked wrecked.

Enter The Labyrinth Act I – Chapter 7 [GAY] [FANTASY] [EROTIC HORROR]

**2226 WORDS**

Warning: this is a work of homosexual erotic horror. It contains dark themes including but not limited to rape, torture, slavery, kidnapping, and some surreal kinks. It does not include any bestiality, piss or scat play, or underage content. Please read responsibly.

Avi tried to control his breathing as the glowing gem floated before him. He was filled with anger, the sort of anger that faded one’s vision and destroyed one’s ability to focus on anything but their blind rage. He closed his eyes, and he felt Lance’s hand on his shoulder.

“Just breathe, Avi. Breathe.”

He felt calm start to rush over him as he took deep breaths, and by the time he had opened his eyes, the stone had stopped floating and faded back to its distinctive red colour.

James’ eyes were wide. “That was… awesome,” he said with a smile. “How the hell did you do that?”

“I have the same question,” said Avi flatly. “Lance, what is this necklace?”

“Why are you asking me?” demanded Lance.

“It was in Sebastian’s bag. It belonged to him. You must have seen it before.”

“I mean, yeah, I have.”

The Unjust Imprisonment Of Slave Bitch Boi str8 gay fdom msub Non-consensual, Slavery, Bondage, Humiliation, Pet Play Part I Warden Adams Tells Bitch Boi The Deal

I’m nude, arms sleeved up to shoulders, legs frogtied back butt to heel, resting on my elbows and knees. I have pads on my elbows and knees, but I know being stuck in this fucking thing is going to get uncomfortable quick. I am wearing an open mouth gag and a black, hood ski mask; as well as an uncomfortable metal chastity cage and open mouth gag.

I’m waiting in front of Warden Adams desk as she goes through my file. “Jealous and killed your ex in a drunken rage. Months of social media showing you were stalking her and begging her to take you back. Witnesses seeing you arguing in public. A drunken argument on her porch the night she was murdered. Such a terrible crime against such a bright young woman.”

But I didn’t kill her! I went to a bar to drink it off, and was woken by the cops the next day. My defence attorney told me the security cam in the bar wasn’t working and the bartender on shift quit with no forwarding address or working contact information. Of course my fingerprints and DNA were all over the crime scene, I used to live there! Prosecutors sought the death penalty, but later changed it to life without parole and “Wardens discretion” I was just now learning what that meant. I foolishly but desperately tried to convey my innocence to Warden Adams. She said “Silence, bitch boi!” in a stern voice that brooked no argument.