I came on my friends mom as a young male. The memory made me associate shame with arousal. This is the story of my recovery.

This is based on a true story that I recently submitted to Reddit. HERE is the original story that led to this, and it may make more sense if you read that first. I made an AMA about it, and people suggested reconnecting with the mother, which I did. In an AMA about reconnecting, someone suggested this story. Somehow, I decided to write it. Not sure if I'm glad I did, I'm kind of a mess now. But, here it is:

(The first half of this story is essentialyl 100% true. I marked in bold where it became fiction)

BigD stood in front of the door with trembling knees. If his girlfriend had not been besides him, he doubted he could go through with it. She took his hand in hers and whispered “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to babe”. Somehow, knowing he had her full support gave him the courage to reach out, and, with a shaking hand, ring the doorbell.

Could I Get Some Constructive Criticism On My New Project?

I've spent the last two months putting together a Choose Your Own Adventure style erotic ebook. I've had the idea for years, and the ebook format is ideal for something like this.

I call it Your Fantasy. These books put you in charge of your fantasy.

Links at the end of each chapter give you choices on what you'd like the character to do. This first one is pretty rudimentary, but if it works out, I'd like to do more in depth ones.

I'd love for you guys and gals to take a look and let me know what you think. Thanks in advance!!

Here are the kindle, ebook, and docx files.

Halloween Office Party- Despot’s Dirty Diary [mf]

This is an original story of mine. You can find more on my tumblr, http://daddysdespot.tumblr.com where I occasionally post stories. Hope you enjoy!

A ghost ran his hand over the curve of my ass and tried to cop a feel as I bent over the bar, trying to get the bartender’s attention. I batted away his sheet covered hand, and rolled my eyes. I couldn't deck him, as it was quite possible it was my pervy old boss, Rodney, beneath the white bed sheet, and departmental politics dictated we not punch co-workers.

A Halloween party for work was not exactly my idea of a rocking Friday evening, but I’d sucked it up and played along when our social chair had sent out the invite suggesting that we have a “non-mandatory” after-hours party at a bar. And although it was officially non-mandatory, realistically, it was one of those things where everyone gets on your case if you don’t show up.

So, I’d dutifully complied, and even agreed to dress up in a dorky costume. I’d run to the crappy seasonal costume store after work and searched through the picked over costumes that were left.

Categorized as Erotica

Friday afternoon privacy

Or, Substitute Handjob part 3. Enjoy. No trigger warnings this time.

I wake up late and the power is out. The rain is still going, but not as hard as last night. Storm hangover.

Mom already left but there's an egg muffin on a plate in the kitchen. I eat it and get crumbs everywhere as I get ready for school in the semi-dark and try not to think about the dream. Or Mr. Stoddle. But that's impossible, he enters my mind and the memory of how hard his cock was for me and how his cum tasted and his big fingers playing inside me gets me wet.

Categorized as Erotica

Substitute Handjob, part 2

part 2 of the story. trigger warning

As I run through the rain I feel sick and scared. I can't believe that just happened. Sure I liked having fun with boys my age, the jocks, the nerds, the rebels, the drug dealers, the scenesters. I identify positively with the word "slut." I admit it, I like the attention, and I like sex.

But what just happened with Mr. Stoddle was beyond anything I've done before. I put his job in jeopardy, I realized as I waited for the light to change at the main drag. And I used my…fluids to lubricate his handjob. We hadn't been safe about it at all. He seemed to know what he was doing. Had he fucked around with other girls at the school? Does he get tested? What if someone saw us, we were just a few blocks over from the school…

"LOOK OUT, BITCH!" I heard as I froze to a stop and a truck whizzed by me. My heartrate somehow shot up even higher and as I careened to the other side of the intersection I started to feel the swell in my sinuses as I cried. As I calmed down I sat against the Starbucks and lit a cigarette.

Categorized as Erotica

Substitute handjob

all characters depicted are fictional

"Noemi, since you're done with your assignment can you organize these overhead slides for me?"

"Yes Mr. Stoddle," I smiled. I'd do anything for you, Mr. Stoddle. Not only are you a total babe but you're a substitute teacher, and an easy one too. Nothing brightens up my day like seeing you instead of one of the bespeckled lifers. I plop down in the teacher's chair and start organizing the slides, glancing at him occasionally.

