Exploring with Bartholomew

Things were different in those days. More innocent. I suppose that you would say that I was naïve. But there was no internet. A lot fewer television channels and we had people like Mary Whitehouse to make sure that what we watched on the telly was clean and wholesome. Of course, there were ‘top shelf’ magazines in the newsagent’s shop but they were mostly bought by people passing through. No ‘local’ would be seen buying them! And the closest that schoolboys got to pornography was surreptitiously looking at the pictures of topless African women in the National Geographic magazines in the library.

I suppose that you could say that I was a bit of a tomboy. I enjoyed the outdoors and one of my favourite possessions was my bike. I used to ride it far and wide. I usually went riding with friends but, if no one else wanted to join me, I was quite happy to go riding on my own. Of course, there was less traffic on the roads in those days and, in any case, I tended to stick mainly to quieter country roads and forest tracks. With my Bartholomew half-inch to the mile map, I had the freedom of the county!

[MMM… FFFF…] The Devil’s Work – part eleven

I take Tabitha to meet with Dr White in his private quarters. I do not shackle her. There is little chance of escape.

“Ah, Tabitha,” he greets us. “And Jonathan!”

“I hope that you are refreshed,” he says.

Neither of us replies.

Dr White remains standing, as do Tabitha and I.

“Now Tabitha,” he continues, “I think that you would be more comfortable without that smock.”

Without waiting for a response from Tabitha, he turns to me. “Help Tabitha remove her smock, Jonathan,” he tells me.

I help Tabitha remove her smock. She makes no protest, although I can see that she is shaking nervously.

Dr White circles around her, admiring her nakedness.

“I did enjoy seeing you naked, earlier, Tabitha,” he tells her. “You have a fine body and will make a good wife for someone, before too long, and bear strong and healthy children for him.”

“Won’t she, Jonathan?” he turns to me and asks.

“Yes, Dr White, I am sure that she will,” I reply, dutifully.

Dr White steps towards her and I see Tabitha tense in anticipation.

[MMM… FFFF…] The Devil’s Work – part ten

I retire to my modest abode – not much more than a room really. There’s one thing that I need to do before anything else and that is to relieve my sexual frustration, whatever the bible and the church may say about sexual self-gratification!

As I stroke myself gently and slowly, I savour the gradual build up towards an eventual release. There is no need to rush. I allow my thoughts to wander to Tabitha’s breasts and nipples and how they felt in my hands. I recall her exposed vulva and how both Dr White and Reverend Gaunt touched her and penetrated her. I think of the other girls, picturing them, now that I know who they are, dancing naked, or at least semi-naked, in the woods. I edge several times. And then I think of young Emily Smith and imagine that it was her whose nipples were cruelly crushed in the nipple clamps and whose vulva was so openly exposed with her legs spread wide apart.

I immediately erupt, spraying my seed across the tiny room in a climax as intense and prolonged as any that I have known.

[MMM… FFFF…] The Devil’s Work – part nine

It all seems surreal. Tabitha sat, naked, in the middle of the room, Dr White and Reverend Gaunt sat at the table and *me*, the unlikely observer, sometimes participant, until recently a lowly verger and grave digger! A few days ago, I could not have imagined witnessing what I have just seen. I wonder what other surprises are in store!

Dr White quickly moves to next business.

“Now, Tabitha,” he says. ”Are you ready to tell us the names of the other girls who were in the woods with you?

Tabitha hesitates for only a moment. She glances at the clamps, still lying on the table.

“Yes, sir,” she replies, quietly at first and then repeats herself. “Yes, sir,” she says more clearly, looking directly at Dr White.

“There were four?” Dr White asks.

“Yes,” confirms Tabitha.

“And their names?” he prompts her.

Again, a very slight hesitation.

“There was Sarah Proctor.”

Sarah Proctor; the daughter of one of the other smallholders and a very religious family.

“Elizabeth Smith.”

Elizabeth Smith; the daughter of a shopkeeper and another very respectable family.

“Agnes Walker.”

[MMM… FFFF…] The Devil’s Work – part eight

Tabitha stands with her legs tightly together. Her labia majora protrude slightly. They are a little lighter in colour than her dark skin tone. I also got a glimpse of the pink flesh tones of her inner vulva as he stepped out of her drawers. I hope that I am going to see more.

I look across at Dr White. He appears mesmerised.

“What next, Dr White?” I ask him.

“Sorry, yes,” he says, coming out of his daze. He turns to the girl.

“Now, Tabitha,” he says to her. “We will find out whether you have been lying to us about never having lain with a man.”

He turns to me.

“Jonathan,” he says. “Sit the girl back on the chair, with her hands fastened behind the back.”

I put the chair back in front of the table and sit Tabitha on it. I arrange her shackled hands behind the chair back. The wooden chair is a ‘carver’ style, with a straight back and two wooden arms.

