It had been ten years since she (29F) had played with a dick, and I guess she decided mine (26M) would do. [MF]

I actually did not know Sarah identified as a lesbian until she told me. She was just a cute co-worker at this campus summer program I worked, and I actually asked her out, only for her to tell me (very nicely!) that she actually already had a partner – and that her partner was a *she*. But it was totally cool, no harm done, and we both shrugged and laughed it off. (Even if I was a little disappointed.) Sarah was taller, about 5’10, slender, with light brown hair, hazel eyes and a very pretty smile.

About three weeks later, though, I’m running an errand in her office, and Sarah catches me and asks if I would still like to hang out sometime. I was a little confused.. but I figured we were just going to be friends. Which was just fine with me (she’s a lot of fun). I said I’d love to. We made plans to go to a nearby mall for lunch and a movie. (This was long pre-COVID.) When the day came, she asked if I could give her a ride from her campus office, so I picked her up there.

My fuck buddy (26F) lost her virginity at 18 to her 49 year old neighbor who treated her like his personal cocksleeve, and she still cums thinking about it [MF]

“Stephanie” and I have been FWB for about a year. She’d told me before about fucking her neighbor’s dad when she was in high school, but I never got the full down-and-dirty story until the other night, and holy shit was it hot.

First – everything that happened was consensual. She was very clear about that, and she sorta needed to be, for reasons that will become clear.

Stephanie turned 18 a few weeks into her senior year of HS. She was a dyed-blonde varsity cheerleader then. Really pretty. Had given a couple of blowjobs but that was about it. Wanted to get more experience but hadn’t found the right guy, that sort of thing. “Greg” was their family’s neighbor. He was divorced and split custody of a young kid, who Stephanie would occasionally babysit. He’d known her parents for years.

How I [M] (46) started fucking my teenage daughter’s friend [F] (19)

So my ex-wife and I split years ago after she got busted cheating. Since then, I’ve enjoyed being a single guy who’s comfortable financially and in shape, with a very healthy dating life. My daughter, “Sara,” has always been very supportive (she sorta took my “side” after the divorce).

Sara has this close friend I’ll call “Kristen.” She’s a little on the wild side – dyed hair, elaborate makeup, outfits that I would call “daring.” She’s a sweet girl, not exactly a bad influence, just very uninhibited. Very pretty. They’ve been friends since middle school. Kristen is over at our place a lot, and has always been very friendly with me. I mostly leave the girls to do their thing, unless I’m making dinner (or they do, for all of us) or something.

Last year, I started getting new vibes from Kristen. She got a lot more handsy with me, all giggly and smiley. Asked about who I was dating. When Sara wasn’t looking, I’d catch her giving me lingering looks. Stuff like that. I appreciated but ignored it. She and Sara had just turned 18 a few months prior to that, and I figured they were being silly teenage girls. (Which they were, but still.) That said, I definitely fantasized about Kristen. You would too, if you saw her.

My friend [25F] has been fucking her father for years. [MF]

This all took place last fall, pre-quarantine.

I have a good friend who I’ll call “Hannah.” She lives in a townhouse right around the block. She’s a good-looking girl – dark brown curly hair, green eyes, breasts that look like D-cups to me. We’ve been fuck buddies for about a year, and it’s great.

So one weekend, I heard in casual conversation with a mutual friend that Hannah had broken off plans with her because she had some work thing to go to. That was pretty strange, I thought, because Hannah’s car was still outside her house. I’d just passed it on a jog. It wasn’t really like her, and I wondered if everything was okay. So later that evening, I’m walking my dog, and sure enough – there it is, plus another car that I didn’t recognize. Hm!

Hannah and I have a practice of stopping by each others’ houses, since we live so close. My dog-walking route takes me around the corner, where I pass her back door, which I usually use because it’s more accessible than her front. (Ha ha, okay, I know.) So I figured I’d see what’s up. I tie up the dog and go up the steps. I’m about to knock on the door when I see some movement through the window.

My wife (33) is a sexual unicorn. She estimates that she’s fucked nearly 1,000 guys. She’s a PTA officer now and I am a lucky man. [FM]

My wife (34) and I (39) have been married for about seven years, and have a very normie lifestyle. We have two awesome kids, 4 and 6, and both work corporate jobs. Before we started dating, however, she had a very… robust sexual history. She “confessed” this all to me a few months after we started dating, just because she thought I’d like to know. And I did! I thought then, and continue to now, that it’s pretty hot.