Last week when I got fingered on the side of the road after work [M/F]

Sexy times start below the line

I had just started a new job at the hospital. My position is flexible and I work on a different unit almost every day. This day in particular, I walked onto the unit and explained to the guy at the nurse’s station that I was sent there for the next two hours to help out with whatever they needed. The first thing he said to me was “Oh, so you’re our bitch!” and started laughing. I immediately knew I’d like him. He introduced himself as Carter. We spent the next two hours teasing back and forth before I got pulled off the unit to another part of the hospital. They say opposites attract and we certainly were quite the pair. I’m short (5’2), fair skinned, but with dark hair. I’ve got a serious baby face and get mistaken for being 17-18, despite having turned 24 recently. Carter is about 6′, dark skinned, and tattooed. He shaves his head but grows out his beard. He’s 35 and while he doesn’t look old, he doesn’t get carded, either. We had similar senses of humor and I appreciated his sarcasm. The two hours went by at record speeds.