The tall, redheaded woman stepped out of the hot tub and walked back towards the hotel, the warm water still dripping off of her body, leaving behind a darkened trail on the pavement. We were alone once again. I looked over at Michael. His eyes bounced up and down in perfect synchrony with her thong-clad ass. I elbowed him in the side. Hard.
“You’re such a lecher, geez… That poor woman…”
“What? I was just admiring her swimsuit.”
“Uh huh, I noticed you ‘admiring’ it the entire time she was here. You couldn’t take your eyes off of it, I noticed. Tell me, what did you like best about her swimsuit?”
“I liked…how it…exposed most of her tits…” he explained, helpfully using hand gestures in case I had forgotten what her chest had looked like. Not much chance of that. I was going to have nightmares about being suffocated by cantaloupes for days.
I punched his arm. “Pervert! I’m surprised she didn’t pop out of that handkerchief… What’s so special about them, anyway? They’re just big… She might as well stuff cantaloupes down her top.”