Taking Claire’s innocence [PART 1] [MF]

To start off, this is my first post so it might be rough. But that’s been said enough already.

This story is looking back on one of my best memories and I thought I would have to share. This happened in my senior year of highschool. I had long brown hair and a decent body and, I’ll admit it, no drive to do anything but drink, get high, and ignore school. Around the end of first quarter I had enrolled in a class for students struggling, sort of like academic support. And that’s when I first met her.

Claire was what seemed like a ten to me at the time, and still might be. To describe her in purely a physical way is almost a challenge. She had supple breasts, creamy soft skin, big round eyes, and a smile with dimples that was adorable. She had a perfect hourglass shape and her ass and legs were perfectly fit together, perfectly proportional to make the perfect body. She was a year below me, in 11th grade and she was 16. I was 17 and I knew that Claire had to be mine.