Previously: Selena, the Slime Alien completed her plan to destroy the Valentine. Rays, the beloved captain of the station sacrificed his life so Will and Mckayla could escape with their lives…Now? they are on Earth, currently holding up in the World Council building.
The weather was something that everyone needed to once again get accustomed to. The summery sky clear of clouds as the humidity made most people feel uncomfortable in their uniforms. Being on the now destroyed Valentine, there was always a slight chill in the myriad of corridors and the city itself. The surviving crew members had all landed their escape pods into a large lake which sat beautifully next to the massive World Council Building which was built with white marble and gold. The building itself used to be an elven palace back before they introduced their race to humanity. The building was very much out of the way from the cities and other densely populated areas, to ensure that any hostile aliens attack would be far away from the Council.