Stacy Dresses Up Part 2 – The Uber Ride [MF][Cons][Fingering][Female Orgasm][Exhib][Uber][Fishnets][Tight Dress][Seduction][Tease][Burlesque]

If you want to jump directly to the the sex scene, [you can find it here]( :-)

“Honey! What time did you say the Uber would be here?” Joe called down the hall.

“In about 10 minutes,” Stacy replied from the bedroom.

“OK, I’ll start locking up. Please let me know when you’re ready to leave the apartment.”

Joe made one last circuit around the apartment to make sure he hadn’t missed anything before heading out for the night. As he was pulling on his jacket, he heard Stacy emerge from the bedroom. He turned his head to look at her, and his jaw dropped.

Stacy was wearing an off-the-shoulder black dress. The tight-fitting bodice lifted her breasts, presenting the perfect amount of mouth-watering cleavage. The dress hugged her hourglass figure over her waist and hips, running smoothly down her thighs to just below her knees.

The most tantalizing feature of this gorgeous garment, however, was a slit running from the hem of the skirt up the middle of the front to mid-way up her shapely fishnet-clad thighs. Yes, beneath this dream of a dress she was wearing fishnet tights which encased her shapely legs all the way down to the three inch strappy heels.

He brings her to orgasm – On their Uber ride [MF][Cons][Fingering][Female Orgasm][Exhib][Uber][Fishnets][short skirt][Seduction][Tease]

This is an excerpt from a [longer story that you can find here](

Joe and Stacy attend a burlesque show. At the intermission, Stacy removes her panties from over her fishnet tights, and slips them into Joe’s pocket. Joe spends the rest of the show thinking about how his date is practically naked under her tight dress.

As he followed Stacy out the door, a plan began to form in his mind.

Just like on the way over, Joe held the door to the Uber open so Stacy could enter from the sidewalk. However, this time, instead of walking around to the other side he politely asked Stacy to scoot over behind the driver’s seat so he could slide in next to her.

Once they were buckled in, and on their way, Joe looked Stacy in the eye saying, “I can’t believe you slipped those into my pocket, and sat through the entire second act like that! Do you have any idea how hard it was to focus on the performers the rest of the night?”

As he was saying this, his left hand landed on her right knee.

Sexting: My chat that brings you to orgasm [MF][Directions][licking][sucking][driving you to distraction]

I kiss my way up your leg From your calf, over your knee, to your naked thigh
My fingertips tickle your soft skin

As my tongue makes its first liiiiicccckkkkkk up your slit
A few more licks and your legs clamp closed around my head
I can’t hear you with your thighs wrapped around my ears

My tongue begins to work on your clit
Flicking out gently at first
Until you begin to moan

I insert one finger into your sopping wet pussy
Then another
I curl my fingers and press upward,
applying pressure to you clit from below

I’m gonna suck on your clit now
As my fingers work their magic inside you

Licking and sucking your clit
Moving my fingers inside you
Sucking some more
Flattening my tongue against your clit and letting you grind against me

Finger fucking you.
Licking you
Humming against your wet pussy and hard clit
My other hand reaches up to play with a nipple
You’re writhing beneath me now

You’re begging me to suck your nipples

I move up my mouth to your nipples

My hand is furiously pounding you
My thumb is on your clit
Rubbing in circles

Stacy Dresses Up Part 1 [MF][Seduction][Con][Couple][Exhib][Anticipation][Please fuck me]

“This has been a fun night out,” Joe said to Stacy as they rode the elevator to their tenth floor apartment. Taking her hand, he pulled her in for a quick kiss.

“Mmmmmm, yes, we should check out the local burlesque scene more often,” Stacy replied, wrapping her arms around his neck and deepening the kiss.

Joe’s hands slid down her back, and were about to cup her lovely jean-clad ass cheeks, when suddenly the elevator doors opened.

“Hold on Tiger,” Stacy whispered to her lover. “We have the rest of the night ahead of us.”

Joe admired his girlfriend as she sauntered down the hall to their apartment. Her tight jeans made her ass look incredible, and the high heeled boots she was wearing added a sway to her walk that was hypnotic.

As they walked through the door, Stacy turned to Joe. “ Would you mind taking care of the pets before coming to bed? I have something I need to take care of.”

“Of course Honey,” Joe agreed willingly, knowing whatever she had planned would be worth the wait. So, he checked on the cats and made sure their food and water bowls were full. Just as he was finishing putting away the cat treats, he heard Stacy call to him.

Distracting Him From His Video Game [FM][Strip][Tease][Seduction][Video Games][Blow Job][Reverse Cowgirl][Riding][Clit Play][Mutual Orgasm][Exhib] [Voyeur][Exhibitionist] [Unbuttoning][Revealing]

*This story was inspired by a message exchange with a female friend. Accordingly, this story is written from the woman’s point of view. I’m hoping I did her idea justice.*

I once dated a man who was into retro-gaming. As an old-school gamer myself we would sometimes get together for sessions in front of his old CRT style television (the kind with the reflective glass screens). Here is a description of one of our gaming “sessions”.

He invites me over at the end of a long work week. We take up our usual positions, with him sitting on the couch, and me settling on the floor in front of him with my legs tucked under me. It’s fun being close to each other, laughing and joking about anything and everything that comes to mind. As we approach the bottom of the stack of games he laid out for us I decide it’s time to play my own game. I wait until he is engrossed in a round of Galaxian, the old school shooter, on his Atari 2600 to make my first move.

