The Wind’s Pleasure [MF][group][first time][fantasy] And my first story!

Hey gang, hope you like it! And bonus points for anyone who can ID where the names come from!

Shallan sat on the deck of the Wind’s Pleasure basking in the bright noon day sun, sketching the ship’s crew as they went about their work. The tanned, shirtless sailors broiled around her in seeming chaos to her young, untrained eyes. Her fiery red hair was tied back in a pony’s tail to hold it against the wind and the salt spray coming from the side of the tall ship. Her sketch book rested on her lap, charcoal pencil in her hand. As she watched the sailors go about their work, she couldn’t help her eye being drawn to Yalb. Yalb was a little louder, and more broad in the chest than the other sailors. But what truly fascinated Shallan was the bulge coming from the front of Yalb’s pair of work shorts. Why did his shorts push out so, where the other sailors did not, weren't all men the same down there?

Homecoming [MF] [oral] [inc]

Mike stepped off the bus and took a look around. Not much changes in sleepy southern towns like this. The old diner and attached gas station across from the bus depot still had peeling paint, old men in rockers out front, and the same gaudy neon sign proclaiming, "The Best Southern Fried Chicken in the State." He looked up Main Street and saw the same Civil War memorial with General Robert E. Lee standing proud and tall with one hand on his saber.

"Surprised that thing is still standing," he thought, shouldering his duffel bag and heading away from downtown. "I figured the council would have had it removed by now. Nearly every week there was some new wannabe rattlecan tag or other defacement."

Every block or so he saw someone he recognized but no one seemed to recognize him. That's what happens though when you leave town to join the Air Force and don't come back for six years. He had changed. Riverview never would.

The lady and the dungeon

He had dreamed of this night for many long months now; and had planned every minute detail. The time had come for him to put the Master plan into operation. The relationship with his lady friend, was on the whole very satisfying, but it was a bit tame compared to the wild sexual adventures he often conjured up in his demented mind. She was a good girl with a fantastic tight body that any man would be proud to caress, fondle and devour, but he was sure there was another hidden side to her nature. He had no real basis for his suspicions, but over the time that they had been together he had observed her closely, and noticed that the way she moved her body was purely sexual.

Eros’ Uplifting Spell [MF][exh][voy]

I wrote this in an attempt of roleplay on /r/dirtypenpals, but I wrote so much, it wasn't roleplay anymore, but the redditer suggested finishing the story and posting it here. I start off with her prompt in Italics. I made it a quicky because it's a try-out, but I'd be up for more.

I was foolish to think I could break into the Temple of Eros with nothing happening. It's only thousands of years old, what's the worst that could happen? But I awoke the mischievous wrath of the god of sex, and now he/she torments me. Every week it changes: makes everyone fall in love with me at first sight, turns my office into a brothel, makes me insatiably horny around people I don't even like… sometimes Eros even disguises himself as someone I have a huge crush on and strings me along for months.

Molly, Jacob, and Camden 2 [ff][mf][inc][oral]

Molly heard the garage door open and scanned the room one last time. They had dressed and sprayed air freshener, but the musky scent of sex still seemed too obvious for their father to miss.

"It's fine. We're fine," Jacob assured her. "Just relax. God knows I'm relaxed." The satisfied smile on his face made her chuckle.

He had his feet up on the coffee table with Camden's head in his lap. Molly was sitting with Camden's legs across her lap and was tracing her bare feet with trembling fingers. Camden had lovely feet, with perfectly pink nails. Molly had painted those nails a hundred times over the years, but touching them now created a new kind of flutter in her stomach.

Dad came in through the kitchen. "Hey," he muttered, sounding tense and tired. "I got some bad news. I'm gonna have to fly out tonight to fix a screw up in Atlanta. Jacob, I'm gonna need you to run me to the airport and pick me up again on Sunday afternoon."

"Sure thing, Dad." Jacob's eyes were wide as he glanced between Camden and Molly. He whispered, "You'll wait for me?"

Alec and Brianna (10 of 10) [MF] [Dark] [Smoking] [Coughing] [cuck] [reluc] [prost] [Roleplay]


I give Quinn his instructions. He is only too happy to help in my little intrigue. Then I eagerly get back to my observations.

I watch you light one cigarette after another. I love that I have left the hook so deep in you. That night, I order another girl from SmokingHot.

She arrives dolled up to the nines. Dark red lipstick as I specified.

"Ah Ember." I say "Nice to see you."

"Sure" she says.

