[F]ucking [m]y high school gym student

Long-time lurker. I'm a 30-something married soccer mom who teaches high school phy ed. and have for years. You can call me Mrs. Jones. I'm short, about 5'2" and petite. I keep in good shape and have been told I look a bit like Krysten Ritter.

Alright, here goes. Several years ago a student found my sex blog, which included graphic nude pics of me with several boyfriends. It was highly personal, but totally anonymous. so no face pics. I used the blog to share some deeply personal thoughts and musings about men and crazy hot sex. I am shaking a bit just writing this – this is how I got in trouble – but I also feel the need to share, and I'm honestly turned on by the thought of writing this down for all you perverts. ^

Blackmail Bitch Part III [fdom] [bi] [blkmail]

Three weeks later…

Samantha is sitting on a bench eating a banana. For once she is not wearing her cock. A tiny little thong and a short skirt with a nice loose swirl felt good. Purple silk top open enough to show off the pretty purple lace bra. Black Boots that reached up to her knees completed the outfit. She was a combination of classy and slutty. Normal for her.

She is waiting. The two girls sitting across the table for her are babbling. Explanations. Excuses. Blaming the system. Their parent's expectations. People are so dull she cannot help but think. Finishing the banana she tosses the peel on the table and pulls the pocket recorder from her pocket. She waves it in the air and the other stop sputter to silence.

"Yeah. Blah blah blah. You two blew and fucked the guy who came here to administer the SAT. Getting test booklets from him you took them home. And wow! When you gave them back to him and he tossed the ones you pretended to take on the actual day… what a shock you kicked ass!"

She puts the recorder back in her pocket.

Blackmail Bitch Part II [fdom] [bi] [blkmail]

4 hours later….

"Hiya Unca Frank." Samantha waves as she walks in the big office.

Frank Jenkins is the CEO of the security company her father owns. He is not really her uncle it was just a little joke between them.

"Sam! Good to see you. I bet I know why you are here." he smiles back at her.

He is a big man. 6' 4" tall and built like a linebacker. He was one in college and he still kept in shape. Frank worked his way up from the security teams to CEO of the company and he was still a top contender in the yearly combat trials. He did not have to participate but it was a point of pride that he not only could but did well.

Sam walks across the big room. Moving around behind the desk she puts both hands on his shoulders and pushes him back. His chair rolls away from the desk as she perches her round teen butt on it.

She flashes a big smile as her hand slowly starts to move down her body. Running slowly over the curve of her left breast.

Blackmail Bitch Part I [fdom] [bi] [blkmail]

It is noon, 5th period….

Samantha Osborn has a secret.

It is not that she is a rich little bitch. Her family is possibly the richest in Boston. She goes to the best private high school, dresses in designer fashions and drives a Ferrari.

It is not that she is a lesbian. Everybody knows that especially the poor boys who are foolish enough to flirt or try to get close to her. Her acid tongue leaves them in smoking little piles in the hallways of her school. Most people have seen that happen at least once.

Certainly not the fact that she knows far more about a lot of people than anybody should. Her father owns a large security and detective firm. It is no secret that she has daddy wrapped around her well manicured little finger. What the princess wants she gets it is as simple as that.

No the secret hangs between her legs.

Wrote this for a couple of redditors “London Coffee Shop” [MMF] [Hotwife]

Clark scanned the coffee shop expectantly. He hadn’t seen CC in person but would recognize her in a heartbeat. She didn’t seem to be there which just increased his nerves more. As Clark ordered an espresso he mentally kicked himself for not choosing a bar where he could drink some liquid courage. The last few months had been exciting and the idea of being with CC was always on the forefront of his mind but he had never really thought they would meet face to face.

After getting his espresso Clark found a couch in the far corner of the shop. Easily able to see the entrance; he caught himself staring at the door like a child looking at the chimney on Christmas. Slightly embarrassed he took out his phone and began to scroll through his Facebook feed. That of course led to him reading the exchange between CC and himself. What started as an online appreciation of CC’s fine form turned into a lustful online affair. They both got worked up while discussing their sexual past but it was Clark who sent a message admitting that he masturbated after their last chat. CC responded with a picture of her playing with a small black vibrator. That seemed to open the flood gates of picture exchange and dirty messages. Clark downloaded Kik, a messaging app, solely for his playtime with CC. Recently, they had phone sex while CC’s husband was out of town on business. It was the strongest orgasm Clark had since college. He absent mindedly scrolled through the photos CC had sent him: her topless in the mirror, her bent over showing him her pussy, her lying on the bed legs spread in nothing but a garter belt and stockings, standing in heels…

Jake Part XX – Divergence [MF NC reluc timestop oral]

My name is Carol Dane. Well, not really. It’s just an alias I chose for all this Traveling, and I intend to ask my parents not to name me that before I go. Anyway, for now, you can call me Carol.