He's a skinny white guy and had a nicely trimmed beard. He can't be older than twenty-seven. Once he had his shirt sleeves rolled up, and as I was checking out his meaty forearms I noticed the hint of a half-sleeve tattoo. Ever since then I've been crushing on him harder than any teacher at the school. His smile made lines in his face stand out and came slow, so I could see his lips expand and jaw tighten.

College Ballerina

"I'm so glad we're friends," she said.

I could never tell how sincere she was. She almost sounded sarcastic when she said it. There was a smile on her face but it always looked mischievous. Maybe I was biased since I had seen so much of her naughty side.

"Me too," I said, and squeezed her bony hip. She bit her lip and looked up at me. I gazed down at her and her girlish spaghetti straps resting on her pale shoulders. They didn't hide much; her petite body did have curves but they were very gradual and not pronounced. It was like a very flat rock you find at the beach, chiseled at points but mostly smooth. And she was small girl, the ballerina type, could probably fit comfortably in a suitcase. I looked into her face as I pinched her hip. Her demonic green eyes were always trying to tell me something, always trying to peek around the hallway corner of my thoughts.

"I like it when you touch me like that," she breathed.


"Yeahhh," she moaned a bit. She came up closer and put her hand and head on my chest. My hand slid down and cupped her tiny but visible butt and she cooed.

Categorized as Erotica

[mf] [noncon] A Hunter’s Touch: Chapter 1

Thanks for reading! If there's interest, I'll continue posting the chapters.

.Please note that this story contains noncon elements, including attempted centaur rape…fair warning!



I've lost count of the days.

I woke up in the dark. All I could feel was the moist, squishy dirt against my face. After a few moments, I became aware of a dancing fire in the distance. I lifted my head, hair plastered to my cheeks and forehead, and scanned the horizon. ¬ Twenty-odd centaurs sat on their fat haunches around a campfire, roasting an unidentified animal on a spit. A rather large unidentified animal. I gulped and lowered my head back into the mud. I realized I was quite naked, gagged, and pitifully hog-tied to a small flowering bush.

I began a quiet struggle against my bonds, vicious ropes that cut into the tender skin of my wrists. I rubbed one wrist so raw that I cried out into my gag, a cloth jammed into my mouth secured by another wrapped round my head. Although my cry was muffled, it was loud enough to alert one of the centaurs that I was conscious.

Pwned (blackmail,nc) (X-post from /r/ LetsWriteADirtyStory)

Written collaboratively at /r/LetsWriteADirtyStory.

I had been redditing for a few months, mainly late at night.
I started off as usual /r/all slipping to /r/nsfw/ /r/erotica until I found /r/dirtypenpals. My first night I got into some amazing conversations. Most of them didn't continue much but I started talking to regulars and met some interesting people there. one of which i continued to talk to in the coming weeks. Everything went smoothly until the day I forgot my galaxy at home.
I had set up to have a chat session during lunch and did not want to miss it, so i made one little mistake. I logged on from work. I knew the usual legalese about no expectation of privacy. But really in such a big company who would have known.
The following week I got an orange envelope: "Hey Pat, I loved your post yesterday, msg me" signed i_am_it I broke out in a cold sweat, during all this time i made sure never to give out my real name or any other identifying details.
"Who is this?"
"Just a colleague. Happened to run across your account during last night maintenance, thank god for key loggers."
Shit, shit, shit they have full access to everything??

Ebook publishing for erotica with noncon and borderline bestiality

Hi, I am about to publish an erotica story as an ebook! I can't wait to share it, but I have some questions for more seasoned publishers.

My story includes some triggers like noncon and possible bestiality (it's a fantasy, and involves a rather violent band of centaurs.) How can I make sure these issues are highlighted so that those with trigger issues will know not to read it? I really enjoy writing these racy scenes, but it's important to me that people who might be disturbed by them are alerted.

I know that Amazon has started cracking down on the more "questionable" content like incest, non-consent, and bestiality, but that their biggest concern is keeping their storefront clean. Apparently, if you keep your titles and descriptions pretty innocuous they don't mind as much. I also heard that B&N is much more open to these themes. However, if I post a clean-ish title and description, other than the tags, how will I protect those with triggers against those scenes in my book?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!