Yes, Mistress – Part I

The Scene <

Looking around you, you see a dark room lit only by candlelight. A hundred candles are lit and their flames are flickering; bouncing light off of the walls and the objects in the room. The candles create a dance of sorts and feel nearly hypnotic.

The room smells sweet. Almost like honeysuckle but it's a smell you can't quite place. You feel warm and your skin begins to perk up – a light sheen of perspiration beads on your skin.

You can hear music playing and it sounds melodic and tantalizing. You feel curious. You feel anticipatory. You feel turned on and yet you aren't sure why yet.

Stepping Into the Room <

As you make your way to the center of the room, you notice that in the middle of it all (you can't really see what's on the edge of the room yet) is a bed, covered in leather and suspended from the ceiling by chain. You place your hand on the chain and it's freezing, despite the temperature in the room. The bed sways gently from your touch.

As you move around the perimeter of the room, you see dark wood cabinets, mirrors and a piece of equipment that looks like exercise equipment but, based on the feeling in the room, you get the sense that it's not really for your typical sort of exercise.

You close your eyes as your breathing grows more shallow. Hot breath escapes your lips and you wonder what is going to happen next.

The Dominatrix <


The voice seems to come out of nowhere yet fills the room at the same time. You feel yourself growing harder. You look around the room, wondering where the voice means… "The bed?" you think to yourself. Taking a step back toward the middle of the room, you sit on the bed; the leather compressing under your weight.

"Very good. Now, take off your shirt."

You smile nervously. You can't help but wonder why this is so incredibly, fucking hot while also being slightly elusive. You begin to unbutton your shirt, pulling the shirttails out of your pants first. As the fabric slides from out of your pants and along your skin, you shudder slightly. The sensation on your warm, electric skin catches you off guard and you exhale.


The voice itself has shallowed slightly and you can tell that whoever this is is enjoying the sight of you peeling your clothes off. You finish sliding your shirt off, a black button down, and you lay it on the bed beside you.

"Now your pants. Take those off too."

You step down off of the bed to remove your pants. As you sit back down, wearing only black boxer briefs, you feel vulnerable yet wildly anxious and excited to see who is behind this. As your mind begins to race around from thought to thought, a figure steps forward.


The voice belongs to a woman with long, brown, slightly wavy hair. Her hair curls around her shoulders and continues on down her back. Her lips are full and red, her eyes brown and dancing, her lashes long. Her neck is bare and as you take your gaze downward, you see a black corset over her chest. The corset is tied down the front and the tiny ribbons snake downward forming little x patterns. The corset is snug against her waist.

On her bottom she wears tight, black booty shorts. They are leather and tied up the front with the same tiny ribbons that appear on the corset front. She is wearing fishnet stockings that lead down into knee-high black boots. The boots are leather with a very, very high heel.

On her arms are black gloves. The gloves go all the way up to her elbows.

At first you don't recognize her but as you bring your eyes back up you realize who it is. Your breath quickens and your mind races. "Her?" you think to yourself, calculating the years that have gone by between that time and now. You sink further into the leather, putting your hands down to brace yourself.

"It's been awhile" she says, slightly out of breath. "Have you missed me?" she asks.

"Yes" you reply.

"Yes mistress would be more appropriate in this situation" she says playfully.

As she steps toward you realize that she's holding something in her hand. Something with long, black, leather strands hanging from it. As she comes closer and closer, standing inches away from your body, she lifts the leather instrument toward you and runs it from the top of your head all the way down the side of your face, your chest and down between your legs. She doesn't touch you with her hands but the sensation is enough to make you want to pull her into you, flip her over onto her belly and do terribly nasty things to her.

"Don't even think about it" she says.

Reaching behind her, she grabs something from her back pocket. You hear metal clinking on metal. The light from the candlelight bounces off of her face. She bites her bottom lip while bringing the metal to the front of her body. Seeing her bite her lip is driving you crazy – you simply want to be licking and biting that lip for her – but she won't let you.

