Friday afternoon privacy

Or, Substitute Handjob part 3. Enjoy. No trigger warnings this time.

I wake up late and the power is out. The rain is still going, but not as hard as last night. Storm hangover.

Mom already left but there's an egg muffin on a plate in the kitchen. I eat it and get crumbs everywhere as I get ready for school in the semi-dark and try not to think about the dream. Or Mr. Stoddle. But that's impossible, he enters my mind and the memory of how hard his cock was for me and how his cum tasted and his big fingers playing inside me gets me wet.

Frustrated, I slip off the panties I just put and put on fresh and wipe up my mess with them. Baby blue boyshorts instead. I take the last enormous bite of the egg muffin so I can free up my hands to look in the mirror. I put my hands on my hips and turn around to look at my butt. Damn, these boyshorts do make it look fantastic. I wiggle it a bit and adjust my hair to get it right. No ponytail today, just messy. I like the shoulder-length but I want to grow it out more and straighten it. I then stand facing forward and check out my boobs. I like my nipples, they're dark brown, almost black, and teeny tiny. I wish my boobs were were bigger though. But they're a 32B and they do look cute in a nice colorful bra like the one I'm putting on now. I carelessly throw on jeans and a tshirt. I touch my fingers to the window. It's cool out. I throw on the thumb-hole hoodie, grab my bag, and trot out the door.

I take my time walking to school; the rain is dying down and I have a study hall first period and band the next. At this point in the year and as a senior no one gives a shit if I show up to those anyway. I clearly don't. I take a path that takes me by where Mr. Stoddle was parked yesterday. It's there. He's here today. I get to the school just in time to be a little late to third period.

I go to the parking lot and get stoned during 5th period lunch with Marissa, the other friend I was going to meet at the diner. But I don't bring up the incident with Mr. Stoddle. I can't tell anyone about that, I decide during the peak of my high. We just talk about going to Philly next weekend. The rest of the day is a blur until last period.

"Joey. Kim. Noemi. Dwayne," he says as I file in with some other students. I smile and don't say anything.

He doesn't look at me in class. He pretty much lets us run on autopilot and just do the worksheet Mrs. Cranson gave us. I get done early and he asks me to organize papers for him. I oblige. I purposely drop and scatter the papers so at one point so I have to start over.

Once again we are alone after the bell. On a Friday, so everyone is getting out as fast as they can, even the other teachers.

"Aren't you in a hurry to get outta here?" he asks as he puts his coat on. It's a darling black peacoat.

"Mr. Stoddle…"

"Noemi, call me Nathan."

"Na-Nathan. I'm sorry. About yesterday. Running out of the car."

"It's okay."

"I really like you and I didn't want you to think you hurt me or I was gonna tell or anything." I realize I'm looking down, and instead look up at him, biting my lip.

"Well both of those are a relief," he said. "You're mature. I figured you'd tell me if something is wrong."

"I would," I breathe.

"Good. Ya know, I thought you saw someone outside and that's why you ran. So I took off immediately too," he explained.

My chest and shoulders felt lighter. "No, I didn't see anyone. And I don't think anyone saw us."

There's a silence. My heart is pounding and his eyes are consuming me. I clear my throat.

"The cleaning staff doesn't come til five," I whisper. He steps closer.

"I know," he says quietly back.

I look up at him and he comes in to kiss me. He kisses me like he's biting gently into a peach. He didn't shave this morning and he has stubble. I put my hand up to feel it and to feel his jaw as it tightens and moves with our roving mouths. His hand is on my hip and the other reaches lower and cups my butt from underneath and sort of lifts it up. It feels so good, and he likes it too; he grunts in my mouth from bouncing my teenage ass with his big man hand. The other hand also joints in and pulls and squeezes my butt feverishly. My vagina pulses and feels like it's gaping.

"Here," he says, parting lips with me and leaving a trail of saliva hanging off my mouth. He locks the door and presses the shade button to lower the heavy security curtains over the door and windows. Our school was one of the first to implement "shooter-proof" technology. Handy.

"Take off your clothes," he says, sitting on the desk and taking off his peacoat. My heart jumps and flutters but I try to remain composed. Usually I am the confident one in these situations, the one that knows what they are doing, and I want to keep it that way. I want to show Mr. Stoddle I am good at sex and not just some teenage girl. I want him to respect me.

"You wanna see me naked, Mr. Stoddle?"

"Mm, yes. Call me Nathan though." I start walking towards him and casually take off my sweatshirt.

"Why, Mr. Stoddle? Does it make you feel like I'm a little girl?"


"And that makes you uncomfortable?"

"You're not a little girl, you're eighteen."

"Yeah but you've wanted me for years, haven't you? I first met you when I was fourteen."