I’m a Time Traveler.

More specifically, I’m a second-generation timebender. That’s what we eventually started calling ourselves. My parents and I are the only ones we know of, although we check in with my half-brother from time to time just to be sure. And a couple other “accidental” relations. Dad gets around a little bit.

We’re pretty sure none of them will develop the power. Not the way that I did. Dad developed it on his own, at least in my original timeline; I’ve sort of muddied those waters. He created a “Magic Remote” with his mind, totally by accident, and it awakened the power to stop and control time in him. My mother, who is also his daughter, developed the same abilities after she started using the remote. But I never once touched the thing, and when I hit puberty, I accidentally froze the world during gym class. To my credit, that dodge-ball was coming right for my face.

Blackmailed by AJ (Part Three) [str8, pseudoincest, blackmail, Anal]

After sex shame has never been a problem for me, until now. I just fucked AJ; The sex was great, but I can’t believe I did it. We’ve lived together since we were 10, as close to actual siblings as you can get. I can’t get over how embarrassing this would be if people found out. I can’t even look in the mirror as I wipe his cum off my face. I have never been one to love the taste of semen, but his tastes wonderful. AJ walked out within seconds of his orgasm. I wonder if he is feeling a bit shameful as well. I fucking hope he does. I shouldn’t be the only person feeling like a brother fucking slut.

My phone is ringing for the second time in the past 5 minutes. People should know by now that I don’t answer my phone; just send me a text. I’ve never been a phone talker. I hear AJ stomping down the stairs; when he reaches my room, I know he is not happy. I can’t help but admire his body as he stands in the doorway. His muscles are glistening with sweat. I could easily fuck him again right now, but that’s not a thought an average person has. Fuck, what is going on with my brain.

Jake’s Magic Remote Part XIX – Tempered in Fire [MF inc timestop anal oral preg]

