Truth & Games [mmf – WIP]

Here’s a preview of a new story I'm working on. It’s… different. I’d love to know what you think!

“Let’s play a game,” Felicity said, as Aaron mixed their third round of Margaritas on her kitchen counter. Though it was late spring, it looked like anything but. The rain was coming down in sheets outside. Sheets.

Ben snorted. “What kind of game? Poker? You hate it. Go Fish?”

Felicity pulled one of her curls out so that she could see it, searching for the grey that would appear one of these years. “I had something different in mind,” she said.

“What?” Aaron said wryly as he splashed tequila liberally into the pitcher,“Spin the Bottle? Truth or Dare?”

“Something a little more like that, I suppose,” said Felicity as demurely as she could manage, reaching down and pulling a tiny clear vial from her purse, which was resting on the floor beneath the table.

“What the hell’s that, Lici?” Ben asked. Aaron placed the lime-green pitcher in the center of table and peered at the little bottle, clearly intrigued.

“Truth serum,” said Felicity and held up the label. “Amobarbital.”

[mf, dirty talk] Whisper in My Ear

The party was in full swing and James had just finished setting up the sound system with Kevin. He was pretty proud of how it had turned out, even though he knew Maya was humoring him when she oohed and ahhed over the way they’d situated the speakers for maximum amplification. He was also just this side of shit-faced, which probably had something to do with the small shake of her head she’d given as she’d walked away and left them to it.

He saw her on the balcony, leaning over the railing and watching the festivities going on below. In just a simple skirt and a tight shirt that hugged her curves in all the right places, she still looked the same as she had four years ago when they’d first met. The neon lights outside the bay windows played on the contours of her face and in the lighter strands of her hair, and she was absolutely beautiful. It made his heart ache in that good way that happened more and more often around her.

There was another ache developing, too—this one a bit further south.

[mf, critiqueish] Miss Insert Here

"You like sucking it, bitch?”

Let it be known that I am a strong advocate to the benefits of responsible alcohol use. So much so that if there was ever another prohibition on it, I'd be the first to offer bootleg moonshine out of my basement.

That being said, I am not an example of responsibility. That colorful spectrum of what is responsible and what isn't is something I must have selective color blindness for. It is much easier accepting a fault in the making of my eyes as opposed to a fault in my judgment. Now, there are many things I could blame what's happening right now on. Many, many things.

"Mm," I muffle, my mouth full. I mean to continue with, "Does it look like I'm capable of holding a conversation when I'm in the middle of deepthroating you?" but what comes out instead is, "Mmm mm mmm."

We could blame my mother. That's always an option, no matter what the situation. Out of creamer and sugar for coffee? Damn you, mother! On my knees for a man that doesn't even know my last name and is incapable of saying the word cock? Damn you again, mother!

Categorized as Erotica

Sexy Strangers [feedback][short story][MMF][cuckold]

The rest of the story can be found here. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


As Brian is kissing her neck, Isabel is overcome with tremendous feelings of desire and nervousness. I can't believe this is happening. These guys are both about to have their way with me, and Jon is going to be there watching the whole time. Her body shook at the thought. She felt Marc exploring her thighs, slipping his fingers between her dress and her skin. He slowly slid it up over her body, and she instinctively put her arms up so that he could get it off. Wearing nothing but her tiny black thong, she felt suddenly exposed. But she resisted the urge to cover her breasts with her hands, and instead used those hands to pull Brian's face to her own and kiss him. This is it. Now, it's time to let go.

She rubbed Brian's dick again through his pants as they kissed. This thing is huge. I want to taste it so bad. Probably sensing her urgency, Brian placed a hand on her shoulder and motioned for her to sit down. Marc got off the bed and stood at Brian's side.

The Transformation Chapter 3

Camille woke with a start. It had been a week since she had first started feeling horny and it hadn't gotten any better; if anything it had gotten worse. As she slowly opened her eyes she briefly wondered if her habit of masturbating every night before sleep had made things worse. She smiled and rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

"Who cares." She thought as her hands strayed back to her breasts. Her nipples were hard as diamonds and seemed to beckon for her touch. Each of her fingers rode ever the nipple of her left breast as she could sense the now-permanent ache building in her groin. Camille spared only a a passing thought for why she had woken up without a t-shirt on before she remembered taking it off the night before during her last self-love session.

Camille let a little gasp out as she used both hands to knead her breasts. Her legs spread involuntarily and her right hand strayed from her tit down to her panties. As she had anticipated she was already soaked. She would have slept in the nude but given her constant arousal and self-pleasuring she didn't want the help to explain to James why they had to clean her sheets constantly. Her breathing quickened as she slipped her hand underneath the pink and purple horizontal striped panties and begin toying her clit.