He clears his throat.

"Yeahh, you have, you nasty pervert," I whisper, and take off my t-shirt. I'm standing, leaning towards him with my hands gripping his legs, and I shove my yellow and pink bra cleavage into his face. He inhales deeply and moans. "You like that?"


"You like having my tits in your face."

"Ohh," he moans as he nods and rubs his stubbly face in my soft brown chest. My nipples get rock hard as he pulls the bra down a bit to pinch and pull at them.

"Oo, Mr. Stoddle. I like that. Unzip my pants."

He does so, scrambling a bit. My pants drop and I kick them off. I'm now just in my bra and panties in front of him. I back up a pace and turn around for him.

"You want to see this, don't you you fucking pervert."

"Yeah Noemi. Oh your butt is so nice."

"I know it is. That's why I wanted to show it to you." I'm happy I wore the boyshorts. My bouncy round booty is my favorite part of me, besides my eyes. I put on a little show for him and play with my butt. "Smack it," I croon. He does, lightly. "Oh, harder Mr. Stoddle!" He smacks it and does it right. The sound echoes off the whiteboard. "Yeah like that. Smack my butt, tell me I've been bad." Hm…where did that come from?

"You've been a bad girl, Noemi. I'm going to have to spank you." He's smiling.

I turn and dramatically put my hands over my mouth in fake shock.

"Oh no, Mr. Stoddle! I'll try harder, I promise!" He smacks it again and I squeal.

"Here, let me take these off." I take off the boyshorts and turn around to show him my butt again. I'm swaying my hips and rubbing my bare ass against his pants tent. My cunt's wet and it's leaving a mark on his trousers. I look over my shoulder and his mouth his hanging open, his eyes are bugging out of his head. He loves my body. He puts his hands on my butt and squeezes it. He shakes it and lifts it and caresses it. He spreads my cheeks and looks at my butthole and my pussy flaps. He likes it all.

see comments for the rest



  1. "Noemi, you’re beautiful," he says. "You’re beautiful," I say, and turn around and start tearing off his pants. I want to get at his big veiny cock. I want to feel how warm it is and feel it pulsate in my hand. I want to eat his cum again. "Let me suck you off, Mr. Stoddle. Would you like that?" He nods and swallows hard. I get on my knees in front of a bottomless Mr. Stoddle and get to work. I put his balls in one of my hands and treat them like medicine balls, rolling them around gently with my fingertips. My mouth is puckered out and I make sure to drool and spit as much as I can on his shaft head. I apply some suction and start running my mouth up and down on his shaft. He tastes good, just salty and musky. I maintain eye contact with him as much as I can, I know the boys like that. "Noemi that’s amazing," he says in a deep voice. His testosterone is surging for me. "Mwah, mwuh mwi mah?" I say with his cock in my throat. "Ughhh," he moans. I suck it up and down more and take it out of my mouth with a pop. "Want me to gag on your cock, Mr. Stoddle." "Yes," he says, and puts his hand on my head and forces my head down on him. It’s really long and I have to open my throat to get my mouth all the way to his balls. I can feel him pulsing in my mouth and I reach one hand down to dip into my steaming pussy. He keeps my head against his body and I start to gag and choke on his cock but I love it. My throat involuntarily tries to swallow but it makes me retch and gag. Snot comes out of my nose and my eyes start to cry. But I keep looking at my teacher and watching the pleasure in his face. the pleasure he takes from making a hot little brown girl gag on his big cock. Finally he releases me and I come up and pant for air. "Again," he says. I catch my breath and do it again. We go at this for a while. I’m impressed, most guys I suck off are done within two minutes. He spends at least ten using my face as a fucktoy and making liquid flow out of every hole on my face. I frig my pussy harder and harder and at one point I cum and make high pitched squeals while he’s rubbing the rim of his head around my tonsils. "Noemi I’m going to cum." I back off his cock for a second. "Where do you wanna-…" I start, but he forces my head down on his cock again and jams it in my throat again and again, with both hands this time, holding my head like it’s a doll. I do everything I can not to vomit from the gagging and am retching and making really gross noises but he fucking loves it. And he shoots his steaming hot bitter load down my throat. We’re both panting. I rest my head on his thigh and gaze up at him. "Noemi…" "I know, I’m a slut." "You’re really good at that. How many guys have you sucked off?" "I dunno, like 25?" I guesstimate. He nods, still breathing hard. "I want to fuck you," he says. "Right now? You just came." "We should go to my place." "Okay." "Let’s go," he says. "Get dressed." I smile and stand up and we make out and he feels me up more. "Let’s go," he says again. I run my finger along his cock and collect the remaining cum and lick it off my finger as I look at him. I’m in charge now. *part four coming eventually maybe*

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