The Striptease Artist and Her Date [MF][Burlesque][Stripper][exhib][cons][voy][Performing for Him][anticipation][tease][seduction]

You are peering through a gap in the side curtains, hoping to catch a glimpse of him. In his last message he said he’d purchased his ticket, and would make the drive to town to catch your performance. The venue isn’t all that large, even with the stage lights up you should be able to spot…There! At a table in the center. A tall, distinguished looking man stands up. He gracefully removes his jacket and drapes it over the back of his chair before retaking his seat. The butterflies in your stomach redouble their flapping, and for a moment you feel faint. He looks even more handsome in real life than in the pictures you’ve seen. There is a look of excited anticipation on his face that you know is for your upcoming performance.

As the emcee strides up to the microphone you take a moment to make sure every button is secure and every strap is within easy reach. Then, it’s showtime.

“Ladies and Gentlemen. It is my honor and privilege to introduce to you, the hottest spice in Texas! Miss! Vivian! Virtue!!!!

Peggy and Steve at Comic Con Part 3 [MF][Strangers to Lovers][Cosplay][Kissing][Strip tease][Hotel Room][Cunnilingus][Blow Job][Cowgirl][Mutual Orgasm][Nerdy] [Convention] [Cosplay]

[*Part 1*]( *is mostly buildup.* [*Part 2*]( *has some steamy parts, but nothing too explicit. Part 3 is for adults only. While I hope you enjoy all three parts, I understand if some people want to jump right into Part 3.*

“Oh! My! God!” shouted the photographer. “That was the single most spectacular image I’ve ever captured. How did you do that?”

Ignoring the photographer, Steve kept his eyes on Peggy’s. “You already gave him your email address, right?” He managed to ask between deep breaths of air.

When Peggy nodded her head, he grabbed her by the hand. “Wanna get out of here?” Again a nod in the affirmative, and they were off.

“I hope this doesn’t come across as too forward,” said Steve as they walked away hand in hand, “but would you like to…”

“I have a roommate on this trip,” interrupted Peggy “What about you?”

They headed in the direction of his hotel, but could not resist taking frequent breaks for stolen kisses and surreptitious gropes in corners and hidden doorways. All in all, it took them about twice as long as it would have without their carnal diversions.

Peggy and Steve at Comic Con Part 2 [MF][Strangers to Lovers][Sexual Tension][Cosplay][Kissing][Public Display][Eye Contact] [Romance] [Nerdy] [Convention] [Cosplay][Hotel Room Eventually][Cowgirl Eventually][Cunnilingus Eventually]

[Part 1]( *is mostly buildup. Part 2 has some steamy parts, but nothing too explicit.* [Part 3]( *is for adults only. While I hope you enjoy all three parts, I understand if some people want to jump right to Part 3.*

The sun was shining so brightly, he was blinded for a moment. Raising his shield to shade his eyes, he scanned the courtyard. There, about 10 yards ahead walking slowly away from him, he saw her. The woman in the perfect Peggy Carter costume. He walked up, and tapped her on the shoulder.

She turned around.

Their eyes met.

Immediately, they both felt it.

The spark…

Some say the mythical spark of instant attraction is just that, a myth. Others know the truth, that it is all too real. If the spark strikes two people who both already have romantic partners, often one or both of them will have the fortitude to resist it out of respect for their current partner. Sometimes the allure of the spark is too much to resist, and they will stray. Maybe only for a single night, or maybe they give heed to the attraction and follow it wherever it might lead them.

Peggy and Steve at Comic Con Part 1 [MF][Strangers to Lovers][Sexual Tension] [Cosplay][Hotel Room][Eye Contact][Romance][Nerdy][Convention][Cosplay][Cowgirl Eventually][Cunnilingus Eventually]

*Part 1 is mostly buildup.* [Part 2]( *has some steamy parts, but nothing too explicit.* [Part 3](*is for adults only. While I hope you enjoy all three parts, I understand if some people want to just right to Part 3.*

He woke up in the middle of the king sized bed, alone. It took him a moment to recognize the hotel room he checked into late the night before. He stretched across the empty bed to the nightstand, and retrieved his phone to check the time. Confident he had plenty of time to get dressed and over to the convention center he settled back into the soft pillows, and stared at the ceiling.

“I’m glad the guys understood why I wanted to get my own room this year,” he thought to himself. “Now that I can afford it, I just need a quiet place to change into my costume. It’s also great to have somewhere I can go to recharge my batteries, where I won’t have to worry about disturbing anyone.” He remembered the last two years of cramming five guys into a room that normally housed three people at most. He also remembered how his friends teased him by implying he only wanted the room so he could hook up with as many women as possible. The joke, of course, was that his luck with the ladies was legendary only in how lackluster it always turned out.

She Distracted him while he Played Hockeye [MF][Exhibitionism][Teasing][Seduction][Outdoor Sex][Get over here and fuck me]

Author’s Notes:

1. I’m hoping you’ll appreciate the seduction/teasing/exhibitionist moments in the beginning and middle. This story does have a “big finish” if you wait for it. Please rate the story and provide feedback, positive or negative, in the comments so I can improve my writing.
2. The hockey game that is the setting for this fantasy is at an outdoor Ball Hockey “rink”, played in the early Fall. Ball Hockey is not played on ice, so we’re free to play outdoors in moderate or cold weather. This particular rink/court has a rubber-coated chain link fence along the top of the boards, so spectators can stand right up next to where the action is. (I tried to keep the sports talk to the bare minimum necessary to keep the story moving.)


After a year (one WHOLE year) of not playing hockey due to the global pandemic, I’m finally going to get back out on the rink. It’s almost all I’ve been able to think about since getting vaccinated. When I say almost I mean except for Stacy.

Stacy my muse. How can I best describe her?