The ti[m]e I trusted someone online with the combo to my chastity cage (femdom, Kik, chastity)

This happened a little over a week ago.

I love the concept of chastity and having someone control whether or not I’m allowed to achieve pleasure. The rush of losing control really does it for me.

I posted on /r/dirtykikpals looking for a dominant female to hold a 3 digit luggage lock code to my chastity device(check post history). Someone gladly tool me up on the offer.

After taking some time to get soft, I eventually got the cage on. I set the lock to program mode, scrambled the code, and took a video that showed the combo without giving me a preview of the code. When I sent it to her, she verified knowing the code, and I deleted it completely from my phone.

At this point I was at her mercy, and she knew it. The power dynamic was exhilarating, especially since she could just sign out and I’d be screwed over for the several hours it takes to brute-force the lock by trying combos 000-999.

As we chat, she drops the bomb “I only have 20% battery left ;) so you better quickly do what I say”. Since the lock had three numbers to it, she had three tasks for me to complete.