Spanking: Her first time [spanking] [BDSM] [D/s] [pleasure] [MF] [orgasm] [erotica] [belt] [submission] [Dominant] [play]

Writen by me © In the Quiet

This is one of my favorite subjects, since I like to spank. So for me it is not if I will spank you it is when I will spank you. So first let me give a little disclaimer, I do not condone abuse. I will never and have never abused a woman, the thought repulses me and I am ashamed to be part of a Gender where the beating and tolerance of abuse is Admired. Abuse is never ok. Let me establish that when I talk about Spanking or Discipline (Correction) it is in terms of Safe Sane and Consensual an act agreed upon in a relationship, such as D/s or even in a regular relationship where some dabble in Kink.

There are two basic forms of spanking one is to correct (discipline your submissive). The other is sensual and erotic a form of play. I do not like to correct my little but it must be done, for it is my responsibility as a Dominant to Discipline when warranted.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

The Transformation Chapter 2

Link to Chapter 1

Camille awoke and checked her smartphone. She almost didn't know where she was until she realized she was in James Camden's house, his mansion. It was 6:00 AM, she didn't want to be late for her first breakfast. It was going to be a big day. Class in the morning, shopping in the afternoon then dinner and working on her thesis at night. She read a few articles and checked her bank account, another 5,000 had been deposited. She smiled. This was too lucky. She fired off a text to Lizzie promising to tell her all about it over lunch, she promised to take her shopping on the weekend. Then she got ready and walked to the dining room at 7:55.

James was already dressed and waiting. He wore another suit and Camille found that she could get used to this. Breakfast with an attractive billionaire. Lambo ride to class. She just had to finish her thesis to graduate. Who knew, she thought, maybe James will need a financial advisor after I graduate. If he's willing to pay me 5 grand a day to shop who knows what he would be willing to pay for real work.

Categorized as Erotica

Mine. [very short story]

Fingers hooked on the front of your jeans and I dragged you close.

I read the uncertainty in your eyes, but there was no hesitation in my own. It didn’t take much to loosen your jeans, just a quick unsnapping of buttons and my hand was drawing them over your hips. I could feel your indecision like a low current along your skin, but while I was moving slowly, letting the jeans settle around your feet, I gave you no chance to escape. My hands moved to your wrists, drawing them over your head, and your shirt joined your jeans on the floor.

You were bared to me, clothed now only in the sheer fabric of your panties. I leaned forward, forcing you back a step, until you were trapped between me and the desk. My hands encircled your waist and I lifted you, settling your ass near the edge.

Knee nudging your thighs apart, I stepped between your legs and buried my right hand in the back of your hair. Drawing your head back to expose your throat, my words were spoken against the long curve of your neck.


Categorized as Erotica

The Transformation Chapter 1 (This is my first ever, appreciate the critiques, if there is interest then more to come, doesn’t get sexual until end of chapter 2)

Link to Chapter 2

Camille sat up at her table at Starbucks a little bit every time the bell hanging over the door rang. Navy suit with a red tie the email had said. She wasn't sure what he'd look like, she'd just responded to the ad on campus. It had been a simple flyer. Just a piece of paper on a bulletin board:

"Seeking attractive, young, intelligent female for important finance work, PART TIME"

The ad had contained a number. The number was answered by a man who took her name. A few hours later a call came and she was given an email. She sent her resume and was given a time and place for the interview. Camille had resisted the urge to get up and leave half a dozen times since she'd been waiting. She sighed. It was always nerve-wracking waiting for an interview and Camille had had too many go poorly recently. Pursuing her doctorate in political science was absolutely time consuming and though she needed the money and had a bachelors in finance there were too many interviewers who thought she wouldn't have the time to work.

SheilaStretch’s Alone on the Farm: Jane Wrecks Her Hole [Story tags include: Corruption, Fisting+, (some) Forced, sometimes a bit of beast…]

This is a story I've been working on for awhile. Chapter 5 is currently being edited, but I just realized I never did share the first 4 around here… It might be a bit extreme for some, but maybe some of you might be interested?

Chapter 1:

With a sudden pop the bottle slid easily all the way in, right up to her cervix and an uncontrollable shudder ran through her entire body as her muscles clamped fiercely around the bottle in a sudden orgasm.

Her whole body tingled with pleasure and she couldn’t help but massage a breast while gently sliding the bottle in and out of her warm, wet pussy. She hadn’t noticed herself holding her breath, but now she was panting heavily. She greedily fucked the bottle and moved it around trying to widen herself as much as possible, with the hope that it would loosen her up and make the next attempt a little easier.

That night she fell soundly asleep with a goal fully formed in her mind: She would stretch herself out and ruin her vagina so that no one but her would be able to enjoy it.