"Lie down" she instructs, pushing you back slightly onto the suspended leather bed.

As you lay down on the bed, you get a look at what she has in her hand – handcuffs. Silver shiny handcuffs. She delicately grabs one of your wrists and brings it over to one of the chains hanging from the ceiling. She secures your wrist to the chain. She does the same thing on the other side and repeats the process with your feet as well. You feel more vulnerable than you have felt in a long time.

Darkness <

"Do you trust me?" she asks. You nod.

She walks over to the darkened wall and opens the double doors on one of the cabinets. You can't make out exactly what is in the cabinet but the candlelight provides enough of a flicker to catch glimpses of what is inside. It looks like toys and tools, some of which you've never seen before.

She grabs something out of the cabinet and walks back over to you.

A blindfold. You see it in her hands as she approaches and as she moves up toward your head, you can't help but let your mind race again. "What is she going to do? How will I know what's coming if I can't seeā€¦ How will I relinquish control?" but before you can answer any of those questions, she slides the blindfold up over your eyes.

"That's better" she says.

You can hear her moving around the room but not knowing what is coming or where exactly she is is driving you crazy. As the room stills and grows silent, your breath becomes more rapid, your heart beats faster and your skin becomes more dewy. Before you can calculate what's coming next, you feel lips on your legs. Lips and tongue and lips again. The sensation moving up from your ankle toward your knee and then into your inner thigh.

You become hard with anticipation.

The kisses and tiny tongue flicks cease at your inner thigh and while you are in mid-thought about her next move, she brings something down onto your legs and there is a firm yet pleasurable snap to it. Your breath catches in your throat as you wonder what exactly that was.

She brings it down again on your legs and then drags the leather straps from your legs, over your cock (rock hard in your briefs) and up your chest. The straps playfully graze over your face and land in your hair.

"Tell me what you missed most about me" she asks.

You try to answer but your voice feels stuck, caught even, in your throat.

"I'll tell you what I missed most about you" she says, realizing that you are not in a position to speak, "I missed your strong arms, picking me up, putting me in the perfect position to allow me to wrap my legs around your waist and I miss you backing me into walls while you kissed me hard."

You remember back to that moment (all of those moments) and smile.

"Mmmm, based on that smile, I'm going to assume that you liked those moments too?" she asks you playfully.

"Yes, I did. I liked a lot of things about our times together" you say in response.

"Yes, I did mistress" she says coyly and because you failed to follow the rules, she brings the leather strap down onto your legs again. It hurts but feels so insanely hot at the same time.

The First Taste is the Deepest <

She heads back over to the cabinet, you can't tell where in the room due to the blindfold, and pulls out another instrument. She walks back over toward you and runs a gloved finger along your body. She runs her hands through your hair. She runs her finger over your lips and brings her lips down onto yours, hard.

Her gloved finger moves its way down the length of your body, stopping at your briefs. Her other hand holds something in it, you can't see what, but you can feel cool metal against your skin. She begins to drag the hand holding this cool metal alongside your briefs and before you know it, she's slicing your briefs down the side, cutting them off your body.

"You won't need these anyway" she says as she drops them to the floor.

Now that you are exposed, your hard cock bobbing against your skin in the hot and humid air, you feel like every nerve-ending in your body is on fire. You anticipate touch, you hear the music more loudly and you smell things more deeply. You can smell her. She's turned on by all of this. You can smell the parts of her that are growing more wet.

"I've missed your taste, mistress" you say, licking your lips and wishing that you could just take her here and now.

"Have you?" she says and even though you can't see her, you know she is smiling at the thought.

You hear a zipper followed by clothes hitting the floor. She nears your face and kisses you hard again. Afterward, she brings her finger to your mouth and slides a finger over your lips and pushes it just inside your mouth, not far, enough for you to recognize the taste. It is her. You groan. The taste of her sex has rushed back old memories and the need to pleasure her is overwhelming.

To be continued…



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