[TM] Trans girl living in male dorm (how I “serviced” three guys in their room on one night)

I explained the dorm situation in one of my previous posts. In short, I used to live in male-only dorm as a trans girl during college. I had some guys that I would goof around with and this story is about one of these encounters.

This happened on some longer holiday when most of students go back to their homes for prolonged weekend. One of guys that I would often have sex with, called Leon and his two roommates stayed in dorm because they had some sport event to attend in this town. I also stayed because I worked in bar near campus.

We both knew we’re staying so it was natural for us that we will fuck, there was no better time for that. I met up with Leon to walk around and talk and he asked if I wanna do something crazy. He asked me if I wanna come to his room and let him and both his roommates enjoy me. I hesitated for a second because I already met Matt (from last story) but didn’t really know a lot about third guy, let’s call him Jack. All three of them were sportsy, fit type so that was exciting but I had to make sure Jack was fine so we talked about him and in the end I accepted.

[TM] Me, a trans woman, sucked off a neighbor in his car (+PICS)

This story happened few years ago when I lived in Japan but I still think fondly of this. For the record, I’m a trans girl, half Asian, half white, short. I like to think that I fully pass as female.

At the time I was single and not very experienced. I lived alone in a big city so I was kinda lonely. Every day I commuted to work by train, just listening to music and minding my own business. Everything changed when I met a guy living in same apartment complex.

One day I was struggling with the garbage room doors that are outside of building, I couldn’t open it and I needed to throw out trash. While I tried to open them, a guy came with his bags and immidiately took over and forcefully opened the doors. I apologized and thanked him, he said that he will inform administration to repair it etc. and we had a small talk. We saw each other few times before so it was nice to finally talk. I took off to work.

[TM] Trans woman living in male only dorm (how my friend’s roommate fucked me in shower)

This story happened when I was in college and lived in dorm. I’m a trans woman, half white, half Asian, I’m short, have long black hair. At the time I was around 21 yo. Obviously I had to live in male part of dorm so you can imagine where this is going. Many things happened there and this is one of the stories.

There were several types of rooms, each had from 1 to 3 students in them. For obvious reasons I had a solo room. I was already taking hormones for 2-3 years and I always looked feminine so with correct clothes and slight makeup you wouldn’t be able to tell anything. During the day I wore neutral clothes and tried to not stand out. Professors and guards at dorm were informed about my existence and overall I didn’t have much issues.

I had some friends there so when there were parties (often even during the week) I was always invited and took part in them. At parties I wanted to be myself so I always wore female clothes and makeup. At night girls weren’t allowed so I was usually the only one there. It’s easy to imagine that I got lots of attention, especially after drinks.

[FM] My real story, I gave head and slept with my older masseur after massage

This is a story that I consider pretty hot, it happened at the end of last year. I’m a trans woman, half white, half Asian, 24 years old, I fully pass as a female – I have long black hair, soft features and big breasts. I recently slept with a straight older guy and here’s the story.

I went to get a massage because of back pain and a need to relax. I’ve been in that place before but my masseur was a guy who I never met before. He was 45-50 years old, tall and pretty handsome with sporty type of body. Anyways I entered the room wearing underwear and towel, took off my bra and laid down on my belly. Masseur entered and did some preparation and started massage. We were having some small talk, it felt really nice and relaxing, his hands felt really big on my small body. I loved the feet massage especially. After long amazing time I started to slightly flirt with him but it was all innocent. He complimented my body and young age. Massage and the fact that I’m seen as attractive woman really worked on me and I kinda got in the mood. I decided that I’ll try my chances.

[FMM] I (trans woman) got spitroasted and absolutely loved it

Short intro for those who didn’t read my previous stories: I’m a MtF trans, half white half asian, fully pass as female. I’m 165 cm, busty, got straight black hair. I hooked up with a guy from my work some time ago, his name is Michael. This story happened few weeks after our sex.

I met Michael from time to time for fun. It wasn’t hard for him to realize that I have incredibly sensitive breasts. To the point that I can cum just from nipple stimulation. He also knew I have a huge sex drive. We spoke about those topics a lot and I told him that some day I would like to be used and humiliated by multiple handsome guys and feel like a total dirty slut.

Few days later Michael calls me and asks if I wanna meet on weekend. I happily oblige. We speak about details and decided that he will visit me on Saturday evening.

[TM] I (MtF) acted like an actual trap and fucked my gaming buddy while visiting his city

This situation happened around January last year. For backstory, at the time I was playing some multiplayer games with a group of online friends, mostly guys aged 16-28. I’ve known them for at least a year and whenever we could, we played together and used voice chat (my voice was already fully passable as fem). Obviously none of them knew I was born a man. Otherwise we’ve known each other pretty well and shared real life stories and selfies too on our discord channel.

After standard corporate staff changes that happen around end of year, my manager was looking for someone who can travel to another city where we have second office, stay over night at hotel, deliver documents at morning and come back on that day. It was a one time job. At the end of my shift I saw that no one replied positively to that e-mail and I didn’t consider it because I didn’t have a driving licence or a car and I was only 21 years old at the time. Otherwise I would be happy to go and get paid for that instead of sitting in office. On next day, I received that group message again but this time offer included a train ticket and a paid day off after coming back. I immediately asked if I can take the job and got accepted.

[MF] I (MtF trans) hooked up with a waiter from my office canteen

English isn’t my first language but I’ll try my best. I’ve been working in my office for around 2 years and most of the days I eat my lunch in a big canteen. You order food and you bring it to your table but in some cases, a waiter/waitress will bring it if it needs more preparations. One of the waiters worked here before I did and was always very nice and funny. If we worked late and eating place was empty, he would sometimes sit with us and just talk and joke around as my coworkers knew him for years. I’ll just add here that at this point I wasn’t sure if he knows I’m trans or not. He behaved 100% naturally towards me.