“Now, Reverend Gaunt,” Dr White says. “I will need your assistance for this.” Reverend Gaunt looks up. I can see the confusion and concern on his face. He really does not wish to play any part in this process, if he can avoid it.

[MMM… FFFF…] The Devil’s Work – part severn

I’m left alone with Tabitha. She looks a sorrowful figure, obviously in considerable pain.

I pick up her smock and help her up from the chair. There is no point in putting it back on; we will not meet anyone between here and the crypt. I take her arm and guide her down the stairs to the cell. Once in the cell, I place her on the bench.

“I need to take off the clamps,” I tell her. “It will hurt when I do.” I know that it will hurt when the blood returns to her abused nipples, but I’m not sure how much. I suspect a lot – probably more than when I put them on. But they have to come off.

She nods. Again, I can see the terror in her eyes.

I take hold of the first clamp. I start undoing the wing nuts as quickly as I can, to try and get the pain for Tabitha over and done with.

Tabitha immediately begins screaming and writhing almost uncontrollably. It takes me all my effort to hold onto the clamp until I can remove it from her nipple.

[MMM… FFFF…] The Devil’s Work – part six

I look at Tabitha. She looks back at me pleadingly. For a moment, I feel pity for her. But I know that I cannot afford to show any weakness.

As I approach Tabitha, I see her quaking in fear. I cannot bring myself to meet her gaze. The nipple clamps hang, heavy, from her nipples. The weight of them must add to her suffering.

I take her right breast in my left hand and raise it slightly. I grasp the nipple clamp and slowly tighten first one wing nut and then the other. Tabitha screams and tries to pull away, but I have a firm grip on the clamp and she quickly realises that struggling only makes it even more painful, still. I see her agony and I cannot bring myself to complete a full half turn of the wing nuts, leaving them a little short of what I was instructed. I hope that Dr White does not notice.

Tabitha is crying and physically shaking as I move to the second clamp. I perform the same process on it.

Tabitha all but collapses and passes out as I tighten the second clamp. I catch her and prevent her from falling to the ground.

{MMM… FFFF…] The Devil’s Work – part five

I listen to Dr White’s summary. It seems to me to be a somewhat embellished account of what Tabitha has told us, but she does not demure, probably for fear of the consequences of dissenting.

“Now, Tabitha,” Dr White says, when she does not disagree with his analysis. “Let’s try some more questions. Remember that it is in your own interests to answer us truthfully and not to try to conceal things from us. We have ways of making sure that you are not lying.” I see Reverend Gaunt shudder and look at the locked trunk in the corner.

Dr White continues.

“So, was the occasion, two weeks ago, the only time that you have danced in the woods with the other girls?” he asks.

Tabitha stays silent.

“Remember, you must answer!” he says, impatiently. “Let’s see if we can give you some assistance!” he says.

He gets up from the table and walks over to the trunk. He uses a key attached to a chain on his belt to unlock it. The lid opens toward the room, so hides the contents. He takes two small implements from the trunk and then closes and locks it.

[MMM… FFFF…] The Devil’s Work – part four

Dr White breaks the silence. He looks up at Tabitha.

“If there is no shame in baring your breasts, show us!” he commands. “Take off your dress and show us that you have no shame in baring your breasts!”

Tabitha looks at him in shock.

“Do it!” he commands, again, more forcefully this time.

Tabitha looks at Reverend Gaunt. He averts his eyes. Then she looks at me. I give her an almost imperceptible nod. I know that things will be worse for her if she refuses Dr White’s instruction.

Slowly and reluctantly, Tabitha bends down and takes hold of the hem of her smock. She pulls it up and over her head and discards it on the floor, next to her. Under her dress, she is wearing only a pair of drawers. Her hands go quickly to cover her breasts.

“See!” says Dr White, triumphantly. “You try to cover yourself! You know that it is wrong to bare your breasts to others! You know that it is a shameful act! You are not as innocent as you claim! You are proven guilty by your own actions!”

[MMM… FFFF…] The Devil’s Work – part three

When I enter the crypt, I see Tabitha sat on the bench in the cell, quietly sobbing. She looks up, expectantly, as she hears me. I smile at her, trying to reassure her, but I am not sure on what basis. All this is new to me. I have no idea how this will play out. I’m not sure about Dr White’s motivations. He does not seem to be a very nice man. He is clearly not one to be crossed!

“I need to take you upstairs. They want to ask you some questions,” I tell Tabitha, unlocking the cell door. As I help her get up, I glance in the second bucket. I can see that she has relieved herself in it. That’s probably a good thing. I don’t know how long the interrogation is likely to take.

I lead Tabitha upstairs and to the vestry. She walks slowly, her feet are still shackled, although her hands have been released. There’s no chance of her escaping.

In the vestry, I place Tabitha in front of the table and I stand to the side. She looks at the floor. I can see that she is shaking with fear.