Showers & Pies

Let's lay down on the grass

On your blanket, in the backyard

We'll soak up the sun

Warm Spring days are so hard

I can't get too too comfy

There's a surprise pie to make

I get up and leave you outside

Through the window, my breath you take

While laying on the blanket

You do a yoga stretch

So content on that blanket

This is my mental sketch

I put the pie in to bake

Then come to you, still transfixed

We try to get comfortable

But there's little yellow bugs and tics

We go upstairs for a shower

You ask if I want one together

That is an easy choice

It would be my pleasure

We both get in

And do a thorough "tic check"

We wash and rinse each other

Kisses fall on lips, cheeks, and necks

My hands and tongue explore you

While your hands explore me

You bring me often to the edge

Inside you is where I want to be

Categorized as Erotica

Slow Rush

Monday you first came over

To give me a surprise, that's so neat

Oh. That's right you called is something else

It turned out to be a goose egg treat

There, the two eggs sat on the table

While we two sat on the bed

Staring into each others eyes

Kiss sounds would soon be said

From kissing right to touching

Feeling skin under clothes

My hands slowly cross the border

And retreat from your smiling head slowly shaking no

Our hands exploring each others bodies

It's the best kind of work

Just when I can take it no longer

Off comes your shirt

Revealing your upper body

Turned me on, you must've saw

Then you gave me what I craved

Once you took off your bra

The sight of your breasts

Nipples, shape, color… I have to say

I need them in my hands and mouth

At least once or twice a day

My shirt comes off too

We press our bodies together tight

Categorized as Erotica

Housewife Turned Hotwife Part 2

I must admit that after our little role play I could not get the idea of another man fucking me out of my head. It persisted in my dreams and fantasies for days. All I wanted was another man’s cum and I planned on getting it.

After dinner a few days later I sat down and talked to him about it. I wanted to make sure that we both had clear expectations about what can and cannot happen. Over the years we have learned that there can never be too much communication when it comes to anything sexual with another person.

I flat out asked him what I could not do just to get it out of the way. He took a few minutes to think about it. I could see the wheels in his head spinning and the bulge in his pants growing. I can only imagine what depravity he was picturing in his head with me as the center.

Finally his head looked up and me, "No more than two guys at once. If there is going to be more than that then I need to be the one who arranges it. Other than that, I don’t have any problems with you doing anything with one or two guys outside of our bed room."

Housewife Turned Hotwife

Edit – Title was supposed to say Part 1

Trying my hand and writing erotica. I have been doing a bit of roleplay over the last few days and was told I should post something here. So here it is! All feedback is appreciated!

I would like to tell you about one of my first experiences of getting into the Hotwife life. My husband and I had been very sexual since the moment we met and we were always experimenting and trying new things. It didn’t take him long to find another woman to bring into our bed after he found out that I was bi-sexual. One such girl ended up being a regular and eventually became our girlfriend.

Throughout the years I had never thought about sleeping with another man except my husband until one day he asked me a question out of the blue. "What would you say if I asked you to fuck another guy?"

"What like a threesome?"

"No, I mean you find someone to go out on a date with and if you like him, go back to his place and fuck him."

[mf]My first story. Bare with me.

This winter was harsh. It was storming, the drive to university, and home was especially difficult just because the snow was about a foot tall. It looked like the Christmas part in Nightmare Before Christmas where Jack falls in the snow, and sings “What's this”. It's beautiful. The snow flowing ever so softly in the air was relaxing to me. Each snow flake unique, and has beauty in itself. As I drive my thoughts are cluttered. I'm trying to balance school, a relationship, and my own responsibilities at home. The cold made my grip on the wheel hurt my knuckles, and the damn heater won't get hot enough. So much on my mind. My girlfriend is a great girl. Perfect personality, and she has a great smile. We haven't been seeing each other often, and school has been heavy on me. I miss her laugh, her eyes, her smile, and her touch. She has soft hands, and she's gentle like a soft snow storm. As I get closer to home I feel more exhausted. Sigh. I have about 4 hours of homework I'm not looking forward to. I drove up in my driveway, and parked. My hands are so cold they're shaking. Taking the keys out of the egnition is satisfying, but I fumbled with the keys for a few seconds. Looking around at the trees, and the brick houses just feels like home, and reminds me of my childhood. As a kid, winter was, and is still my favorite season even though it's hard on me. There is a hill I used to sled down a few blocks behind the middle school I went to. I loved playing on the playground. The swings were my favorite, but only in summer. I wish I could be a kid again.

The Bus Ride

So there I am, right, just riding the bus home from work, like I do every night, yawning at the 7:15 PM sun struggling through the clouds, another office worker home from the 9-to-5 grind on a crowded bus full of other wage slaves. Today was a lucky day; I got a seat. I opened up the crossword puzzle, whipped out a pen and was ready to waste some time…

But then I see her. The woman sitting opposite me stops me in my tracks. She's maybe not the most beautiful woman in the world, but there’s something about her. Some quality to her that I can't define. I can’t tear my eyes away. She seems to know she's sexy, even though she’s not what fashion magazines and bad television shows might consider the ideal woman.

She’s a pale brunette, shoulder length, straight hair cut into a bob, a pair of cats-eye glasses hiding her blue eyes. She’s wearing a dark blue, pin-striped suit, black stockings, pointy shoes, like a slightly “alternative” secretary or something.

[F SOLO] First Ever Attempt at Erotica: “Alternative” Part 1 (Link To PDF in comments)

I can't remember what got me here. At least if I woke up on the floor groggy or in a chair tied up I'd have some context.

Tied up? Why would I go to that extreme?

I got me here, I guess. I just don't know how. I remember driving, but, I don't have my keys. I don't feel confused, or anxious. Should I? If this is fight or flight should I be thinking which one to choose?

Ew. What's that? My panties are… gone… huh, how about that? Was I raped. Ooh, that feels nice. No cum. At least not anyone else's. Have I had sex? Am I about to? Can I? Where's the door.

Ow! That's a wall. I'll follow it. It feels like there's wallpaper, so, I'm in a house. But, how far away? I don't remember specifically where I came from, but I think it was a city, business district, perhaps. So, there wouldn't be many, if any, apartments with wallpaper this tattered. I must be in the suburbs. But, If I'm going to make that assumption, I may as well assume I'm in the backwoods of the city I don't even know I'm from. Too many assumptions.

Categorized as Erotica

Stuck, Fucked and Sucked [mf][oral]

The subway car emptied out around Kendall Square. It had been a long night, my back was tired and the suitcase I lugged around like a barbell was comfortably resting on the seat next to me. The only other person on the train was a pregnant woman doing a crossword puzzle. Our eyes met as I studied her – blonde hair, puffy breasts, and a distended stomach that looked swollen and plump – but she quickly diverted her gaze, likely put off by the exhausted sixty year old man she saw staring back. I wanted to get up and talk with her. I wanted to tell her about how I used to be a famous lover in the 70's. I wanted to show her my tattoos and bore her with a story about the time I met Elvis in a bar outside of Reno, but it was easier to mind my own business than it was to try and learn hers.

Speeding along, the subway took a jarring turn before Harvard Station and suddenly stalled. The lights flickered for a moment and then died with a frustrated hum, flashing once more before turning off completely. A voice rumbled over the intercom, "We're sorry for the delay. The train is experiencing some mechanical difficulties and we ask that you remain seated until further notice. Thank you."