Carol held her coffee as though it was the elixir of life. It very well looked like it was, too; in the cafe’s more direct light, Jake could make out dark circles under her eyes that hadn’t been there before.
“Are you alright?” Jake asked. “You look…”
“…like hell,” Petra offered.
Carol gave that crooked smile again. Something about it was really familiar. “I’ll be fine. It’s just… really exhausting getting here.”
Jake shook his head. “I don’t get it. Getting here? From where? And why?”
Carol chuckled. “You know, my father told me you’d ask that. He said you’d be… ‘methodically and relentlessly inquisitive’. I guess he would know.”
“Would he? Do I know him?” Jake was starting to dislike the number of things about this situation he didn’t know.
Carol sipped her coffee again. How she stomached it black and extra-strong like that was beyond him. “You will,” she said. “Pretty intimately.”
Jake frowned. “Carol. This is beyond frustrating. I think you owe us an explanation. So let’s start with who you are, and who your father is, or else Petra and I will just have to leave you to it.”
“Jeez,” Carol said, sighing. “That brings back memories. You haven’t used that tone since I was nine, Dad.”
Jake wasn’t quite sure how to respond to that. Fortunately, Petra was. “Bullshit,” she said bluntly. “He’d have been a kid when you were born.”
Carol smiled at Petra. “That’s true, Mom. Or it would be, for any other family.”
Jake opened his mouth to protest, but found he couldn’t speak. He stared across the table at Carol as she took another sip of her coffee with those soft-looking lips… lips that curved the same way as his daughter’s. There was a mixture of relief, fatigue, and love in her eyes, and those eyes looked familiar because he’d seen them in the mirror thousands of times before. “Holy crap,” he finally said.
“Holy fucking shit of God,” Petra replied. “How… well, I know how… when??”
Carol smiled. “Soon, actually,” she said. “I’m younger than I was when we first met, so some things have changed. Which is good, because you both told me that you wished you’d found the family talent a few years sooner. Before what happened with Sarah.”
Petra leaned forward. “Family talent? You mean I can stop-” she lowered her voice. “I can stop things too?”
“Not as well as Dad,” Carol replied. “You always carried the remote to help. But yes.”
“So the remote,” Jake broke in, “You planted it?”
“Yeah… sorry about that. You’d have found it in a few years, anyway. Or rather, sort of accidentally made it. Subconsciously. I don’t really know how it worked. But it just focused a power you already had. One that you both have. I think it’s a recessive gene or something.”
Jake raised a brow. “So then you…”
“Have two copies, yes. I learned to bend time from a very young age. But by then, Sarah was already… well, let’s just say that she took the news about you two really badly. Oh, and she’s been cheating on you.”
“That seems far-fetched. She practically hates sex.”
“No,” Carol said, “she hates losing control. Think about it. She used sex to control you when you were younger, used it to make you fall in love, to make you marry her… can you name one major life choice that didn’t start with her jumping on you and then making the decision for you?”
Jake thought about it. As much as he hated to admit it, Carol was right. The wedding, the pregnancy, the house, his job… every time something important was to be done, Sarah slept with him. The only exceptions were lately when he’d used the remote to influence her.
“Okay, so she’s a bitch,” Jake said, leaning back. “I knew that. It’s not an ideal basis for marriage. But that doesn’t mean she’s cheating on me.”
“Actually,” Petra said sheepishly, “she has been. I was going to… I don’t know what I was going to do, actually. But I followed her when she went out with- holy shit wait I know you!” She pointed at Carol. “You’re Cheryl! That girl from mom’s work!”
Carol shrugged. “Yeah. I may have been keeping an eye on things.”
“You introduced her to Jerome!”
“Who the hell is Jerome?” Jake asked.
“This is Jerome!” Petra shoved her phone under Jake’s nose.
Jake took the phone and stared at it. On the screen was a series of images of his wife with a black guy who he’d never met before. She looked to be eagerly kissing, sucking, and fucking him. “Hang on a minute, how did you get these? And how did ‘Cheryl’ get involved?”
Carol sighed. “Look, I’m only doing what you yourself told me should be done. You said ‘If only it’d all happened sooner, and if only the Jerome thing hadn’t gone on so long’ so I fixed it.”
“You fixed it.”
“Well… almost. I mean if it was fixed I’d leave you alone. But it’s not, yet. I went home and things are still pretty fucked up.”
“And the pictures?”
“Well,” Petra said sheepishly, “I have a bit of a confession to make there.”
Jake frowned and stared at his daughter. She looked more than a little guilty.
“Well, you see, I sort of followed her, and- well, here.” She fished the remote – his remote – out of a pocket and handed it over.
Jake felt angry and disappointed at the same time. “Petra, this… you can’t just steal a thing like this without asking. What else did you do?”
“Well… there was this thing with Jeremy.”
“What ‘thing’?”
“This thing where he found out about us and tried to blackmail me into fucking him.”
Jake blanched. “Why didn’t you tell me about that?”
“Because I handled it. He hasn’t so much as looked at me since.”
“What did you do?”
“I… tricked him… intofucking his mother.”
Jake coughed on a sudden urge to laugh. “What?!”
“Yeah… she thought it was her husband and he thought it was me, and then I wiped the pictures off his drive.”
Jake chuckled. “That’s brilliant. I shudder to think how that little family discussion went.”
“So… not mad?”
Jake leaned over and kissed his daughter. His younger daughter. Or rather his physically younger… this was confusing. “I can’t stay mad at you, Pet,” he said. “And clearly you’re responsible with it. Just… you should have talked to me. About this, about Jeremy, and about your mother.”
Jake suddenly became aware of Carol smiling across the table at them. “I’m sorry,” she said, “it’s just that seeing you two like this… it’s pretty different for me. Where I’m from, you’re both older. Still very much in love, but this is just sweet.”
Jake smiled back. “That’s good to hear, I guess. So, then.. what is it you want to accomplish here?”
Carol finished her coffee, waved to the barista for another, and started to explain.

Settling the Score [MF] [Tickling] [Oral] First post – would appreciate feed-back

He'd been working on the Jones estate for a few weeks now as a laborer, landscaper and handyman. It paid decently well, and Mercedes Jones was in the habit of making sure the people who worked for her husband were well fed on hot days. She often fixed them lemonade or coffee and brought pastries out on breaks. Mark liked her well enough (more than well enough, really, which was a distraction), but her husband was another matter entirely.

Short-tempered, picky and very much a micromanager while he was at the house, he didn't seem to believe that anyone he'd hired could do the job he wanted of them. Mercedes (or Merry, as she preferred to be called) always tried to talk him down if he was being nasty, but he didn't seem to listen to her much either. Mark never saw him raise a hand to her, but his biting remarks often left Merry shaken. She put on a brave face but Mark could see she wasn't happy while he was home. Fortunately, he was often away on business trips. Mark detested him, but not only for those reasons.