We make out in front of the observation cam. Then I have her sit and smoke in the same posture I observe you in. She smokes very sexily. 100's in a long black cigarette holder. I jump her when I can hold back no longer, spilling the ashtray.

"Take it Brianna!" I shout.


"Shut up" I say as I enter her.

She struggles because she knows I like it that way. They must have quite a file on me at their company. I finally get her pinned down and give it to her good.

Alec and Brianna (9 of 10) [MF] [Dark] [Smoking] [fdom] [prost] [Stalking] [Roleplay]


In the week that follows, we barely speak to one another. You are hauled up in your study, at the office, or out with associates. I sit at home, dragging incessantly on my tobacco-filled friends. If you were paying any attention to me, my behavior would probably excite you. Several times a day, I emphatically stomp out my cigarette, swearing it will be the last one I ever smoke, only to cave to my cravings two or three hours later. Twice, I throw out my whole carton…forcing myself to drive to the nearest convenience store for more. And, in spite of my efforts to quit, I find myself nearing three full packs a day for the first time. I am miserable, hopeless, helpless, and depressed.

On Saturday, Nancy Thomas calls, and I reluctantly agree to meet her at the mall. Maybe some retail therapy will help me feel better. I chain smoke the entire way there and still need to take a smoke break after just 30 minutes. By the time we have been at the mall three hours, I am already on my fourth trip outside.

Alec and Brianna (8 of 9) [MF] [Dark] [Smoking] [Coughing/Choking] [Imprisonment] [voy] [cuck] [reluc] [prost] [Roleplay]


Two hours later I appear with a tray. "Apparently you have frightened our Mrs. Jeong. I will have to bring the food now. I don't think you will have much luck overpowering me."

"Alec, please, I'm begging, what does it take?"

I take a cigarette from a case in my jacket. You lunge for it, but the chain brings you up short.

"Repeat after me 'I am a nicotine jonsing whore.'"

"WHAT??" You begin screaming and throw everything on the tray at me. I calmly return the cigarette to its case and leave you.

The next time I bring a tray, I find you weeping. "Please Alec, don't make me…"

I wait. Finally, you look up "I… I am a nicotine… jonsing whore."

I go on "'Who will do anything and everything necessary for my fix'."

You repeat "Who will do anything and everything necessary for my fix."

I toss you the cigarette and you are greedily puffing it within seconds. The rush is intense. It has never been like this before. It is like a drug.

When it is gone you look are me expectantly.

Alec and Brianna (7 of 9) [MF] [Dark] [Smoking] [Medical] [Imprisonment] [Roleplay]

I started posting these over a year ago in a different subreddit. They are pretty niche, so I never posted the final chapters. However, I've received several PM requests asking to see the rest of the story, so here it is…. (See comments for links to parts 1 thru 6.)


As the months pass, I abandon my efforts to quit smoking. I just love it too much to ever stop. And you reward me lavishly for my failing. You have our pool converted to saltwater, send me to Paris for three weeks, and buy me a red Mercedes convertible. I am the envy of all of my friends, even if they do speak in hushed tones about my unbecoming 2.5 pack a day habit.

You also bring over several men who share your enthusiasm for women who smoke. They compliment me on my deep drags and ask to see my lipstick ringed butts. When I cough, they hand me my cigarettes and tell me the menthol will help. And the more I smoke, the more they flatter me. You buy me many different brands, including hand rolled cigarettes, and even a few cigars. And you and your friends watch with merriment as I try out each one.

Peter – Carol’s Ex (MF)

I got a text from Carol inviting me over. She had brought out a side of me I had long forgotten. That naughty college girl inside of me that had drunkenly made out with girls and had finger fucked her best friend in the bathroom of a club. I was seeing her at least once a week, sometimes more, without Jack being any the wiser. He never paid much attention.

I rang the bell and a man opened the door. Maybe ten years older than me, dark hair dusted with a little grey. Bright eyes. He took me in: a cute little summer dress that hugged my tits and flared out over my hips. He wore a dress shirt rolled up at the sleeves, jeans, his feet bare.

"Josie?" I nodded. "Peter, I'm Carol's ex husband."

That didn't help, there were a few of those. He stepped aside to let me in, shouting to Carol that I was there.

Carol appeared, dressed in a thin robe, her tits straining against the fabric. She pulled me close, her tongue wrestling with mine as she grabbed my ass. A taste of something familiar on her tongue. Was it cum?

Categorized as Erotica