
"I shouldn't be here." I tell myself. Standing outside the bar, garish neon lights blinking slowly in my face, I shiver and almost leave. It's loud inside – people laughing and a blare of music trying to drown everyone out. I'm standing about 15 feet away by a dead lamp post. Watching. A somewhat steady stream of people in and out, various states of dress. Various types. Nice, casual, punk, grimy – all kinds.

I just turned 21. I'm going. Fuck my parents. Fuck the Church and fuck everyone else. All I've known my entire life is what I shouldn't do. How I should act. How I should be starting to think about settling down with some pretty girl and thinking about a family. Too goddamned young if you ask me. I'm on winter break from school, staying with my parents and couldn't stand another night listening to them natter on about responsibilities and what's expected of me.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

Quick Flash – I Turned the Tables Last Night!

It's Friday, which means it is time to get hard and wet!

This week, Jacqueline decides to fulfill one of her fantasies once and for all. She turns the tables and goes out to a club, as a man.

[MF – Gender Bending]

Please send a little message if this one made you wet or hard. I'm enjoying exploring new avenues and I would like to know if you are enjoying it as well!

Where are you reading? All three blogs are identical. The Work and College blogs are "vanilla" and safe to read with others around.


Euphoria & Lust – Quick Flash – I Turned the Tables Last Night!


Be a Value To Your Employer – Friday Team Building – The Boardroom Table


Student Hive – Friday Fun – Turn The Tables!


Categorized as Erotica

LEWD, the erotic text adventure Kickstarter is now up! is the Kickstarter link. is the demo.

I went ahead and deleted so there wouldn't be two of these on the front page. I noticed some people who originally voted it up were voting it down after a few days, probably to keep it from being at the top so long. :3

There is lots of information about it on the Kickstarter page. Go ahead and give any other questions or comments that you may have here!

Categorized as Erotica

The Passing Storm

The weather had gone from maddeningly hot to severe storms in less than an hour.

It was no doubt summer now, Alice thought as she poured her third glass of Merlot. The electricity had gone out just moments before, but Cliff had been well-prepared with candles and flashlights. He was actually from the south, he knew the seasons whereas Alice, being from Northern California, knew rain, and then drizzling. Thunder was completely foreign to her, and lightning was rare up there.

"Feeling cozy yet?" Cliff asked dryly, crossing the living room to close the blinds of their sliding doors.

"Don't shut them. I like to watch." She took a deep swallow of the warm, bitter wine. Her blood felt warmed and her mind swam comfortably. It was custom for Alice to start drinking after one of their arguments.

Cliff left the blinds open, returning to the kitchen to light more candles stoically. Alice wasn't used to a man like this; Cliff was a very hardened man emotionally, but passionate. All her life Alice had been handed everything by every man. She was unquestionably a lovely creature: honeyed hair, evergreen eyes, and she was young. Only twenty years, while most of the men that preferred her were in their thirties, even late thirties. Cliff was only twenty-nine, maybe the youngest she'd been with since she was seventeen, and he'd been a challenge.

Beyond the Garden

Every Monday and Thursday I drive an hour from my home to work in the garden of my wealthy employer, a handsome adman in his early thirties. For business-purposes I'll just call him Addison. Addison employed me sometime last spring when we met through a professor of one of my classes. I'm 21 and still in school and have a pretty tight schedule, which Addison offered to work around, while promising a pretty penny for my gardening skills.

Since then I've developed somewhat of an infatuation for Addison. Late at night when I'm showering for bed, or lying on the couch downing a glass of cheap red wine, my thoughts often drift to unrealistic fantasies of him having his way with me, hidden in his hydrangeas. My dreams, I know, will never be anything more than dreams, and not just because Addison is happily married. Still, I can't help blushing when I'm pruning his rose bushes and he walks past me, lightly touching my shoulder and thanking me for my "talents" with his garden. He's a very kind man, and very business. Addison rarely wears anything but crisp suits and never has more than a 5 o'clock shadow grazing his firm jaw, though always with a cigarette or, in the evenings, a cigar.

Yes, Mistress – Part I

The Scene <

Looking around you, you see a dark room lit only by candlelight. A hundred candles are lit and their flames are flickering; bouncing light off of the walls and the objects in the room. The candles create a dance of sorts and feel nearly hypnotic.

The room smells sweet. Almost like honeysuckle but it's a smell you can't quite place. You feel warm and your skin begins to perk up – a light sheen of perspiration beads on your skin.

You can hear music playing and it sounds melodic and tantalizing. You feel curious. You feel anticipatory. You feel turned on and yet you aren't sure why yet.

Stepping Into the Room <

As you make your way to the center of the room, you notice that in the middle of it all (you can't really see what's on the edge of the room yet) is a bed, covered in leather and suspended from the ceiling by chain. You place your hand on the chain and it's freezing, despite the temperature in the room. The bed sways gently from your touch.

Categorized as Erotica

Quick Flash – Best Day Boating EVER!

So this weeks Quick Flash was a few days late. Oh well, it will still make you cum!

If Adrian and Jaime Quick ever invite you on their boat, say YES!

Each blog is identical. The blogs for Work and College are "vanilla" and safe to read with others around.



Euphoria & Lust – Quick Flash – Best Day Boating EVER!


Be a Value To Your Employer – Friday Team Building – Using Lifeboats For Projects


Student Hive – Friday Fun – Staying Above Water

Categorized as Erotica

Quick Flash – I Can Cross THAT Off My Bucket List!

For those of you that have been reading my blog, thank you!

It has come to my attention that the term Flash Friday is already being used by a popular radio host, so I have decided to rename the Flash Friday series, a Quick Flash.

It will cause less confusion when people try to search for my posts.

Here is this week's Quick Flash! Having some erotic fun at a house party!


Euphoria & Lust – Quick Flash – I Can Cross THAT Off My Bucket List!


Be A Value To Your Employer – Friday Team Building – Settings Goals


Student Hive – Friday Fun – House Parties!

Categorized as Erotica